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clipboard.x11 #

fn new_clipboard #

fn new_clipboard() &Clipboard

new_clipboard returns a new Clipboard instance allocated on the heap. The Clipboard resources can be released with free()

fn new_primary #

fn new_primary() &Clipboard

new_primary returns a new X11 PRIMARY type Clipboard instance allocated on the heap. Please note: new_primary only works on X11 based systems.

struct C.Display #

struct C.Display {}


struct C.XDestroyWindowEvent #

struct C.XDestroyWindowEvent {
	window Window

struct C.XSelectionClearEvent #

struct C.XSelectionClearEvent {
	window    Window
	selection Atom

struct C.XSelectionEvent #

struct C.XSelectionEvent {
	type      int
	display   &C.Display = unsafe { nil } // Display the event was read from
	requestor Window
	selection Atom
	target    Atom
	property  Atom
	time      int

struct C.XSelectionRequestEvent #

struct C.XSelectionRequestEvent {
	display   &C.Display = unsafe { nil } // Display the event was read from
	owner     Window
	requestor Window
	selection Atom
	target    Atom
	property  Atom
	time      int

struct Clipboard #

struct Clipboard {
	display &C.Display = unsafe { nil }
	selection Atom // the selection atom
	window    Window
	atoms     []Atom
	mutex     &sync.Mutex = sync.new_mutex()
	text      string // text data sent or received
	got_text  bool   // used to confirm that we have got the text
	is_owner  bool   // to save selection owner state

fn (Clipboard) check_availability #

fn (cb &Clipboard) check_availability() bool

check_availability returns true if the clipboard is available for use.

fn (Clipboard) free #

fn (mut cb Clipboard) free()

free releases the clipboard resources.

fn (Clipboard) clear #

fn (mut cb Clipboard) clear()

clear clears the clipboard (sets it to an empty string).

fn (Clipboard) has_ownership #

fn (cb &Clipboard) has_ownership() bool

has_ownership returns true if the Clipboard has the content ownership.

fn (Clipboard) set_text #

fn (mut cb Clipboard) set_text(text string) bool

set_text stores text in the system clipboard.

fn (Clipboard) get_text #

fn (mut cb Clipboard) get_text() string

get_text returns the current entry as a string from the clipboard.