os #
provides common OS/platform independent functions for accessing command line arguments, reading/writing files, listing folders, handling processes etc.
Security advice related to TOCTOU attacks
A few os
module functions can lead to the TOCTOU vulnerability if used incorrectly. TOCTOU (Time-of-Check-to-Time-of-Use problem) can occur when a file, folder or similar is checked for certain specifications (e.g. read, write permissions) and a change is made afterwards. In the time between the initial check and the edit, an attacker can then cause damage. The following example shows an attack strategy on the left and an improved variant on the right so that TOCTOU is no longer possible.
Hint: os.create()
opens a file in write-only mode
Possibility for TOCTOU attack | TOCTOU not possible |
Proven affected functions
The following functions should be used with care and only when used correctly.
- os.is_readable()
- os.is_writable()
- os.is_executable()
- os.is_link()
Constants #
const s_ixoth = 0o0001
const s_iwoth = 0o0002 // Write by others
const s_iroth = 0o0004 // Read by others
const s_ixgrp = 0o0010 // Execute by group
const s_iwgrp = 0o0020 // Write by group
const s_irgrp = 0o0040 // Read by group
const s_ixusr = 0o0100 // Execute by owner
const s_iwusr = 0o0200 // Write by owner
const s_irusr = 0o0400 // Read by owner
const s_isvtx = 0o1000 // Sticky
const s_isgid = 0o2000 // SGID
const s_isuid = 0o4000 // SUID
const s_iflnk = 0xa000 // link
const s_ifreg = 0x8000 // regular file
const s_ifdir = 0x4000 // directory
const s_ifmt = 0xF000 // type of file
(Must be realized in Syscall) (Must be specified) ref: http://www.ccfit.nsu.ru/~deviv/courses/unix/unix/ng7c229.html
const path_devnull = '/dev/null'
path_devnull is a platform-specific file path of the null device. It is '/dev/null' on POSIX, and r'\.\nul' on Windows.
const path_delimiter = ':'
path_delimiter is the platform specific delimiter string, used between the paths in environment variables like PATH. It is ':' on POSIX, and ';' on Windows.
const path_separator = '/'
path_separator is the platform specific separator string, used between the folders and filenames in a path. It is '/' on POSIX, and '\' on Windows.
const wd_at_startup = getwd()
const max_path_len = 4096
const error_code_not_set = int(0x7EFEFEFE)
Magic constant because zero is used explicitly at times
const args = arguments()
const sys_write = 1
const sys_open = 2
const sys_close = 3
const sys_mkdir = 83
const sys_creat = 85
fn abs_path #
fn abs_path(path string) string
abs_path joins the current working directory with the given path
(if the path
is relative) and returns the absolute path representation.
fn args_after #
fn args_after(cut_word string) []string
args_after returns all os.args, located after a specified cut_word
. When cut_word
is NOT found, os.args is returned unmodified.
fn args_before #
fn args_before(cut_word string) []string
args_before returns all os.args, located before a specified cut_word
. When cut_word
is NOT found, os.args is returned unmodified.
fn base #
fn base(path string) string
base returns the last element of path. Trailing path separators are removed before extracting the last element. If the path is empty, base returns ".". If the path consists entirely of separators, base returns a single separator.
fn cache_dir #
fn cache_dir() string
cache_dir returns the path to a writable user-specific folder, suitable for writing non-essential data. See: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/ . There is a single base directory relative to which user-specific non-essential (cached) data should be written. This directory is defined by the environment variable $XDG_CACHE_HOME. $XDG_CACHE_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific non-essential data files should be stored. If $XDG_CACHE_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.cache should be used.
fn chdir #
fn chdir(path string) !
chdir changes the current working directory to the new directory in path
fn chmod #
fn chmod(path string, mode int) !
chmod change file access attributes of path
to mode
. Octals like 0o600
can be used.
fn chown #
fn chown(path string, owner int, group int) !
chown changes the owner and group attributes of path
to owner
and group
fn config_dir #
fn config_dir() !string
config_dir returns the path to the user configuration directory (depending on the platform). On windows, that is %AppData%
. On macos, that is ~/Library/Application Support
. On the rest, that is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
, or if that is not available, ~/.config
. If the path cannot be determined, it returns an error. (for example, when $HOME on linux, or %AppData% on windows is not defined)
fn cp #
fn cp(src string, dst string) !
cp copies files or folders from src
to dst
fn cp_all #
fn cp_all(src string, dst string, overwrite bool) !
cp_all will recursively copy src
to dst
, optionally overwriting files or dirs in dst
fn create #
fn create(path string) !File
create creates or opens a file at a specified location and returns a write-only File
fn data_dir #
fn data_dir() string
data_dir returns the path to a writable user-specific folder, suitable for writing application data. See: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/ . There is a single base directory relative to which user-specific data files should be written. This directory is defined by the environment variable $XDG_DATA_HOME. If $XDG_DATA_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.local/share should be used.
fn debugger_present #
fn debugger_present() bool
debugger_present returns a bool indicating if the process is being debugged
fn dir #
fn dir(path string) string
dir returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's directory. After dropping the final element, trailing slashes are removed. If the path is empty, dir returns ".". If the path consists entirely of separators, dir returns a single separator. The returned path does not end in a separator unless it is the root directory.
fn disk_usage #
fn disk_usage(path string) !DiskUsage
disk_usage returns disk usage of path
fn ensure_folder_is_writable #
fn ensure_folder_is_writable(folder string) !
ensure_folder_is_writable checks that folder
exists, and is writable to the process by creating an empty file in it, then deleting it.
fn environ #
fn environ() map[string]string
See: https://linux.die.net/man/5/environ for unix platforms. See: https://docs.microsoft.com/bg-bg/windows/win32/api/processenv/nf-processenv-getenvironmentstrings os.environ returns a map of all the current environment variables
fn error_posix #
fn error_posix(e SystemError) IError
Return a POSIX error: Code defaults to last error (from C.errno) Message defaults to POSIX error message for the error code
fn error_win32 #
fn error_win32(e SystemError) IError
Return a Win32 API error: Code defaults to last error (calling C.GetLastError()) Message defaults to Win 32 API error message for the error code
fn executable #
fn executable() string
executable returns the path name of the executable that started the current process.
fn execute #
fn execute(cmd string) Result
execute starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its output.
fn execute_opt #
fn execute_opt(cmd string) !Result
execute_opt returns the os.Result of executing cmd
, or an error with its output on failure.
fn execute_or_exit #
fn execute_or_exit(cmd string) Result
fn execute_or_panic #
fn execute_or_panic(cmd string) Result
fn execve #
fn execve(cmdpath string, cmdargs []string, envs []string) !
execve - loads and executes a new child process, in place of the current process. The child process executable is located in cmdpath
. The arguments, that will be passed to it are in args
. You can pass environment variables to through envs
Note: this function will NOT return when successful, since the child process will take control over execution.
fn execvp #
fn execvp(cmdpath string, cmdargs []string) !
execvp - loads and executes a new child process, in place of the current process. The child process executable is located in cmdpath
. The arguments, that will be passed to it are in args
Note: this function will NOT return when successful, since the child process will take control over execution.
fn existing_path #
fn existing_path(path string) !string
existing_path returns the existing part of the given path
. An error is returned if there is no existing part of the given path
fn exists #
fn exists(path string) bool
exists returns true if path
(file or directory) exists.
fn exists_in_system_path #
fn exists_in_system_path(prog string) bool
exists_in_system_path returns true
if prog
exists in the system's PATH
fn expand_tilde_to_home #
fn expand_tilde_to_home(path string) string
expand_tilde_to_home expands the character ~
in path
to the user's home directory. See also home_dir()
fn fd_close #
fn fd_close(fd int) int
fd_close closes the file descriptor. It returns 0 on success.
fn fd_is_pending #
fn fd_is_pending(fd int) bool
fd_is_pending returns true, when there is pending data, waiting to be read from file descriptor fd
. If the file descriptor is closed, or if reading from it, will block (there is no data), fd_is_pending returns false.
fn fd_read #
fn fd_read(fd int, maxbytes int) (string, int)
fd_read reads data from the file descriptor. It returns the read data, and how many bytes were read.
fn fd_slurp #
fn fd_slurp(fd int) []string
fd_slurp reads all the remaining data from the file descriptor.
fn fd_write #
fn fd_write(fd int, s string)
fd_write writes the given string to the file descriptor. It blocks until all the data in the string is written.
fn file_ext #
fn file_ext(opath string) string
file_ext will return the part after the last occurrence of .
in path
. The .
is included. Examples:
assert os.file_ext('file.v') == '.v'
assert os.file_ext('.ignore_me') == ''
assert os.file_ext('.') == ''
fn file_last_mod_unix #
fn file_last_mod_unix(path string) i64
file_last_mod_unix returns the "last modified" time stamp of file in path
fn file_name #
fn file_name(path string) string
file_name will return all characters found after the last occurrence of path_separator
. file extension is included.
fn file_size #
fn file_size(path string) u64
file_size returns the size in bytes, of the file located in path
. If an error occurs it returns 0. Note that use of this on symbolic links on Windows returns always 0.
fn fileno #
fn fileno(cfile voidptr) int
fileno returns the file descriptor of an opened C file.
fn find_abs_path_of_executable #
fn find_abs_path_of_executable(exe_name string) !string
find_abs_path_of_executable searches the environment PATH for the absolute path of the given executable name.
fn flush #
fn flush()
flush will flush the stdout buffer.
fn fork #
fn fork() int
fork will fork the current system process and return the pid of the fork.
fn from_slash #
fn from_slash(path string) string
from_slash returns the result of replacing each slash (/
) character is path with a separator character.
fn get_error_msg #
fn get_error_msg(code int) string
get_error_msg return error code representation in string.
fn get_line #
fn get_line() string
get_line returns a one-line string from stdin
fn get_lines #
fn get_lines() []string
get_lines returns an array of strings read from stdin. reading is stopped when an empty line is read.
fn get_lines_joined #
fn get_lines_joined() string
get_lines_joined returns a string of the values read from stdin. reading is stopped when an empty line is read.
fn get_raw_line #
fn get_raw_line() string
get_raw_line returns a one-line string from stdin along with '\n' if there is any.
fn get_raw_lines #
fn get_raw_lines() []string
get_raw_lines reads all input lines from stdin, as an array of strings.
Note: unlike os.get_lines, empty lines (that contain only \r\n
or \n
), will be present in the output. Reading is stopped, only on EOF of stdin.
fn get_raw_lines_joined #
fn get_raw_lines_joined() string
get_raw_lines_joined reads all input lines from stdin. It returns them as one large string. Note: unlike os.get_lines_joined, empty lines (that contain only \r\n
or \n
), will be present in the output. Reading is stopped, only on EOF of stdin.
fn get_raw_stdin #
fn get_raw_stdin() []u8
get_raw_stdin will get the raw input from stdin.
fn get_trimmed_lines #
fn get_trimmed_lines() []string
get_trimmed_lines reads all input lines from stdin, as an array of strings. The ending new line characters \r and \n, are removed from each line.
Note: unlike os.get_lines, empty lines will be present in the output as empty strings ''. Reading is stopped, only on EOF of stdin.
fn getegid #
fn getegid() int
fn getenv #
fn getenv(key string) string
returns the value of the environment variable named by the key. If there is not one found, it returns an empty string ''.
fn getenv_opt #
fn getenv_opt(key string) ?string
returns the value of a given environment variable. Returns none
if the environment variable does not exist.
fn geteuid #
fn geteuid() int
fn getgid #
fn getgid() int
fn getpid #
fn getpid() int
fn getppid #
fn getppid() int
fn getuid #
fn getuid() int
fn getwd #
fn getwd() string
getwd returns the absolute path of the current directory.
fn glob #
fn glob(patterns ...string) ![]string
fn home_dir #
fn home_dir() string
home_dir returns the path to the current user's home directory.
fn hostname #
fn hostname() !string
fn inode #
fn inode(path string) FileInfo
inode returns the metadata of the file/inode, containing inode type, permission information, size and modification time. it supports windows for regular files, but it doesn't matter if you use owner, group or others when checking permissions on windows. if a symlink is targeted, it returns info on the link, not the target
fn input #
fn input(prompt string) string
input returns a one-line string from stdin, after printing a prompt. Returns <EOF>
in case of an error (end of input).
fn input_opt #
fn input_opt(prompt string) ?string
input_opt returns a one-line string from stdin, after printing a prompt. Returns none
in case of an error (end of input).
fn input_password #
fn input_password(prompt string) !string
input_password prompts the user for a password-like secret. It disables the terminal echo during user input and resets it back to normal when done.
fn is_abs_path #
fn is_abs_path(path string) bool
is_abs_path returns true
if the given path
is absolute.
fn is_atty #
fn is_atty(fd int) int
is_atty returns 1 if the fd
file descriptor is open and refers to a terminal
fn is_dir #
fn is_dir(path string) bool
is_dir returns a bool
indicating whether the given path
is a directory.
fn is_dir_empty #
fn is_dir_empty(path string) bool
is_dir_empty will return a bool
whether or not path
is empty. Note that it will return true
if path
does not exist.
fn is_executable #
fn is_executable(path string) bool
is_executable returns true
if path
is executable. Warning: is_executable()
is known to cause a TOCTOU vulnerability when used incorrectly (for more information: https://github.com/vlang/v/blob/master/vlib/os/README.md)
fn is_file #
fn is_file(path string) bool
is_file returns a bool
indicating whether the given path
is a file.
fn is_link #
fn is_link(path string) bool
is_link returns a boolean indicating whether path
is a link. Warning: is_link()
is known to cause a TOCTOU vulnerability when used incorrectly (for more information: https://github.com/vlang/v/blob/master/vlib/os/README.md)
fn is_main_thread #
fn is_main_thread() bool
is_main_thread returns whether the current thread is the main thread.
fn is_readable #
fn is_readable(path string) bool
is_readable returns true
if path
is readable. Warning: is_readable()
is known to cause a TOCTOU vulnerability when used incorrectly (for more information: https://github.com/vlang/v/blob/master/vlib/os/README.md)
fn is_writable #
fn is_writable(path string) bool
is_writable returns true
if path
is writable. Warning: is_writable()
is known to cause a TOCTOU vulnerability when used incorrectly (for more information: https://github.com/vlang/v/blob/master/vlib/os/README.md)
fn join_path #
fn join_path(base string, dirs ...string) string
join_path joins any number of path elements into a single path, separating them with a platform-specific path_separator. Empty elements are ignored. Windows platform output will rewrite forward slashes to backslash. Consider looking at the unit tests in os_test.v for semi-formal API.
fn join_path_single #
fn join_path_single(base string, elem string) string
join_path_single appends the elem
after base
, separated with a platform-specific path_separator. Empty elements are ignored.
fn last_error #
fn last_error() IError
last_error returns a V error, formed by the last libc error (from GetLastError() on windows and from errno
on !windows)
fn link #
fn link(origin string, target string) !
fn local_bin_dir #
fn local_bin_dir() string
local_bin_dir returns $HOME/.local/bin
, which is guaranteed to be in the PATH of the current user, for distributions, following the XDG spec from https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/ : > User-specific executable files may be stored in $HOME/.local/bin . > Distributions should ensure this directory shows up in the UNIX $PATH environment variable, at an appropriate place.
fn log #
fn log(s string)
log will print "os.log: "+s
fn loginname #
fn loginname() !string
fn ls #
fn ls(path string) ![]string
entries := os.ls(os.home_dir()) or { [] }
for entry in entries {
if os.is_dir(os.join_path(os.home_dir(), entry)) {
println('dir: $entry')
} else {
println('file: $entry')
fn lstat #
fn lstat(path string) !Stat
lstat returns a platform-agnostic Stat struct comparable to what is available in other programming languages and fails with the POSIX error if the stat call fails. If a link is stat'd, the stat info for the link is provided.
fn mkdir #
fn mkdir(path string, params MkdirParams) !
mkdir creates a new directory with the specified path.
fn mkdir_all #
fn mkdir_all(opath string, params MkdirParams) !
mkdir_all will create a valid full path of all directories given in path
fn mv #
fn mv(source string, target string, opts MvParams) !
mv moves files or folders from src
to dst
fn mv_by_cp #
fn mv_by_cp(source string, target string, opts MvParams) !
mv_by_cp copies files or folders from source
to target
. If copying is successful, source
is deleted. It may be used when the paths are not on the same mount/partition.
fn new_process #
fn new_process(filename string) &Process
new_process - create a new process descriptor
Note: new does NOT start the new process. That is done because you may want to customize it first, by calling different set_ methods on it. In order to start it, call p.run() or p.wait()
fn norm_path #
fn norm_path(path string) string
norm_path returns the normalized version of the given path
by resolving backlinks (..), turning forward slashes into back slashes on a Windows system and eliminating:- references to current directories (.)
- redundant path separators
- the last path separator
fn open #
fn open(path string) !File
open tries to open a file from a given path for reading.
fn open_append #
fn open_append(path string) !File
open_append tries to open a file from a given path. If successful, it and returns a File
for appending.
fn open_file #
fn open_file(path string, mode string, options ...int) !File
open_file tries to open or create a file with custom flags and permissions.
fn open_uri #
fn open_uri(uri string) !
open_uri opens a given uri.
fn page_size #
fn page_size() int
page_size returns the page size in bytes.
fn posix_get_error_msg #
fn posix_get_error_msg(code int) string
posix_get_error_msg return error code representation in string.
fn posix_set_permission_bit #
fn posix_set_permission_bit(path_s string, mode u32, enable bool)
Turns the given bit on or off, depending on the enable
fn quoted_path #
fn quoted_path(path string) string
quoted path - return a quoted version of the path, depending on the platform.
fn raw_execute #
fn raw_execute(cmd string) Result
raw_execute does the same as execute
on Unix platforms. On Windows raw_execute starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its output. It's marked as unsafe
to help emphasize the problems that may arise by allowing, for example, user provided escape sequences.
fn read_bytes #
fn read_bytes(path string) ![]u8
read_bytes returns all bytes read from file in path
fn read_file #
fn read_file(path string) !string
read_file reads the file in path
and returns the contents.
fn read_file_array #
fn read_file_array[T](path string) []T
read_file_array reads an array of T
values from file path
fn read_lines #
fn read_lines(path string) ![]string
read_lines reads the file in path
into an array of lines.
fn real_path #
fn real_path(fpath string) string
real_path returns the full absolute path for fpath, with all relative ../../, symlinks and so on resolved. See http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/realpath.html Also https://insanecoding.blogspot.com/2007/11/pathmax-simply-isnt.html and https://insanecoding.blogspot.com/2007/11/implementing-realpath-in-c.html
Note: this particular rabbit hole is deep ...
fn rename #
fn rename(src string, dst string) !
rename renames the file or folder from src
to dst
. Use mv to move or rename a file in a platform independent manner.
fn rename_dir #
fn rename_dir(src string, dst string) !
rename_dir renames the folder from src
to dst
. Use mv to move or rename a file in a platform independent manner.
fn resource_abs_path #
fn resource_abs_path(path string) string
resource_abs_path returns an absolute path, for the given path
. (the path is expected to be relative to the executable program) See https://discordapp.com/channels/592103645835821068/592294828432424960/630806741373943808 It gives a convenient way to access program resources like images, fonts, sounds and so on, no matter how the program was started, and what is the current working directory.
fn rm #
fn rm(path string) !
rm removes file in path
fn rmdir #
fn rmdir(path string) !
rmdir removes a specified directory.
fn rmdir_all #
fn rmdir_all(path string) !
rmdir_all recursively removes the specified directory.
fn setenv #
fn setenv(name string, value string, overwrite bool) int
os.setenv sets the value of an environment variable with name
to value
fn sigint_to_signal_name #
fn sigint_to_signal_name(si int) string
sigint_to_signal_name will translate si
signal integer code to it's string code representation.
fn signal_ignore #
fn signal_ignore(args ...Signal)
signal_ignore to mask system signals, e.g.: signal_ignore(.pipe, .urg, ...)
fn signal_opt #
fn signal_opt(signum Signal, handler SignalHandler) !SignalHandler
signal will assign handler
callback to be called when signum
signal is received.
fn split_path #
fn split_path(path string) (string, string, string)
split_path will split path
into (dir
). Examples:
dir,filename,ext := os.split_path('/usr/lib/test.so')
assert [dir,filename,ext] == ['/usr/lib','test','.so']
fn stat #
fn stat(path string) !Stat
stat returns a platform-agnostic Stat struct comparable to what is available in other programming languages and fails with the POSIX error if the stat call fails. Symlinks are followed and the resulting Stat provided. (If this is not desired, use lstat().)
fn state_dir #
fn state_dir() string
state_dir returns a writable folder user-specific folder, suitable for storing state data, that should persist between (application) restarts, but that is not important or portable enough to the user that it should be stored in os.data_dir() . See: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/latest/ . $XDG_STATE_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user-specific state files should be stored. If $XDG_STATE_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.local/state should be used. It may contain:* actions history (logs, history, recently used files, …)
- current state of the application that can be reused on a restart (view, layout, open files, undo history, …)
fn stderr #
fn stderr() File
stderr - return an os.File for stderr
fn stdin #
fn stdin() File
stdin - return an os.File for stdin
fn stdout #
fn stdout() File
stdout - return an os.File for stdout
fn symlink #
fn symlink(origin string, target string) !
fn system #
fn system(cmd string) int
system works like exec
, but only returns a return code.
fn temp_dir #
fn temp_dir() string
temp_dir returns the path to a folder, that is suitable for storing temporary files.
fn to_slash #
fn to_slash(path string) string
to_slash returns the result of replacing each separator character in path with a slash (/
fn truncate #
fn truncate(path string, len u64) !
truncate changes the size of the file located in path
to len
. Note that changing symbolic links on Windows only works as admin.
fn uname #
fn uname() Uname
uname returns information about the platform on which the program is running For example: os.Uname{ sysname: 'Linux' nodename: 'nemesis' release: '5.15.0-57-generic' version: '#63~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 30 13:40:16 UTC 2022' machine: 'x86_64' } where the fields have the following meaning: sysname is the name of this implementation of the operating system nodename is the name of this node within an implementation-dependent communications network release is the current release level of this implementation version is the current version level of this release machine is the name of the hardware type, on which the system is running See also https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xsh/sysutsname.h.html
fn unsetenv #
fn unsetenv(name string) int
os.unsetenv clears an environment variable with name
fn user_names #
fn user_names() ![]string
user_names returns an array containing the names of all users on the system.
fn user_os #
fn user_os() string
user_os returns the current user's operating system name.
fn utime #
fn utime(path string, actime int, modtime int) !
fn vfopen #
fn vfopen(path string, mode string) !&C.FILE
vfopen returns an opened C file, given its path and open mode.
Note: os.vfopen is useful for compatibility with C libraries, that expect FILE *
. If you write pure V code, os.create or os.open are more convenient.
fn vmodules_dir #
fn vmodules_dir() string
vmodules_dir returns the path to a folder, where v stores its global modules.
fn vmodules_paths #
fn vmodules_paths() []string
vmodules_paths returns a list of paths, where v looks up for modules. You can customize it through setting the environment variable VMODULES [manualfree]
fn vtmp_dir #
fn vtmp_dir() string
vtmp_dir returns the path to a folder, that is writable to V programs, and specific to the OS user. It can be overridden by setting the env variable VTMP
fn wait #
fn wait() int
wait blocks the calling process until one of its child processes exits or a signal is received. After child process terminates, parent continues its execution after wait system call instruction.
fn walk #
fn walk(path string, f fn (string))
walk traverses the given directory path
. When a file is encountered, it will call the callback f
with current file as argument.
Note: walk can be called even for deeply nested folders, since it does not recurse, but processes them iteratively. For listing only one level deep, see: os.ls
fn walk_ext #
fn walk_ext(path string, ext string) []string
walk_ext returns a recursive list of all files in path
ending with ext
. For listing only one level deep, see: os.ls
fn walk_with_context #
fn walk_with_context(path string, context voidptr, fcb FnWalkContextCB)
walk_with_context traverses the given directory path
. For each encountered file and directory, it will call your fcb
callback, passing it the arbitrary context
in its first parameter, and the path to the file in its second parameter.
Note: walk_with_context can be called even for deeply nested folders, since it does not recurse, but processes them iteratively. For listing only one level deep, see: os.ls
fn write_file #
fn write_file(path string, text string) !
write_file writes text
data to a file with the given path
. If path
already exists, it will be overwritten.
fn write_file_array #
fn write_file_array(path string, buffer array) !
write_file_array writes the data in buffer
to a file in path
fn write_lines #
fn write_lines(path string, lines []string) !
write_lines writes the given array of lines
to path
. The lines are separated by \n
type FN_SA_Handler #
type FN_SA_Handler = fn (sig int)
type FnWalkContextCB #
type FnWalkContextCB = fn (voidptr, string)
FnWalkContextCB is used to define the callback functions, passed to os.walk_context
type SignalHandler #
type SignalHandler = fn (Signal)
enum ChildProcessPipeKind #
enum ChildProcessPipeKind {
The kind of the pipe file descriptor, that is used for communicating with the child process
enum FileBufferMode #
enum FileBufferMode {
fully_buffered = C._IOFBF // many characters are saved up and written as a block
line_buffered = C._IOLBF // characters are saved up until a newline is output or input is read from any stream attached to a terminal device (typically stdin)
not_buffered = C._IONBF // information appears on the destination file or terminal as soon as it is written
FileBufferMode describes the available buffering modes for an os.File: unbuffered, line buffered and block/fully buffered. Normally all files are block buffered. If a stream refers to a terminal (as stdout normally does), it is line buffered. The standard error stream stderr is always unbuffered by default.
enum FileType #
enum FileType {
enum ProcessState #
enum ProcessState {
- ProcessState.not_started - the process has not yet started
- ProcessState.running - the process is currently running
- ProcessState.stopped - the process was running, but was stopped temporarily
- ProcessState.exited - the process has finished/exited
- ProcessState.aborted - the process was terminated by a signal
- ProcessState.closed - the process resources like opened file descriptors were freed/discarded, final state.
enum SeekMode #
enum SeekMode {
enum Signal #
enum Signal {
hup = 1 // hangup
int = 2 // interrupt from keyboard
quit = 3 // quit from keyboard
ill = 4 // illegal instruction
trap = 5 // trace trap
abrt = 6 // abort
bus = 7 // bus error
fpe = 8 // floating point exception
kill = 9 // kill signal
usr1 = 10 // user-defined signal 1
segv = 11 // segmentation violation
usr2 = 12 // user-defined signal 2
pipe = 13 // write on a pipe with no one to read it
alrm = 14 // alarm clock
term = 15 // software termination signal
stkflt = 16 // stack fault
chld = 17 // child process has stopped or exited
cont = 18 // continue executing, if stopped
stop = 19 // stop executing (cannot be caught or ignored)
tstp = 20 // stop executing, can be caught and ignored
ttin = 21 // terminal input for background process
ttou = 22 // terminal output for background process
urg = 23 // urgent condition on socket
xcpu = 24 // CPU time limit exceeded
xfsz = 25 // file size limit exceeded
vtalrm = 26 // virtual time alarm
prof = 27 // profiling timer alarm
winch = 28 // window size change
poll = 29 // pollable event occurred
pwr = 30 // power failure
sys = 31 // bad system call
os.Signal - enumerate possible POSIX signals and their integer codes.
Note: the integer codes are given here explicitly, to make it easier to lookup, without needing to consult man pages / signal.h .
struct C.__stat64 #
struct C.__stat64 {
st_mode u32
st_size u64
st_mtime u64
struct C.dirent #
struct C.dirent {
d_name [256]char
struct C.fd_set #
struct C.fd_set {}
struct C.sigaction #
struct C.sigaction {
sa_mask int
sa_sigaction int
sa_flags int
sa_handler FN_SA_Handler
struct C.stat #
struct C.stat {
st_dev u64 // 8
st_ino u64 // 8
st_nlink u64 // 8
st_mode u32 // 4
st_uid u32 // 4
st_gid u32 // 4
st_rdev u64 // 8
st_size u64 // 8
st_blksize u64 // 8
st_blocks u64 // 8
st_atime i64 // 8
st_mtime i64 // 8
st_ctime i64 // 8
struct C.timespec #
struct C.timespec {
pub mut:
tv_sec i64
tv_nsec i64
struct C.timeval #
struct C.timeval {
tv_sec u64
tv_usec u64
struct C.utimbuf #
struct C.utimbuf {
actime int
modtime int
struct C.utsname #
struct C.utsname {
sysname &char
nodename &char
release &char
version &char
machine &char
struct Command #
struct Command {
f voidptr
pub mut:
eof bool
exit_code int
path string
redirect_stdout bool
fn (Command) close #
fn (mut c Command) close() !
fn (Command) read_line #
fn (mut c Command) read_line() string
fn (Command) start #
fn (mut c Command) start() !
struct DiskUsage #
struct DiskUsage {
total u64
available u64
used u64
struct Eof #
struct Eof {
Eof error means that we reach the end of the file.
struct ExecutableNotFoundError #
struct ExecutableNotFoundError {
fn (ExecutableNotFoundError) msg #
fn (err ExecutableNotFoundError) msg() string
struct File #
struct File {
cfile voidptr // Using void* instead of FILE*
fd int
pub mut:
is_opened bool
fn (File) close #
fn (mut f File) close()
fn (File) eof #
fn (f &File) eof() bool
eof returns true, when the end of file has been reached
fn (File) flush #
fn (mut f File) flush()
flush writes any buffered unwritten data left in the file stream.
fn (File) read #
fn (f &File) read(mut buf []u8) !int
read implements the Reader interface.
fn (File) read_be #
fn (mut f File) read_be[T]() !T
read_be reads an unsigned number value from the file. It assumes that the value was stored in a big endian order. If the machine is a little endian one, it will convert the value to a little endian one. It is intended to use as a cross platform way to read data, for which the order is known (from the file format spec).
fn (File) read_bytes #
fn (f &File) read_bytes(size int) []u8
read_bytes reads size
bytes from the beginning of the file. Utility method, same as .read_bytes_at(size, 0).
fn (File) read_bytes_at #
fn (f &File) read_bytes_at(size int, pos u64) []u8
read_bytes_at reads size
bytes at the given position in the file.
fn (File) read_bytes_into #
fn (f &File) read_bytes_into(pos u64, mut buf []u8) !int
read_bytes_into fills buf
with bytes at the given position in the file. buf
must have length greater than zero. Returns the number of read bytes, or an error.
fn (File) read_bytes_with_newline #
fn (f &File) read_bytes_with_newline(mut buf []u8) !int
read_bytes_with_newline reads from the current position of the file into the provided buffer. Each consecutive call on the same file, continues reading, from where it previously ended. A read call is either stopped, if the buffer is full, a newline was read or EOF. On EOF, the method returns 0. The methods will also return any IO error encountered.
fn (File) read_from #
fn (f &File) read_from(pos u64, mut buf []u8) !int
read_from implements the RandomReader interface.
fn (File) read_into_ptr #
fn (f &File) read_into_ptr(ptr &u8, max_size int) !int
read_into_ptr reads at most max_size
bytes from the file and writes it into ptr. Returns the amount of bytes read or an error.
fn (File) read_le #
fn (mut f File) read_le[T]() !T
read_le reads an unsigned number value from the file. It assumes that the value was stored in a little endian order. If the machine is a big endian one, it will convert the value to a big endian one. It is intended to use as a cross platform way to read data, for which the order is known (from the file format spec).
fn (File) read_raw #
fn (mut f File) read_raw[T]() !T
read_raw reads and returns a single instance of type T
fn (File) read_raw_at #
fn (mut f File) read_raw_at[T](pos u64) !T
read_raw_at reads and returns a single instance of type T
starting at file byte offset pos
fn (File) read_struct #
fn (mut f File) read_struct[T](mut t T) !
read_struct reads a single struct of type T
fn (File) read_struct_at #
fn (mut f File) read_struct_at[T](mut t T, pos u64) !
read_struct_at reads a single struct of type T
at position specified in file
fn (File) read_u8 #
fn (mut f File) read_u8() !u8
read_u8 reads a single byte value from the file f
Note: if possible, use some of the other APIs, that read larger chunks of data, before using read_u8/1.
fn (File) reopen #
fn (mut f File) reopen(path string, mode string) !
reopen allows a File
to be reused. It is mostly useful for reopening standard input and output.
fn (File) seek #
fn (mut f File) seek(pos i64, mode SeekMode) !
seek moves the file cursor (if any) associated with a file to a new location, offset pos
bytes from the origin. The origin is dependent on the mode
and can be: .start -> the origin is the start of the file .current -> the current position/cursor in the file .end -> the end of the file If the file is not seek-able, or an error occurs, the error will be returned to the caller. A successful call to the fseek() function clears the end-of-file indicator for the file.
fn (File) set_buffer #
fn (mut f File) set_buffer(mut buffer []u8, mode FileBufferMode) int
set_buffer sets the buffer for the file, and the file buffering mode (see also os.FileBufferMode). Unlike File.setvbuf, it allows you to pass an existing V []u8 array directly.
Note: f.set_buffer() may be used only after opening a file stream, and before any other operations have been performed on it.
fn (File) set_line_buffered #
fn (mut f File) set_line_buffered()
set_line_buffered sets the file buffering mode to FileBufferMode.line_buffered.
Note: f.set_line_buffered() may be used only after opening a file stream, and before any other operations have been performed on it.
fn (File) set_unbuffered #
fn (mut f File) set_unbuffered()
set_unbuffered sets the file buffering mode to FileBufferMode.not_buffered.
Note: f.set_unbuffered() may be used only after opening a file stream, and before any other operations have been performed on it.
fn (File) setvbuf #
fn (mut f File) setvbuf(buffer &char, mode FileBufferMode, size usize) int
setvbuf sets the buffer and buffering mode for the given file f
. See also os.FileBufferMode. It returns 0 on success. It returns nonzero on failure (the mode is invalid, or the request cannot be honored). Except for unbuffered files, the buffer argument should point to a buffer at least size bytes long; this buffer will be used instead of the current buffer. If the argument buffer is nil, only the mode is affected; a new buffer will be allocated on the next read or write operation.
Note: make sure, that the space, that buffer points to (when != 0), still exists by the time the file stream is closed, which also happens at program termination.
Note: f.setvbuf() may be used only after opening a file stream, and before any other operations have been performed on it.
fn (File) tell #
fn (f &File) tell() !i64
tell will return the current offset of the file cursor measured from the start of the file, in bytes. It is complementary to seek, i.e. you can use the return value as the pos
parameter to .seek( pos, .start ), so that your next read will happen from the same place.
fn (File) write #
fn (mut f File) write(buf []u8) !int
write implements the Writer interface. It returns how many bytes were actually written.
fn (File) write_be #
fn (mut f File) write_be[T](data T) !
write_be writes an unsigned number value to the file. It assumes that the value should be stored in a big endian order. If the machine is a little endian one, it will first convert the little endian value to a big endian one. It is safe to use as a cross platform way to write data, for which you have to use a predefined order (defined in a file format spec).
fn (File) write_full_buffer #
fn (mut f File) write_full_buffer(buffer voidptr, buffer_len usize) !
write_full_buffer writes a whole buffer of data to the file, starting from the address in buffer
, no matter how many tries/partial writes it would take. The size in bytes, of the buffer
, should be passed in buffer_len
fn (File) write_le #
fn (mut f File) write_le[T](data T) !
write_le writes an unsigned number value to the file. It assumes that the value should be stored in a little endian order. If the machine is a big endian one, it will first convert the big endian value to a little endian one. It is safe to use as a cross platform way to write data, for which you have to use a predefined order (defined in a file format spec).
fn (File) write_ptr #
fn (mut f File) write_ptr(data voidptr, size int) int
write_ptr writes size
bytes to the file, starting from the address in data
Note: write_ptr is unsafe and should be used carefully, since if you pass invalid pointers to it, it will cause your programs to segfault.
fn (File) write_ptr_at #
fn (mut f File) write_ptr_at(data voidptr, size int, pos u64) int
write_ptr_at writes size
bytes to the file, starting from the address in data
, at byte offset pos
, counting from the start of the file (pos 0).
Note: write_ptr_at is unsafe and should be used carefully, since if you pass invalid pointers to it, it will cause your programs to segfault.
fn (File) write_raw #
fn (mut f File) write_raw[T](t &T) !
write_raw writes a single instance of type T
fn (File) write_raw_at #
fn (mut f File) write_raw_at[T](t &T, pos u64) !
write_raw_at writes a single instance of type T
starting at file byte offset pos
fn (File) write_string #
fn (mut f File) write_string(s string) !int
write_string writes the string s
into the file It returns how many bytes were actually written.
fn (File) write_struct #
fn (mut f File) write_struct[T](t &T) !
write_struct writes a single struct of type T
fn (File) write_struct_at #
fn (mut f File) write_struct_at[T](t &T, pos u64) !
write_struct_at writes a single struct of type T
at file byte offset pos
fn (File) write_to #
fn (mut f File) write_to(pos u64, buf []u8) !int
write_to implements the RandomWriter interface. It returns how many bytes were actually written. It resets the seek position to the end of the file.
fn (File) write_u8 #
fn (mut f File) write_u8(b u8) !
write_u8 writes a single byte value to the file f
Note: if possible, use some of the other APIs, that write larger chunks of data, before using write_u8/1.
fn (File) writeln #
fn (mut f File) writeln(s string) !int
writeln writes the string s
into the file, and appends a \n character. It returns how many bytes were written, including the \n character.
struct FileInfo #
struct FileInfo {
size u64 // size of the file in bytes
mtime i64 // last modification time in seconds after the Unix epoch
struct FileMode #
struct FileMode {
typ FileType
owner FilePermission
group FilePermission
others FilePermission
fn (FileMode) bitmask #
fn (m FileMode) bitmask() u32
bitmask returns a 9 bit sequence in the order owner + group + others. This is a valid bitmask to use with os.chmod
struct FileNotOpenedError #
struct FileNotOpenedError {
fn (FileNotOpenedError) msg #
fn (err FileNotOpenedError) msg() string
struct FilePermission #
struct FilePermission {
read bool
write bool
execute bool
fn (FilePermission) bitmask #
fn (p FilePermission) bitmask() u32
bitmask returns a 3 bit sequence in the order RWE where the bit is set to 1 if the value is true or 0 otherwise.
struct MkdirParams #
struct MkdirParams {
mode u32 = 0o777 // note that the actual mode is affected by the process's umask
struct MvParams #
struct MvParams {
overwrite bool = true
struct NotExpected #
struct NotExpected {
cause string
code int
NotExpected is a generic error that means that we receave a not expected error.
struct Process #
struct Process {
pub mut:
filename string // the process's command file path
pid int // the PID of the process
code int = -1 // the exit code of the process, != -1 *only* when status is .exited *and* the process was not aborted
status ProcessState = .not_started // the current status of the process
err string // if the process fails, contains the reason why
args []string // the arguments that the command takes
work_folder string // the initial working folder of the process. When '', reuse the same folder as the parent process.
env_is_custom bool // true, when the environment was customized with .set_environment
env []string // the environment with which the process was started (list of 'var=val')
use_stdio_ctl bool // when true, then you can use p.stdin_write(), p.stdout_slurp() and p.stderr_slurp()
use_pgroup bool // when true, the process will create a new process group, enabling .signal_pgkill()
stdio_fd [3]int // the stdio file descriptors for the child process, used only by the nix implementation
wdata voidptr // the WProcess; used only by the windows implementation
create_no_window bool // sets a value indicating whether to start the process in a new window, The default is false; used only by the windows implementation
fn (Process) close #
fn (mut p Process) close()
close - free the OS resources associated with the process. Can be called multiple times, but will free the resources just once. This sets the process state to .closed, which is final.
fn (Process) free #
fn (mut p Process) free()
fn (Process) is_alive #
fn (mut p Process) is_alive() bool
is_alive - query whether the process p.pid is still alive
fn (Process) is_pending #
fn (mut p Process) is_pending(pkind ChildProcessPipeKind) bool
is_pending returns whether there is data to be read from child process's pipe corresponding to pkind
. For example if p.is_pending(.stdout) { dump( p.stdout_read() ) }
will not block indefinitely.
fn (Process) pipe_read #
fn (mut p Process) pipe_read(pkind ChildProcessPipeKind) ?string
pipe_read reads a block of data, from the given pipe of the child process. It will return none
, if there is no data to be read, without blocking.
fn (Process) run #
fn (mut p Process) run()
run - starts the new process
fn (Process) set_args #
fn (mut p Process) set_args(pargs []string)
set_args - set the arguments for the new process
fn (Process) set_environment #
fn (mut p Process) set_environment(envs map[string]string)
set_environment - set a custom environment variable mapping for the new process
fn (Process) set_redirect_stdio #
fn (mut p Process) set_redirect_stdio()
fn (Process) set_work_folder #
fn (mut p Process) set_work_folder(path string)
set_work_folder - set the initial working folder for the new process If you do not set it, it will reuse the current working folder of the parent process.
fn (Process) signal_continue #
fn (mut p Process) signal_continue()
signal_continue - tell a stopped process to continue/resume its work
fn (Process) signal_kill #
fn (mut p Process) signal_kill()
signal_kill - kills the process, after that it is no longer running
fn (Process) signal_pgkill #
fn (mut p Process) signal_pgkill()
signal_pgkill - kills the whole process group
fn (Process) signal_stop #
fn (mut p Process) signal_stop()
signal_stop - stops the process, you can resume it with p.signal_continue()
fn (Process) signal_term #
fn (mut p Process) signal_term()
signal_term - terminate the process
fn (Process) stderr_read #
fn (mut p Process) stderr_read() string
stderr_read reads a block of data, from the stderr pipe of the child process. It will block, if there is no data to be read. Call .is_pending() to check if there is data to be read, if you do not want to block.
fn (Process) stderr_slurp #
fn (mut p Process) stderr_slurp() string
stderr_slurp will read from the stderr pipe, and will block until it either reads all the data, or until the pipe is closed (end of file).
fn (Process) stdin_write #
fn (mut p Process) stdin_write(s string)
stdin_write will write the string s
, to the stdin pipe of the child process.
fn (Process) stdout_read #
fn (mut p Process) stdout_read() string
stdout_read reads a block of data, from the stdout pipe of the child process. It will block, if there is no data to be read. Call .is_pending() to check if there is data to be read, if you do not want to block.
fn (Process) stdout_slurp #
fn (mut p Process) stdout_slurp() string
stdout_slurp will read from the stdout pipe, and will block until it either reads all the data, or until the pipe is closed (end of file).
fn (Process) wait #
fn (mut p Process) wait()
wait - wait for a process to finish.
Note: You have to call p.wait(), otherwise a finished process would get to a zombie state, and its resources will not get released fully, until its parent process exits.
Note: This call will block the calling process until the child process is finished.
struct Result #
struct Result {
exit_code int
output string
// stderr string // TODO
fn (Result) free #
fn (mut result Result) free()
struct SizeOfTypeIs0Error #
struct SizeOfTypeIs0Error {
fn (SizeOfTypeIs0Error) msg #
fn (err SizeOfTypeIs0Error) msg() string
struct Stat #
struct Stat {
dev u64 // ID of device containing file
inode u64 // Inode number
mode u32 // File type and user/group/world permission bits
nlink u64 // Number of hard links to file
uid u32 // Owner user ID
gid u32 // Owner group ID
rdev u64 // Device ID (if special file)
size u64 // Total size in bytes
atime i64 // Last access (seconds since UNIX epoch)
mtime i64 // Last modified (seconds since UNIX epoch)
ctime i64 // Last status change (seconds since UNIX epoch)
Stat struct modeled on POSIX
fn (Stat) get_filetype #
fn (st Stat) get_filetype() FileType
get_filetype returns the FileType from the Stat struct
fn (Stat) get_mode #
fn (st Stat) get_mode() FileMode
get_mode returns the file type and permissions (readable, writable, executable) in owner/group/others format
struct SystemError #
struct SystemError {
msg string
code int = error_code_not_set
struct Uname #
struct Uname {
pub mut:
sysname string
nodename string
release string
version string
machine string
- Constants
- fn abs_path
- fn args_after
- fn args_before
- fn base
- fn cache_dir
- fn chdir
- fn chmod
- fn chown
- fn config_dir
- fn cp
- fn cp_all
- fn create
- fn data_dir
- fn debugger_present
- fn dir
- fn disk_usage
- fn ensure_folder_is_writable
- fn environ
- fn error_posix
- fn error_win32
- fn executable
- fn execute
- fn execute_opt
- fn execute_or_exit
- fn execute_or_panic
- fn execve
- fn execvp
- fn existing_path
- fn exists
- fn exists_in_system_path
- fn expand_tilde_to_home
- fn fd_close
- fn fd_is_pending
- fn fd_read
- fn fd_slurp
- fn fd_write
- fn file_ext
- fn file_last_mod_unix
- fn file_name
- fn file_size
- fn fileno
- fn find_abs_path_of_executable
- fn flush
- fn fork
- fn from_slash
- fn get_error_msg
- fn get_line
- fn get_lines
- fn get_lines_joined
- fn get_raw_line
- fn get_raw_lines
- fn get_raw_lines_joined
- fn get_raw_stdin
- fn get_trimmed_lines
- fn getegid
- fn getenv
- fn getenv_opt
- fn geteuid
- fn getgid
- fn getpid
- fn getppid
- fn getuid
- fn getwd
- fn glob
- fn home_dir
- fn hostname
- fn inode
- fn input
- fn input_opt
- fn input_password
- fn is_abs_path
- fn is_atty
- fn is_dir
- fn is_dir_empty
- fn is_executable
- fn is_file
- fn is_link
- fn is_main_thread
- fn is_readable
- fn is_writable
- fn join_path
- fn join_path_single
- fn last_error
- fn link
- fn local_bin_dir
- fn log
- fn loginname
- fn ls
- fn lstat
- fn mkdir
- fn mkdir_all
- fn mv
- fn mv_by_cp
- fn new_process
- fn norm_path
- fn open
- fn open_append
- fn open_file
- fn open_uri
- fn page_size
- fn posix_get_error_msg
- fn posix_set_permission_bit
- fn quoted_path
- fn raw_execute
- fn read_bytes
- fn read_file
- fn read_file_array
- fn read_lines
- fn real_path
- fn rename
- fn rename_dir
- fn resource_abs_path
- fn rm
- fn rmdir
- fn rmdir_all
- fn setenv
- fn sigint_to_signal_name
- fn signal_ignore
- fn signal_opt
- fn split_path
- fn stat
- fn state_dir
- fn stderr
- fn stdin
- fn stdout
- fn symlink
- fn system
- fn temp_dir
- fn to_slash
- fn truncate
- fn uname
- fn unsetenv
- fn user_names
- fn user_os
- fn utime
- fn vfopen
- fn vmodules_dir
- fn vmodules_paths
- fn vtmp_dir
- fn wait
- fn walk
- fn walk_ext
- fn walk_with_context
- fn write_file
- fn write_file_array
- fn write_lines
- type FN_SA_Handler
- type FnWalkContextCB
- type SignalHandler
- enum ChildProcessPipeKind
- enum FileBufferMode
- enum FileType
- enum ProcessState
- enum SeekMode
- enum Signal
- struct C.__stat64
- struct C.dirent
- struct C.fd_set
- struct C.sigaction
- struct C.stat
- struct C.timespec
- struct C.timeval
- struct C.utimbuf
- struct C.utsname
- struct Command
- struct DiskUsage
- struct Eof
- struct ExecutableNotFoundError
- struct File
- fn close
- fn eof
- fn flush
- fn read
- fn read_be
- fn read_bytes
- fn read_bytes_at
- fn read_bytes_into
- fn read_bytes_with_newline
- fn read_from
- fn read_into_ptr
- fn read_le
- fn read_raw
- fn read_raw_at
- fn read_struct
- fn read_struct_at
- fn read_u8
- fn reopen
- fn seek
- fn set_buffer
- fn set_line_buffered
- fn set_unbuffered
- fn setvbuf
- fn tell
- fn write
- fn write_be
- fn write_full_buffer
- fn write_le
- fn write_ptr
- fn write_ptr_at
- fn write_raw
- fn write_raw_at
- fn write_string
- fn write_struct
- fn write_struct_at
- fn write_to
- fn write_u8
- fn writeln
- struct FileInfo
- struct FileMode
- struct FileNotOpenedError
- struct FilePermission
- struct MkdirParams
- struct MvParams
- struct NotExpected
- struct Process
- fn close
- fn free
- fn is_alive
- fn is_pending
- fn pipe_read
- fn run
- fn set_args
- fn set_environment
- fn set_redirect_stdio
- fn set_work_folder
- fn signal_continue
- fn signal_kill
- fn signal_pgkill
- fn signal_stop
- fn signal_term
- fn stderr_read
- fn stderr_slurp
- fn stdin_write
- fn stdout_read
- fn stdout_slurp
- fn wait
- struct Result
- struct SizeOfTypeIs0Error
- struct Stat
- struct SystemError
- struct Uname