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veb.auth #


veb.auth is a module that helps with common logic required for authentication.

It allows to easily generate hashed and salted passwords and to compare password hashes.

It also handles authentication tokens, including DB table creation and insertion. All DBs are supported.


import veb
import veb.auth

pub struct App {
pub mut:
    db   pg.DB
    auth auth.Auth[pg.DB] // or auth.Auth[sqlite.DB] etc

const port = 8081

pub struct Context {
    current_user User

struct User {
    id            int @[primary; sql: serial]
    name          string
    password_hash string
    salt          string

fn main() {
    mut app := &App{
        db: pg.connect(host: 'localhost', user: 'postgres', password: '', dbname: 'postgres')!
    app.auth =[App, Context](mut app, port)

pub fn (mut app App) register_user(mut ctx Context, name string, password string) veb.Result {
    salt := auth.generate_salt()
    new_user := User{
        name:          name
        password_hash: auth.hash_password_with_salt(password, salt)
        salt:          salt
    sql app.db {
        insert new_user into User
    } or {}

    // Get new user ID (until RETURNING is supported by ORM)
    if x := app.find_user_by_name(name) {
        // Generate and insert the token using user ID
        token := app.auth.add_token( or { '' }
        // Authenticate the user by adding the token to the cookies
        ctx.set_cookie(name: 'token', value: token)

    return ctx.redirect('/')

pub fn (mut app App) login_post(mut ctx Context, name string, password string) veb.Result {
    user := app.find_user_by_name(name) or {
        ctx.error('Bad credentials')
        return ctx.redirect('/login')
    // Verify user password using veb.auth
    if !auth.compare_password_with_hash(password, user.salt, user.password_hash) {
        ctx.error('Bad credentials')
        return ctx.redirect('/login')
    // Find the user token in the Token table
    token := app.auth.add_token( or { '' }
    // Authenticate the user by adding the token to the cookies
    ctx.set_cookie(name: 'token', value: token)
    return ctx.redirect('/')

pub fn (mut app App) find_user_by_name(name string) ?User {
    // ... db query
    return User{}

Security considerations

hash_password_with_salt and its related functions use sha256 for hashing with a single iteration. This is not secure for production use, and you should use a more secure hashing algorithm and multiple iterations.

See also:- OWASP Password Storage Cheat Sheet

fn compare_password_with_hash #

fn compare_password_with_hash(plain_text_password string, salt string, hashed string) bool

fn generate_salt #

fn generate_salt() string

fn hash_password_with_salt #

fn hash_password_with_salt(plain_text_password string, salt string) string

fn new #

fn new[T](db T) Auth[T]

fn set_rand_crypto_safe_seed #

fn set_rand_crypto_safe_seed()

fn (Auth[T]) add_token #

fn (mut app Auth[T]) add_token(user_id int) !string

fn (mut app App) add_token(user_id int, ip string) !string {

fn (Auth[T]) find_token #

fn (app &Auth[T]) find_token(value string) ?Token

fn (Auth[T]) delete_tokens #

fn (mut app Auth[T]) delete_tokens(user_id int) !

struct Auth #

struct Auth[T] {
	db T
	// pub:
	// salt string

struct Request #

struct Request {
	client_id     string
	client_secret string
	code          string
	state         string

struct Token #

struct Token {
	id      int @[primary; sql: serial]
	user_id int
	value   string
	// ip      string