db.mysql #
The db.mysql module can be used to develop software that connects to the popular open source MySQL or MariaDB database servers.
Local setup of a development server:
To run the mysql module tests, or if you want to just experiment, you can use the following command to start a development version of MySQL using docker:
docker run -p 3306:3306 --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=1 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD= -d mysql:latest
The above command will start a server instance without any password for its root account, available to mysql client connections, on tcp port 3306.
You can test that it works by doing: mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1
. You should see a mysql shell (use exit
to end the mysql client session).
Use docker container stop some-mysql
to stop the server.
Use docker container rm some-mysql
to remove it completely, after it is stopped.
Installation of development dependencies:
For Linux, you need to install MySQL development
package and pkg-config
For Windows, install the installer , then copy the include
and lib
folders to <V install directory>\thirdparty\mysql
If you encounter weird errors (your program just exits right away, without printing any messages, even though you have println('hi')
statements in your fn main()
), when trying to run a program that does import db.mysql
on windows, you may need to copy the .dll file: thirdparty/mysql/lib/libmysql.dll
, into the folder of the executable too (it should be right next to the .exe file).
This is a temporary workaround, until we have a more permanent solution, or at least more user friendly errors for that situation.
Basic Usage
import db.mysql
// Create connection
mut connection := mysql.Connection{
username: 'root'
dbname: 'mysql'
// Connect to server
// Change the default database
// Do a query
get_users_query_result := connection.query('SELECT * FROM users')?
// Get the result as maps
for user in get_users_query_result.maps() {
// Access the name of user
// Free the query result
// Close the connection if needed
Constants #
const refresh_grant = u32(C.REFRESH_GRANT)
MySQL refresh flags. Docs: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/8.0/en/mysql-refresh.html
const refresh_log = u32(C.REFRESH_LOG)
const refresh_tables = u32(C.REFRESH_TABLES)
const refresh_hosts = u32(C.REFRESH_HOSTS)
const refresh_status = u32(C.REFRESH_STATUS)
const refresh_threads = u32(C.REFRESH_THREADS)
const refresh_slave = u32(C.REFRESH_SLAVE)
const refresh_master = u32(C.REFRESH_MASTER)
fn connect #
fn connect(config Config) !DB
connect attempts to establish a connection to a MySQL server.
fn debug #
fn debug(debug string)
debug does a DBUG_PUSH
with the given string. debug()
uses the Fred Fish debug library. To use this function, you must compile the client library to support debugging. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/8.0/en/mysql-debug.html
fn get_client_info #
fn get_client_info() string
get_client_info returns client version information as a string.
fn get_client_version #
fn get_client_version() u64
get_client_version returns the client version information as an integer.
enum ConnectionFlag #
enum ConnectionFlag {
client_long_password // (1 << 0) Use the improved version of Old Password Authentication
client_found_rows // (1 << 1) Send found rows instead of affected rows in EOF_Packet
client_long_flag // (1 << 2) Get all column flags
client_connect_with_db // (1 << 3) Database (schema) name can be specified on connect in Handshake Response Packet
client_no_schema // (1 << 4) DEPRECATED: Don't allow database.table.column
client_compress // (1 << 5) Compression protocol supported
client_odbc // (1 << 6) Special handling of ODBC behavior
client_local_files // (1 << 7) Can use LOAD DATA LOCAL
client_ignore_space // (1 << 8) Ignore spaces before '('
client_protocol_41 // (1 << 9) New 4.1 protocol
client_interactive // (1 << 10) This is an interactive client
client_ssl // (1 << 11) Use SSL encryption for the session
client_ignore_sigpipe // (1 << 12) Client only flag
client_transactions // (1 << 13) Client knows about transactions
client_reserved // (1 << 14) DEPRECATED: Old flag for 4.1 protocol
client_reserved2 // (1 << 15) DEPRECATED: Old flag for 4.1 authentication \ CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION
client_multi_statements // (1 << 16) Enable/disable multi-stmt support
client_multi_results // (1 << 17) Enable/disable multi-results
client_ps_multi_results // (1 << 18) Multi-results and OUT parameters in PS-protocol
client_plugin_auth // (1 << 19) Client supports plugin authentication
client_connect_attrs // (1 << 20) Client supports connection attributes
client_plugin_auth_lenenc_client_data // (1 << 21) Enable authentication response packet to be larger than 255 bytes
client_can_handle_expired_passwords // (1 << 22) Don't close the connection for a user account with expired password
client_session_track // (1 << 23) Capable of handling server state change information
client_deprecate_eof // (1 << 24) Client no longer needs EOF_Packet and will use OK_Packet instead
client_optional_resultset_metadata // (1 << 25) The client can handle optional metadata information in the resultset
client_zstd_compression_algorithm // (1 << 26) Compression protocol extended to support zstd compression method
client_query_attributes // (1 << 27) Support optional extension for query parameters into the COM_QUERY and COM_STMT_EXECUTE packets
multi_factor_authentication // (1 << 28) Support Multi factor authentication
client_capability_extension // (1 << 29) This flag will be reserved to extend the 32bit capabilities structure to 64bits
client_ssl_verify_server_cert // (1 << 30) Verify server certificate
client_remember_options // (1 << 31) Don't reset the options after an unsuccessful connect
Values for the capabilities flag bitmask used by the MySQL protocol. See more on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/dev/mysql-server/latest/group__group__cs__capabilities__flags.html#details
enum FieldType #
enum FieldType {
type_json = 245
FieldType is a list of all supported MYSQL field types.
fn (FieldType) str #
fn (f FieldType) str() string
str returns a text representation of the field type f
fn (FieldType) get_len #
fn (f FieldType) get_len() u32
get_len returns the length in bytes, for the given field type f
. Should be deleted after the time
type reimplementation.
struct C.MYSQL #
struct C.MYSQL {
struct C.MYSQL_BIND #
struct C.MYSQL_BIND {
buffer_type int
buffer voidptr
buffer_length u32
length &u32
struct C.MYSQL_FIELD #
struct C.MYSQL_FIELD {
name &u8 // Name of column
org_name &u8 // Original column name, if an alias
table &u8 // Table of column if column was a field
org_table &u8 // Org table name, if table was an alias
db &u8 // Name of the database that the field comes from
catalog &u8 // Catalog for table
def &u8 // Default value (set by `mysql_list_fields`)
length int // Width of column (create length)
max_length int // Max width for selected set
name_length u32
org_name_length u32
table_length u32
org_table_length u32
db_length u32
catalog_length u32
def_length u32
flags u32 // Bit-flags that describe the field
decimals u32 // Number of decimals in field
charsetnr u32 // Character set
type int // Type of field. See enums.v for types
struct C.MYSQL_RES #
struct C.MYSQL_RES {
struct C.MYSQL_STMT #
struct C.MYSQL_STMT {
mysql &C.MYSQL
stmt_id u32
struct Config #
struct Config {
pub mut:
host string = ''
port u32 = 3306
username string
password string
dbname string
flag ConnectionFlag
// SSL params, only valid when set .client_ssl
ssl_key string
ssl_cert string
ssl_ca string
ssl_capath string
ssl_cipher string
struct DB #
struct DB {
conn &C.MYSQL = unsafe { nil }
fn (DB) affected_rows #
fn (db &DB) affected_rows() u64
affected_rows returns the number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last statement if it was an UPDATE
fn (DB) autocommit #
fn (mut db DB) autocommit(mode bool) !
autocommit turns on/off the auto-committing mode for the connection. When it is on, then each query is committed right away.
fn (DB) change_user #
fn (mut db DB) change_user(username string, password string, dbname string) !bool
change_user changes the mysql user for the connection. Passing an empty string for the dbname
parameter, resultsg in only changing the user and not changing the default database for the connection.
fn (DB) close #
fn (mut db DB) close()
close closes the connection.
fn (DB) commit #
fn (db &DB) commit() !
commit commits the current transaction.
fn (DB) create #
fn (db DB) create(table string, fields []orm.TableField) !
create is used internally by V's ORM for processing table creation queries (DDL)
fn (DB) delete #
fn (db DB) delete(table string, where orm.QueryData) !
delete is used internally by V's ORM for processing DELETE
fn (DB) drop #
fn (db DB) drop(table string) !
drop is used internally by V's ORM for processing table destroying queries (DDL)
fn (DB) dump_debug_info #
fn (mut db DB) dump_debug_info() !bool
dump_debug_info instructs the server to write debugging information to the error log. The connected user must have the SUPER
fn (DB) escape_string #
fn (db &DB) escape_string(s string) string
escape_string creates a legal SQL string for use in an SQL statement. The s
argument is encoded to produce an escaped SQL string, taking into account the current character set of the connection.
fn (DB) exec #
fn (db &DB) exec(query string) ![]Row
exec executes the query
on the given db
, and returns an array of all the results, or an error on failure
fn (DB) exec_none #
fn (db &DB) exec_none(query string) int
exec_none executes the query
on the given db
, and returns the integer MySQL result code Use it, in case you don't expect any row results, but still want a result code. e.g. for queries like these: INSERT INTO ... VALUES (...)
fn (DB) exec_one #
fn (db &DB) exec_one(query string) !Row
exec_one executes the query
on the given db
, and returns either the first row from the result, if the query was successful, or an error
fn (DB) exec_param #
fn (db &DB) exec_param(query string, param string) ![]Row
exec_param executes the query
with one parameter provided as an ?
in the query It returns either the full result set, or an error on failure
fn (DB) exec_param_many #
fn (db &DB) exec_param_many(query string, params []string) ![]Row
exec_param_many executes the query
with parameters provided as ?
's in the query It returns either the full result set, or an error on failure
fn (DB) get_host_info #
fn (db &DB) get_host_info() string
get_host_info returns a string describing the type of connection in use, including the server host name.
fn (DB) get_option #
fn (db &DB) get_option(option_type int) !voidptr
get_option returns the value of an option, settable by set_option
. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/5.7/en/mysql-get-option.html
fn (DB) get_server_info #
fn (db &DB) get_server_info() string
get_server_info returns a string representing the MySQL server version. For example, 8.0.24
fn (DB) get_server_version #
fn (db &DB) get_server_version() u64
get_server_version returns an integer, representing the MySQL server version. The value has the format XYYZZ
where X
is the major version, YY
is the release level (or minor version), and ZZ
is the sub-version within the release level. For example, 8.0.24
is returned as 80024
fn (DB) info #
fn (db &DB) info() string
info returns information about the most recently executed query. See more on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/8.0/en/mysql-info.html
fn (DB) init_stmt #
fn (db DB) init_stmt(query string) Stmt
init_stmt creates a new statement, given the query
fn (DB) insert #
fn (db DB) insert(table string, data orm.QueryData) !
insert is used internally by V's ORM for processing INSERT
fn (DB) last_id #
fn (db DB) last_id() int
last_id is used internally by V's ORM for post-processing INSERT
fn (DB) ping #
fn (mut db DB) ping() !bool
ping pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down.
fn (DB) prepare #
fn (db &DB) prepare(query string) !StmtHandle
prepare takes in a query string, returning a StmtHandle that can then be used to execute the query as many times as needed, which must be closed manually by the user Placeholders are represented by ?
fn (DB) query #
fn (db &DB) query(q string) !Result
query executes the SQL statement pointed to by the string q
. It cannot be used for statements that contain binary data; Use real_query()
fn (DB) real_query #
fn (mut db DB) real_query(q string) !Result
real_query makes an SQL query and receive the results. real_query()
can be used for statements containing binary data. (Binary data may contain the \0
character, which query()
interprets as the end of the statement string). In addition, real_query()
is faster than query()
fn (DB) refresh #
fn (mut db DB) refresh(options u32) !bool
refresh flush the tables or caches, or resets replication server information. The connected user must have the RELOAD
fn (DB) reset #
fn (mut db DB) reset() !bool
reset resets the connection, and clear the session state.
fn (DB) select #
fn (db DB) select(config orm.SelectConfig, data orm.QueryData, where orm.QueryData) ![][]orm.Primitive
select is used internally by V's ORM for processing SELECT
fn (DB) select_db #
fn (mut db DB) select_db(dbname string) !bool
select_db causes the database specified by db
to become the default (current) database on the connection specified by mysql.
fn (DB) set_option #
fn (mut db DB) set_option(option_type int, val voidptr)
set_option sets extra connect options that affect the behavior of a connection. This function may be called multiple times to set several options. To retrieve the current values for an option, use get_option()
fn (DB) tables #
fn (db &DB) tables(wildcard string) ![]string
tables returns a list of the names of the tables in the current database, that match the simple regular expression specified by the wildcard
parameter. The wildcard
parameter may contain the wildcard characters %
or _
. If an empty string is passed, it will return all tables. Calling tables()
is similar to executing query SHOW TABLES [LIKE wildcard]
fn (DB) update #
fn (db DB) update(table string, data orm.QueryData, where orm.QueryData) !
update is used internally by V's ORM for processing UPDATE
fn (DB) use_result #
fn (db &DB) use_result()
use_result reads the result of a query used after invoking mysql_real_query() or mysql_query(), for every statement that successfully produces a result set (SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, CHECK TABLE, and so forth). This reads the result of a query directly from the server without storing it in a temporary table or local buffer, mysql_use_result is faster and uses much less memory than C.mysql_store_result(). You must mysql_free_result() after you are done with the result set.
struct Field #
struct Field {
name string
org_name string
table string
org_table string
db string
catalog string
def string
length int
max_length int
name_length u32
org_name_length u32
table_length u32
org_table_length u32
db_length u32
catalog_length u32
def_length u32
flags u32
decimals u32
charsetnr u32
type FieldType
fn (Field) str #
fn (f Field) str() string
str serializes the field.
struct Result #
struct Result {
result &C.MYSQL_RES = unsafe { nil }
fn (Result) fetch_row #
fn (r Result) fetch_row() &&u8
fetch_row fetches the next row from a result.
fn (Result) n_rows #
fn (r Result) n_rows() u64
n_rows returns the number of rows from a result.
fn (Result) n_fields #
fn (r Result) n_fields() int
n_fields returns the number of columns from a result.
fn (Result) rows #
fn (r Result) rows() []Row
rows returns array of rows, each containing an array of values, one for each column.
fn (Result) maps #
fn (r Result) maps() []map[string]string
maps returns an array of maps, each containing a set of field name: field value pairs.
fn (Result) fields #
fn (r Result) fields() []Field
fields returns an array of fields/columns. The definitions apply primarily for columns of results, such as those produced by SELECT
fn (Result) free #
fn (r &Result) free()
free frees the memory used by a result.
struct Row #
struct Row {
pub mut:
vals []string
struct Stmt #
struct Stmt {
stmt &C.MYSQL_STMT = &C.MYSQL_STMT(unsafe { nil })
query string
binds []C.MYSQL_BIND
fn (Stmt) str #
fn (s &Stmt) str() string
str returns a text representation of the given mysql statement s
fn (Stmt) prepare #
fn (stmt Stmt) prepare() !
prepare a statement for execution.
fn (Stmt) bind_params #
fn (stmt Stmt) bind_params() !
bind_params binds all the parameters in stmt
fn (Stmt) execute #
fn (stmt Stmt) execute() !int
execute executes the given stmt
and waits for the result.
fn (Stmt) next #
fn (stmt Stmt) next() !int
next retrieves the next available result from the execution of stmt
fn (Stmt) gen_metadata #
fn (stmt Stmt) gen_metadata() &C.MYSQL_RES
gen_metadata executes mysql_stmt_result_metadata over the given stmt
It requires that the statement has produced a result set, since the metadata will be for that result set. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/5.7/en/mysql-stmt-result-metadata.html
fn (Stmt) fetch_fields #
fn (stmt Stmt) fetch_fields(res &C.MYSQL_RES) &C.MYSQL_FIELD
fetch_fields retrieves the fields from the metadata result of the execution of stmt
. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/5.7/en/mysql-fetch-fields.html See also Result.n_fields for the size of the returned C array.
fn (Stmt) fetch_stmt #
fn (stmt Stmt) fetch_stmt() !int
fetch_stmt fetches the next row in the result set. It returns the status of the execution of mysql_stmt_fetch . See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/5.7/en/mysql-stmt-fetch.html
fn (Stmt) close #
fn (stmt Stmt) close() !
close disposes the prepared stmt
. The statement becomes invalid, and should not be used anymore after this call. If the current statement has pending or unread results, this method cancels them too. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/5.7/en/mysql-stmt-close.html
fn (Stmt) error #
fn (stmt Stmt) error(code int) IError
error returns a proper V error with a human readable description, given the error code returned by MySQL
fn (Stmt) bind_bool #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_bool(b &bool)
bind_bool binds a single boolean value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_byte #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_byte(b &u8)
bind_byte binds a single byte value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_u8 #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_u8(b &u8)
bind_u8 binds a single u8 value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_i8 #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_i8(b &i8)
bind_i8 binds a single i8 value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_i16 #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_i16(b &i16)
bind_i16 binds a single i16 value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_u16 #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_u16(b &u16)
bind_u16 binds a single u16 value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_int #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_int(b &int)
bind_int binds a single int value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_u32 #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_u32(b &u32)
bind_u32 binds a single u32 value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_i64 #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_i64(b &i64)
bind_i64 binds a single i64 value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_u64 #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_u64(b &u64)
bind_u64 binds a single u64 value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_f32 #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_f32(b &f32)
bind_f32 binds a single f32 value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_f64 #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_f64(b &f64)
bind_f64 binds a single f64 value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_text #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_text(b string)
bind_text binds a single string value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_null #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_null()
bind_null binds a single NULL value to the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind(typ int, buffer voidptr, buf_len u32)
bind binds a single value pointed by buffer
, to the statement stmt
. The buffer length must be passed as well in buf_len
Note: it is more convenient to use one of the other bind_XYZ methods.
fn (Stmt) bind_res #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_res(fields &C.MYSQL_FIELD, dataptr []&u8, lengths []u32, num_fields int)
bind_res will store one result in the statement stmt
fn (Stmt) bind_result_buffer #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) bind_result_buffer() !
bind_result_buffer binds one result value, by calling mysql_stmt_bind_result . See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/8.0/en/mysql-stmt-bind-result.html
fn (Stmt) store_result #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) store_result() !
store_result will buffer the complete result set from the execution of stmt
on the client side.
Note: result sets are produced by calling mysql_stmt_execute() to executed prepared statements for SQL statements such as SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, and EXPLAIN. By default, result sets for successfully executed prepared statements are not buffered on the client, and mysql_stmt_fetch() fetches them one at a time from the server. Note 2: call store_result, after binding data buffers with bind_result_buffer, and before calling fetch_stmt to fetch rows. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/c-api/8.0/en/mysql-stmt-store-result.html
fn (Stmt) fetch_column #
fn (mut stmt Stmt) fetch_column(bind &C.MYSQL_BIND, column int) !
fetch_column fetches one column from the current result set row. bind
provides the buffer where data should be placed. It should be set up the same way as for mysql_stmt_bind_result()
. column
indicates which column to fetch. The first column is numbered 0.
struct StmtHandle #
struct StmtHandle {
stmt &C.MYSQL_STMT = &C.MYSQL_STMT(unsafe { nil })
db DB
A StmtHandle is created through prepare, it will be bound to one DB connection and will become unusable if the connection is closed
fn (StmtHandle) execute #
fn (stmt &StmtHandle) execute(params []string) ![]Row
execute takes in an array of params that will be bound to the statement, followed by it's execution Returns an array of Rows, which will be empty if nothing is returned from the query, or possibly an error value
fn (StmtHandle) close #
fn (stmt &StmtHandle) close()
close acts on a StmtHandle to close the mysql Stmt meaning it is no longer available for use
- Constants
- fn connect
- fn debug
- fn get_client_info
- fn get_client_version
- enum ConnectionFlag
- enum FieldType
- struct C.MYSQL
- struct C.MYSQL_BIND
- struct C.MYSQL_FIELD
- struct C.MYSQL_RES
- struct C.MYSQL_STMT
- struct Config
- struct DB
- fn affected_rows
- fn autocommit
- fn change_user
- fn close
- fn commit
- fn create
- fn delete
- fn drop
- fn dump_debug_info
- fn escape_string
- fn exec
- fn exec_none
- fn exec_one
- fn exec_param
- fn exec_param_many
- fn get_host_info
- fn get_option
- fn get_server_info
- fn get_server_version
- fn info
- fn init_stmt
- fn insert
- fn last_id
- fn ping
- fn prepare
- fn query
- fn real_query
- fn refresh
- fn reset
- fn select
- fn select_db
- fn set_option
- fn tables
- fn update
- fn use_result
- struct Field
- struct Result
- struct Row
- struct Stmt
- fn str
- fn prepare
- fn bind_params
- fn execute
- fn next
- fn gen_metadata
- fn fetch_fields
- fn fetch_stmt
- fn close
- fn error
- fn bind_bool
- fn bind_byte
- fn bind_u8
- fn bind_i8
- fn bind_i16
- fn bind_u16
- fn bind_int
- fn bind_u32
- fn bind_i64
- fn bind_u64
- fn bind_f32
- fn bind_f64
- fn bind_text
- fn bind_null
- fn bind
- fn bind_res
- fn bind_result_buffer
- fn store_result
- fn fetch_column
- struct StmtHandle