x.vweb.assets #
The asset manager for vweb. You can use this asset manager to minify CSS and JavaScript files, combine them into a single file and to make sure the asset you're using exists.
Add AssetManager
to your App struct to use the asset manager.
module main
import x.vweb
import x.vweb.assets
pub struct Context {
pub struct App {
pub mut:
am assets.AssetManager
fn main() {
mut app := &App{}
vweb.run[App, Context](mut app, 8080)
Including assets
If you want to include an asset in your templates you can use the include
method. First pass the type of asset (css or js), then specify the "include name" of an asset.
@{app.am.include(.css, 'main.css')}
Will generate
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/main.css' />
Adding assets
To add an asset use the add
method. You must specify the path of the asset and what its include name will be: the name that you will use in templates.
// add a css file at the path "css/main.css" and set its include name to "main.css"
app.am.add(.css, 'css/main.css', 'main.css')
Minify and Combine assets
If you want to minify each asset you must set the minify
field and specify the cache folder. Each assest you add is minifed and outputted in cache_dir
pub struct App {
pub mut:
am assets.AssetManager = assets.AssetManager{
cache_dir: 'dist'
minify: true
To combine the all currently added assets into a single file you must call the combine
method and specify which asset type you want to combine.
// `combine` returns the path of the minified file
minified_file := app.am.combine(.css)!
Handle folders
You can use the asset manger in combination with vweb's StaticHandler
to serve assets in a folder as static assets.
pub struct App {
pub mut:
am assets.AssetManager
Let's say we have the following folder structure:
├── css/
│ └── main.css
└── js/
└── main.js
We can tell the asset manager to add all assets in the static
fn main() {
mut app := &App{}
// add all assets in the "assets" folder
// serve all files in the "assets" folder as static files
app.handle_static('assets', false)!
// start the app
vweb.run[App, Context](mut app, 8080)
The include name of each minified asset will be set to its relative path, so if you want to include main.css
in your template you would write @{app.am.include('css/main.css')}
If you add an asset folder and want to minify those assets you can call the cleanup_cache
method to remove old files from the cache folder that are no longer needed.
pub struct App {
pub mut:
am assets.AssetManager = assets.AssetManager{
cache_dir: 'dist'
minify: true
fn main() {
mut app := &App{}
// add all assets in the "assets" folder
// remove all old cached files from the cache folder
// serve all files in the "assets" folder as static files
app.handle_static('assets', false)!
// start the app
vweb.run[App, Context](mut app, 8080)
Prefix the include name
You can add a custom prefix to the include name of assets when adding a folder.
// add all assets in the "assets" folder
app.am.handle_assets_at('assets', 'static')!
Now if you want to include main.css
you would write ``@{app.am.include('static/css/main.css')}`
fn minify_css #
fn minify_css(css string) string
Todo: implement proper minification
fn minify_js #
fn minify_js(js string) string
Todo: implement proper minification
enum AssetType #
enum AssetType {
struct Asset #
struct Asset {
kind AssetType
file_path string
last_modified time.Time
include_name string
struct AssetManager #
struct AssetManager {
css []Asset
js []Asset
cached_file_names []string
pub mut:
// when true assets will be minified
minify bool
// the directory to store the cached/combined files
cache_dir string
// how a combined file should be named. For example for css the extension '.css'
// will be added to the end of `combined_file_name`
combined_file_name string = 'combined'
fn (AssetManager) handle_assets #
fn (mut am AssetManager) handle_assets(directory_path string) !
handle_assets recursively walks directory_path
and adds any assets to the asset manager
fn (AssetManager) handle_assets_at #
fn (mut am AssetManager) handle_assets_at(directory_path string, prepend string) !
handle_assets_at recursively walks directory_path
and adds any assets to the asset manager. The include name of assets are prefixed with prepend
fn (AssetManager) get_assets #
fn (am AssetManager) get_assets(asset_type AssetType) []Asset
get all assets of type asset_type
fn (AssetManager) add #
fn (mut am AssetManager) add(asset_type AssetType, file_path string, include_name string) !
add an asset to the asset manager
fn (AssetManager) cleanup_cache #
fn (mut am AssetManager) cleanup_cache() !
cleanup_cache removes all files in the cache directory that aren't cached at the time this function is called
fn (AssetManager) exists #
fn (am AssetManager) exists(asset_type AssetType, include_name string) bool
check if an asset is already added to the asset manager
fn (AssetManager) include #
fn (am AssetManager) include(asset_type AssetType, include_name string) vweb.RawHtml
include css/js files in your vweb app from templates
@{app.am.include(.css, 'main.css')}
fn (AssetManager) combine #
fn (mut am AssetManager) combine(asset_type AssetType) !string
combine assets of type asset_type
into a single file and return the outputted file path. If you call combine
with asset type all
the function will return an empty string, the minified files will be available at combined_file_name