encoding.base58 #
Constants #
const btc_alphabet = new_alphabet('123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz') or {
const flickr_alphabet = new_alphabet('123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ') or {
const ripple_alphabet = new_alphabet('rpshnaf39wBUDNEGHJKLM4PQRST7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8oFqi1tuvAxyz') or {
const alphabets = {
'btc': btc_alphabet
'flickr': flickr_alphabet
'ripple': ripple_alphabet
alphabets is a map of common base58 alphabets:
fn decode #
fn decode(str string) !string
decode decodes the base58 input string, using the Bitcoin alphabet
fn decode_bytes #
fn decode_bytes(input []u8) ![]u8
decode_bytes decodes the base58 encoded input array, using the Bitcoin alphabet
fn decode_int #
fn decode_int(input string) !int
decode_int decodes base58 string to an integer with Bitcoin alphabet
fn decode_int_walpha #
fn decode_int_walpha(input string, alphabet Alphabet) !int
decode_int_walpha decodes base58 string to an integer with custom alphabet
fn decode_walpha #
fn decode_walpha(input string, alphabet Alphabet) !string
decode_walpha decodes the base58 encoded input string, using custom alphabet
fn decode_walpha_bytes #
fn decode_walpha_bytes(input []u8, alphabet Alphabet) ![]u8
decode_walpha_bytes decodes the base58 encoded input array using a custom alphabet
fn encode #
fn encode(input string) string
encode encodes the input string to base58 with the Bitcoin alphabet
fn encode_bytes #
fn encode_bytes(input []u8) []u8
encode_bytes encodes the input array to base58, with the Bitcoin alphabet
fn encode_int #
fn encode_int(input int) !string
encode_int encodes any integer type to base58 string with Bitcoin alphabet
fn encode_int_walpha #
fn encode_int_walpha(input int, alphabet Alphabet) !string
encode_int_walpha any integer type to base58 string with custom alphabet
fn encode_walpha #
fn encode_walpha(input string, alphabet Alphabet) string
encode_walpha encodes the input string to base58 with a custom aplhabet
fn encode_walpha_bytes #
fn encode_walpha_bytes(input []u8, alphabet Alphabet) []u8
encode_walpha encodes the input array to base58 with a custom aplhabet
fn new_alphabet #
fn new_alphabet(str string) !Alphabet
new_alphabet instantiates an Alphabet object based on the provided characters
fn (Alphabet) str #
fn (alphabet Alphabet) str() string
str returns an Alphabet encode table byte array as a string