crypto.ed25519 #
implements the ed25519
public key digital signature algorithm for the V Language. The module is ported from the Go
version of crypto.ed25519
See Ed25519 for more detail about ed25519
Constants #
const public_key_size = 32
public_key_size is the sizeof public keys in bytes
const private_key_size = 64
private_key_size is the sizeof private keys in bytes
const signature_size = 64
signature_size is the size of signatures generated and verified by this modules, in bytes.
const seed_size = 32
seed_size is the size of private key seeds in bytes
fn generate_key #
fn generate_key() !(PublicKey, PrivateKey)
generate_key generates a public/private key pair entropy using crypto.rand
fn new_key_from_seed #
fn new_key_from_seed(seed []u8) PrivateKey
new_key_from_seed calculates a private key from a seed. private keys of RFC 8032 correspond to seeds in this module
fn sign #
fn sign(privatekey PrivateKey, message []u8) ![]u8
sign`signs the message with privatekey and returns a signature
fn verify #
fn verify(publickey PublicKey, message []u8, sig []u8) !bool
verify reports whether sig is a valid signature of message by publickey.
type PrivateKey #
type PrivateKey = []u8
PrivateKey is Ed25519 private keys
fn (PrivateKey) seed #
fn (priv PrivateKey) seed() []u8
seed returns the private key seed corresponding to priv. RFC 8032's private keys correspond to seeds in this module.
fn (PrivateKey) public_key #
fn (priv PrivateKey) public_key() PublicKey
public_key returns the []u8 corresponding to priv.
fn (PrivateKey) equal #
fn (priv PrivateKey) equal(x []u8) bool
currentyly x not crypto.PrivateKey
fn (PrivateKey) sign #
fn (priv PrivateKey) sign(message []u8) ![]u8
sign signs the given message with priv.
type PublicKey #
type PublicKey = []u8
is Ed25519 public keys.
fn (PublicKey) equal #
fn (p PublicKey) equal(x []u8) bool
equal reports whether p and x have the same value.