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x.ttf #

TTF font utility


This module is designed to perform two main task

  • Load the font file
  • Render text using a TTF font

The render system can be single or multiple, for example it is possible to have a bitmap render and a HW accelerated render.

TTF loader

This part of the module do a simple task, load a TTF file and preprocess all the loaded data in order to simplify the rendering phase.

Let's start with a simple snippet of code that load a font from the disk:

mut ttf_font := ttf.TTF_File{}
ttf_font.buf = os.read_bytes('arial.ttf') or { panic(err) }

Note > The font must be passed to the TTF_file as RAM buffer.

At this point the font "arial" is loaded and parsed and if it is a valid TTF font it is ready for the rendering. We can get some quick info on the font as string using the get_info_string function:


produces an output like this:

----- Font Info -----
font_family     : Arial
font_sub_family : Normal
full_name       : Arial
postscript_name : ArialMT
version         : 1
font_revision   : 5.06
magic_number    : 5f0f3cf5
flags           : 81b
created  unixTS : 649950890
modified unixTS : 1282151447
units_per_em    : 2048
box             : [x_min:-1361, y_min:-665, x_Max:4096, y_Max:2060]
mac_style       : 0

Once loaded a font the TTF_File struct is filled with the font data and texts can be rendered. At high level no more action are required to use the loaded font. Multiple fonts can be loaded without problems at the same time.

TTF Bitmap render

In this module it is possible to have different renders running at the same time. At the present time all the rendering are made on the CPU, sokol is used only to draw the rendered text to the screen. Let's start with a simple snippet of code:

import os
import x.ttf

fn main() {
    mut ttf_font := ttf.TTF_File{}
    ttf_font.buf = os.read_bytes('arial.ttf') or { panic(err) }
    // print font info

This simple code load a TTF font and display its basic information.


The draw text function draw simple strings without indentation or other imagination tasks. At this point we can render a simple text:

import os
import x.ttf

fn main() {
    mut ttf_font := ttf.TTF_File{}
    ttf_font.buf = os.read_bytes('arial.ttf') or { panic(err) }
    // print font info

    bmp_width := 200
    bmp_height := 64
    bmp_layers := 4 // number of planes for an RGBA buffer
    // memory size of the buffer
    bmp_size := bmp_width * bmp_height * bmp_layers

    font_size := 32 // font size in points
    device_dpi := 72 // default screen DPI
    // Formula for scale calculation
    // scaler := (font_size * device dpi) / (72dpi * em_unit)
    scale := f32(font_size * device_dpi) / f32(72 * ttf_font.units_per_em)
    // height of the font to use in the buffer to separate the lines
    y_base := int((ttf_font.y_max - ttf_font.y_min) * scale)

    // declare the bitmap struct
    mut bmp := ttf.BitMap{
        tf:       &ttf_font
        buf:      malloc(bmp_size)
        buf_size: bmp_size
        width:    bmp_width
        height:   bmp_height
        bp:       bmp_layers
        color:    00x000000FF // RGBA black
        scale:    scale
    bmp.set_pos(10, y_base)
    bmp.draw_text('Test Text!')

This is the low level render that draw the text on a bitmap and save the bitmap on a disk as .ppm file.

Note > The render in this case is a raw rendering without any postfiltering or other processing.

Using the low level rendering you need to manage all the amenities like allocate and release memory and other tasks like calc the character dimensions.

You can specify the style for the text rendering in the BitMap struct::

enum Style {
    filled // default style

Use this level only if you want achieve particular result on text rendering.


Draw text block draw a justified and indented block of multiline text in the bitmap.

import os
import x.ttf

fn main() {
    mut ttf_font := ttf.TTF_File{}
    ttf_font.buf = os.read_bytes('arial.ttf') or { panic(err) }
    // print font info

    bmp_width := 200
    bmp_height := 200
    bmp_layers := 4 // number of planes for an RGBA buffer
    // memory size of the buffer
    bmp_size := bmp_width * bmp_height * bmp_layers

    font_size := 32 // font size in points
    device_dpi := 72 // default screen DPI
    // Formula for scale calculation
    // scaler := (font_size * device dpi) / (72dpi * em_unit)
    scale := f32(font_size * device_dpi) / f32(72 * ttf_font.units_per_em)
    // height of the font to use in the buffer to separate the lines
    y_base := int((ttf_font.y_max - ttf_font.y_min) * scale)

    text := 'Today it is a good day!
Tomorrow I'm not so sure :(
But Vwill prevail for sure, V is the way!!
    // declare the bitmap struct
    mut bmp := ttf.BitMap{
        tf:       &ttf_font
        buf:      malloc(bmp_size)
        buf_size: bmp_size
        width:    bmp_width
        height:   bmp_height
        bp:       bmp_layers
        color:    00x000000FF // RGBA black
        scale:    scale
    bmp.justify = true
    bmp.align = .left
    bmp.draw_text_block(text, x: 0, y: 0, w: bmp_width - 20, h: bmp_height)

This is the low level render that draw text block on the bitmap. A text block is defined from a Text_block struct:

struct Text_block {
    x         int // x position of the left high corner
    y         int // y position of the left high corner
    w         int // width of the text block
    h         int // height of the text block
    cut_lines bool = true // force to cut the line if the length is over the text block width

and use the following bitmap fields:

    style              Style      = .filled // default style
    align              Text_align = .left   // default text align
    justify            bool				    // justify text flag, default deactivated
    justify_fill_ratio f32        = 0.5     // justify fill ratio, if the ratio of the filled
                                            // row is >= of this then justify the text

It is possible to modify these parameters to obtain the desired effect on the text rendering.

TTF Sokol render

The sokol render use the bitmap render to create the text and the gg functions to render the text to the screen. It is simpler to use in a gg app than the raw bitmap render. Each single text rendered need its own reder to be declared, after you can modify it. Here a simple example of the usage:

import gg
import gx
import sokol.sapp
import sokol.sgl
import sokol.gfx
import x.ttf
import os

const win_width = 600
const win_height = 700
const bg_color = gx.white
const font_paths = [

struct App_data {
pub mut:
    gg        &gg.Context = unsafe { nil }
    sg_img    gfx.Image
    init_flag bool
    frame_c   int

    tf         []ttf.TTF_File
    ttf_render []ttf.TTF_render_Sokol

fn my_init(mut app App_data) {
    app.init_flag = true

fn draw_frame(mut app App_data) {
    cframe_txt :='Current Frame: ${app.frame_c}'

    sgl.ortho(0.0, f32(sapp.width()), f32(sapp.height()), 0.0, -1.0, 1.0)

    // draw text only if the app is already initialized
    if app.init_flag == true {
        // update the text
        mut txt1 := &app.ttf_render[0]
        txt1.create_text(cframe_txt, 43)
        txt1.draw_text_bmp(, 30, 60)

fn main() {
    mut app := &App_data{} = gg.new_context(
        width:         win_width
        height:        win_height
        create_window: true
        window_title:  'Test TTF module'
        user_data:     app
        bg_color:      bg_color
        frame_fn:      draw_frame
        init_fn:       my_init

    // load TTF fonts
    for font_path in font_paths {
        mut tf := ttf.TTF_File{}
        tf.buf = os.read_bytes(font_path) or { panic(err) }
        println('TrueTypeFont file [${font_path}] len: ${tf.buf.len}')
        println(tf.get_info_string()) << tf

    // TTF render 0 Frame counter
    app.ttf_render << &ttf.TTF_render_Sokol{
        bmp: &ttf.BitMap{
            tf:       &[0]
            buf:      unsafe { malloc(32000000) }
            buf_size: (32000000)
            color:    0xFF0000FF
            // style: .raw

fn color_multiply #

fn color_multiply(c u32, level f32) u32

color_multiply multiplies R,G,B channels of color c with the level value.

fn color_multiply_alpha #

fn color_multiply_alpha(c u32, level f32) u32

color_multiply_alpha multiplies color c's alpha channel with the level value.

enum Style #

enum Style {

draw style

enum Text_align #

enum Text_align {

text align

struct BitMap #

struct BitMap {
pub mut:
	tf       &TTF_File = unsafe { nil }
	buf      &u8       = unsafe { nil } // pointer to the memory buffer
	buf_size int // allocated buf size in bytes
	width    int = 1           // width of the buffer
	height   int = 1           // height of the buffer
	bp       int = 4           // byte per pixel of the buffer
	bg_color u32 = 00xFFFFFF00 // background RGBA format
	color    u32 = 00x000000FF // RGBA format
	scale    f32 = 1.0         // internal usage!!
	scale_x  f32 = 1.0         // X scale of the single glyph
	scale_y  f32 = 1.0         // Y scale of the single glyph
	angle    f32 = 0.0         // angle of rotation of the bitmap
	// spaces
	space_cw   f32 = 1.0      // width of the space glyph internal usage!!
	space_mult f32 = f32(0.0) // 1.0/16.0  // space between letter, is a multiplier for a standard space ax
	// used only by internal text rendering!!
	tr_matrix          []f32      = [f32(1), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] // transformation matrix
	ch_matrix          []f32      = [f32(1), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] // character matrix
	style              Style      = .filled // default style
	align              Text_align = .left   // default text align
	justify            bool // justify text flag, default deactivated
	justify_fill_ratio f32 = 0.5 // justify fill ratio, if the ratio of the filled row is >= of this then justify the text
	filler             [][]int // filler buffer for the renderer
	// flag to force font embedded metrics
	use_font_metrics bool

BitMap represents a bitmap image of text rendered with the font supplied via the tf field.

fn (BitMap) aline #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) aline(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, c u32)

aline draws an aliased line on the bitmap

fn (BitMap) box #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) box(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, c u32)

box plots a (hollow) box to the internal buffer from top-left in_x0, in_y0 to bottom right in_x1, in_y1 in color c.

fn (BitMap) clear #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) clear()

clear clears the bitmap with 0 bytes.

fn (BitMap) clear_filler #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) clear_filler()

clear_filler clears the internal filler buffer

fn (BitMap) draw_glyph #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) draw_glyph(index u16) (int, int)

draw_glyph plots the pixels of the glyph at index to the internal buffer and returns the x_max and x_min values.

fn (BitMap) draw_text #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) draw_text(in_string string) (int, int)

draw_text plots the pixels of the text in_string to the internal buffer and returns the text bounding box.

fn (BitMap) draw_text_block #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) draw_text_block(text string, block Text_block)

draw_text_block renders out text in the Text_block block.

fn (BitMap) exec_filler #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) exec_filler()

exec_filler plots the pixels of the BitMap to the internal buffer.

fn (BitMap) fline #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) fline(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, c u32)

fline populates the internal filler buffer with a line segment from in_x0,in_y0 to in_x1,in_y1.

fn (BitMap) get_bbox #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) get_bbox(in_string string) (int, int)

get_bbox returns the bounding box (width and height) of text in_string.

fn (BitMap) get_chars_bbox #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) get_chars_bbox(in_string string) []int

get_chars_bbox returns all characters found in bounding box of string in_string.

fn (BitMap) get_justify_space_cw #

fn (mut dev BitMap) get_justify_space_cw(txt string, w int, block_w int, space_cw int) f32

get_justify_space_cw returns the space needed to justify txt.

fn (BitMap) get_raw_bytes #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) get_raw_bytes() []u8

get_raw_bytes returns the raw bytes of the bitmap.

fn (BitMap) init_filler #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) init_filler()

init_filler initializes the internal filler buffer.

fn (BitMap) line #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) line(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, c u32)

line plots a line segment to the internal buffer from in_x0,in_y0 to in_x1,in_y1 in the color c.

fn (BitMap) plot #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) plot(x int, y int, c u32) bool

plot plots a pixel at x,y in color c in the internal bitmap buffer.

fn (BitMap) quadratic #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) quadratic(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, in_cx int, in_cy int, c u32)

quadratic plots a quadratic Bezier curve in color c.

fn (BitMap) save_as_ppm #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) save_as_ppm(file_name string)

save_as_ppm saves the BitMap data in .ppm file format to file_name.

fn (BitMap) save_raw_data #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) save_raw_data(file_name string)

save_raw_data saves the raw data to file_name.

fn (BitMap) set_pos #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) set_pos(x f32, y f32)

set_pos sets the draw position in the buffer

fn (BitMap) set_rotation #

fn (mut bmp BitMap) set_rotation(a f32)

set_rotation sets the rotation angle in radians a

fn (BitMap) trf_ch #

fn (bmp &BitMap) trf_ch(p &Point) (int, int)

trf_ch returns the transform matrix applied to the char.

fn (BitMap) trf_txt #

fn (bmp &BitMap) trf_txt(p &Point) (int, int)

trf_txt returns the transform matrix applied to the text.

struct Glyph #

struct Glyph {
pub mut:
	g_type             u16 = g_type_simple
	contour_ends       []u16
	number_of_contours i16
	points             []Point
	x_min              i16
	x_max              i16
	y_min              i16
	y_max              i16
	valid_glyph        bool
	components         []Component

Glyph represents a single renderable unit ("a character") of the TTF.

struct Point #

struct Point {
pub mut:
	x        int
	y        int
	on_curve bool

Point represents a 2D point

struct TTF_File #

struct TTF_File {
pub mut:
	buf                     []u8
	pos                     u32
	length                  u16
	scalar_type             u32
	search_range            u16
	entry_selector          u16
	range_shift             u16
	tables                  map[string]Offset_Table
	version                 f32
	font_revision           f32
	checksum_adjustment     u32
	magic_number            u32
	flags                   u16
	units_per_em            u16
	created                 u64
	modified                u64
	x_min                   f32
	y_min                   f32
	x_max                   f32
	y_max                   f32
	mac_style               u16
	lowest_rec_ppem         u16
	font_direction_hint     i16
	index_to_loc_format     i16
	glyph_data_format       i16
	font_family             string
	font_sub_family         string
	full_name               string
	postscript_name         string
	cmaps                   []TrueTypeCmap
	ascent                  i16
	descent                 i16
	line_gap                i16
	advance_width_max       u16
	min_left_side_bearing   i16
	min_right_side_bearing  i16
	x_max_extent            i16
	caret_slope_rise        i16
	caret_slope_run         i16
	caret_offset            i16
	metric_data_format      i16
	num_of_long_hor_metrics u16
	kern                    []Kern0Table
	// panose
	panose_array []u8 = []u8{len: 12, init: 0}
	// cache
	glyph_cache map[int]Glyph
	// font widths array scale for PDF export
	width_scale f32 = 1.0

TTF_File represents the data contents of a complete *.ttf file. The struct is usually initialized by reading raw TTF data into the buf member field for example by doing: ttf_font.buf = os.read_bytes("arial.ttf") or { panic(err) }, and then run the init/0 method, for example: ttf_font.init()

fn (TTF_File) init #

fn (mut tf TTF_File) init()

init initializes essential TTF_File fields from the contents of buf.

fn (TTF_File) get_horizontal_metrics #

fn (mut tf TTF_File) get_horizontal_metrics(glyph_index u16) (int, int)

get_horizontal_metrics returns the horizontal metrics advance_width and left_side_bearing for the glyph at index glyph_index.

fn (TTF_File) glyph_count #

fn (mut tf TTF_File) glyph_count() u16

glyph_count returns the number of glyphs available in the TTF.

fn (TTF_File) read_glyph_dim #

fn (mut tf TTF_File) read_glyph_dim(index u16) (int, int, int, int)

read_glyph_dim returns glyph dimension data in the form x_min, x_max, y_min and y_max.

fn (TTF_File) get_ttf_widths #

fn (mut tf TTF_File) get_ttf_widths() ([]int, int, int)

get_ttf_widths returns all possible widths of the TTF.

fn (TTF_File) read_glyph #

fn (mut tf TTF_File) read_glyph(index u16) Glyph

read_glyph returns Glyph data for the glyph at index.

fn (TTF_File) map_code #

fn (mut tf TTF_File) map_code(char_code int) u16

map_code returns the glyph index for the char_code character code. map_code returns 0 if the character code could not be found.

fn (TTF_File) reset_kern #

fn (mut tf TTF_File) reset_kern()

reset_kern resets the internal kerning table data.

fn (TTF_File) next_kern #

fn (mut tf TTF_File) next_kern(glyph_index int) (int, int)

next_kern returns the next x, y kerning for the glyph at index glyph_index.

fn (TTF_File) get_info_string #

fn (tf TTF_File) get_info_string() string

get_info_string returns a string with various information about the TTF.

struct TTF_render_Sokol #

struct TTF_render_Sokol {
pub mut:
	bmp &BitMap = unsafe { nil } // Base bitmap render
	// rendering fields
	sg_img       gfx.Image   // sokol image
	sg_smp       gfx.Sampler // sokol sampler
	scale_reduct f32 = 2.0 // scale of the cpu texture for filtering
	device_dpi   int = 72  // device DPI

TTF_render_Sokol is a structure containing data for rendering a TTF font as a sokol texture

fn (TTF_render_Sokol) format_texture #

fn (mut tf_skl TTF_render_Sokol) format_texture()

format_texture formats the BMP (bitmap).

fn (TTF_render_Sokol) create_text #

fn (mut tf_skl TTF_render_Sokol) create_text(in_txt string, in_font_size f32)

create_text prepares the text in_txt in size in_font_size as a sokol texture.

fn (TTF_render_Sokol) create_text_block #

fn (mut tf_skl TTF_render_Sokol) create_text_block(in_txt string, in_w int, in_h int, in_font_size f32)

create_text_block prepares a block of text as a sokol texture.

fn (TTF_render_Sokol) create_texture #

fn (mut tf_skl TTF_render_Sokol) create_texture()

create_texture creates the sokol texture from the internal buffer state.

fn (TTF_render_Sokol) destroy_texture #

fn (tf_skl TTF_render_Sokol) destroy_texture()

destroy_texture detroys the internal sokol texture.

fn (TTF_render_Sokol) update_text_texture #

fn (mut tf_skl TTF_render_Sokol) update_text_texture()

update_text_texture updates the sokol texture with current internal state.

Note: Only use if .dynamic is set.

fn (TTF_render_Sokol) draw_text_bmp #

fn (tf_skl TTF_render_Sokol) draw_text_bmp(ctx &gg.Context, x f32, y f32)

draw_text_bmp renders the internal state to the current sokol pipeline.

struct Text_block #

struct Text_block {
	x         int // x position of the left high corner
	y         int // y position of the left high corner
	w         int // width of the text block
	h         int // height of the text block
	cut_lines bool = true // force to cut the line if the length is over the text block width

Text_block represents a visual block of TTF text.