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io.string_reader #

fn #

fn StringReaderParams) StringReader

new creates a new StringReader and sets the string builder size to initial_size. If a source

struct StringReader #

struct StringReader {
	reader ?io.Reader
	offset int // current offset in the buffer
pub mut:
	end_of_stream bool // whether we reached the end of the upstream reader
	builder       strings.Builder

StringReader is able to read data from a Reader interface and/or source string to a dynamically growing buffer using a string builder. Unlike the BufferedReader, StringReader will keep the entire contents of the buffer in memory, allowing the incoming data to be reused and read in an efficient matter. The StringReader will not set a maximum capacity to the string builders buffer and could grow very large.

fn (StringReader) needs_fill #

fn (r StringReader) needs_fill() bool

needs_fill returns whether the buffer needs refilling

fn (StringReader) needs_fill_until #

fn (r StringReader) needs_fill_until(n int) bool

needs_fill_until returns whether the buffer needs refilling in order to read n bytes

fn (StringReader) fill_buffer #

fn (mut r StringReader) fill_buffer(read_till_end_of_stream bool) !int

fill_bufer tries to read data into the buffer until either a 0 length read or if read_to_end_of_stream is true then the end of the stream. It returns the number of bytes read

fn (StringReader) fill_buffer_until #

fn (mut r StringReader) fill_buffer_until(n int) !int

fill_buffer_until tries read n amount of bytes from the reader into the buffer and returns the actual number of bytes read

fn (StringReader) read_all_bytes #

fn (mut r StringReader) read_all_bytes(read_till_end_of_stream bool) ![]u8

read_all_bytes reads all bytes from a reader until either a 0 length read or if read_to_end_of_stream is true then the end of the stream. It returns a copy of the read data

fn (StringReader) read_all #

fn (mut r StringReader) read_all(read_till_end_of_stream bool) !string

read_all reads all bytes from a reader until either a 0 length read or if read_to_end_of_stream is true then the end of the stream. It produces a string from the read data

fn (StringReader) read_bytes #

fn (mut r StringReader) read_bytes(n int) ![]u8

read_bytes tries to read n amount of bytes from the reader

fn (StringReader) read_string #

fn (mut r StringReader) read_string(n int) !string

read_bytes tries to read n amount of bytes from the reader and produces a string from the read data

fn (StringReader) read #

fn (mut r StringReader) read(mut buf []u8) !int

read implements the Reader interface

fn (StringReader) read_line #

fn (mut r StringReader) read_line(config io.BufferedReadLineConfig) !string

read_line attempts to read a line from the reader. It will read until it finds the specified line delimiter such as (\n, the default or \0) or the end of stream.

fn (StringReader) write #

fn (mut r StringReader) write(buf []u8) !int

write implements the Writer interface

fn (StringReader) get_data #

fn (r StringReader) get_data() []u8

get_data returns a copy of the buffer

fn (StringReader) get_part #

fn (r StringReader) get_part(start int, n int) ![]u8

get get_part returns a copy of a part of the buffer from start till start + n

fn (StringReader) get_string #

fn (r StringReader) get_string() string

get_string produces a string from all the bytes in the buffer

fn (StringReader) get_string_part #

fn (r StringReader) get_string_part(start int, n int) !string

get_string_part produces a string from start till start + n of the buffer

fn (StringReader) flush #

fn (mut r StringReader) flush() string

flush clears the stringbuilder and returns the resulting string and the stringreaders offset is reset to 0

fn (StringReader) free #

fn (mut r StringReader) free()

free frees the memory block used for the string builders buffer, a new string builder with size 0 is initialized and the stringreaders offset is reset to 0

struct StringReaderParams #

struct StringReaderParams {
	// the reader interface
	reader ?io.Reader
	// initialize the builder with this source string
	source ?string
	// if no source is given the string builder is initialized with this size
	initial_size int