net.http #
Constants #
const default_server_port = 9009
const max_headers = 50
fn delete #
fn delete(url string) !Response
delete sends an HTTP DELETE request to the given url
fn download_file #
fn download_file(url string, out_file_path string) !
download_file retrieves a document from the URL url
, and saves it in the output file path out_file_path
fn download_file_with_progress #
fn download_file_with_progress(url string, path string, params DownloaderParams) !Response
download_file_with_progress will save the URL url
to the filepath path
. Unlike download_file/2, it does not load the whole content in memory, but instead streams it chunk by chunk to the target path
, as the chunks are received from the network. This makes it suitable for downloading big files, without increasing the memory consumption of your application.
By default, it will also show a progress line, while the download happens. If you do not want a status line, you can call it like this: http.download_file_with_progress(url, path, downloader: http.SilentStreamingDownloader{})
, or you can implement your own http.Downloader and pass that instead.
Note: the returned response by this function, will have a truncated .body, after the firstfew KBs, because it does not accumulate all its data in memory, instead relying on the downloaders to save the received data chunk by chunk. You can parametrise this by using stop_copying_limit:
but you need to pass a number that is big enough to fit at least all headers in the response, otherwise the parsing of the response at the end will fail, despite saving all the data in the file before that. The default is 65536 bytes.
fn fetch #
fn fetch(config FetchConfig) !Response
Todo: @[noinline] attribute is used for temporary fix the 'get_text()' intermittent segfault / nil value when compiling with GCC 13.2.x and -prod option ( Issue #20506 )fetch sends an HTTP request to the url
with the given method and configuration.
fn get #
fn get(url string) !Response
get sends a GET HTTP request to the given url
fn get_text #
fn get_text(url string) string
get_text sends an HTTP GET request to the given url
and returns the text content of the response.
fn head #
fn head(url string) !Response
head sends an HTTP HEAD request to the given url
fn method_from_str #
fn method_from_str(m string) Method
method_from_str returns the corresponding Method enum field given a string m
, e.g. 'GET'
would return Method.get.
Currently, the default value is Method.get for unsupported string value.
fn new_custom_header_from_map #
fn new_custom_header_from_map(kvs map[string]string) !Header
new_custom_header_from_map creates a Header from string key value pairs
fn new_header #
fn new_header(kvs ...HeaderConfig) Header
Create a new Header object
fn new_header_from_map #
fn new_header_from_map(kvs map[CommonHeader]string) Header
new_header_from_map creates a Header from key value pairs
fn new_http_proxy #
fn new_http_proxy(raw_url string) !&HttpProxy
new_http_proxy creates a new HttpProxy instance, from the given http proxy url in raw_url
fn new_request #
fn new_request(method Method, url_ string, data string) Request
new_request creates a new Request given the request method
, url_
, and data
fn new_response #
fn new_response(conf ResponseConfig) Response
new_response creates a Response object from the configuration. This function will add a Content-Length header if body is not empty.
fn parse_form #
fn parse_form(body string) map[string]string
Parse URL encoded key=value&key=value forms
Fixme: Some servers can require theparameter in a specific order.
a possible solution is to use the a list of QueryValue
fn parse_multipart_form #
fn parse_multipart_form(body string, boundary string) (map[string]string, map[string][]FileData)
parse_multipart_form parses an http request body, given a boundary string For more details about multipart forms, see:
fn parse_request #
fn parse_request(mut reader io.BufferedReader) !Request
parse_request parses a raw HTTP request into a Request object. See also: parse_request_head
, which parses only the headers.
fn parse_request_head #
fn parse_request_head(mut reader io.BufferedReader) !Request
parse_request_head parses only the header of a raw HTTP request into a Request object
fn parse_response #
fn parse_response(resp string) !Response
Parse a raw HTTP response into a Response object
fn patch #
fn patch(url string, data string) !Response
patch sends string data
as an HTTP PATCH request to the given url
fn post #
fn post(url string, data string) !Response
post sends the string data
as an HTTP POST request to the given url
fn post_form #
fn post_form(url string, data map[string]string) !Response
post_form sends the map data
as X-WWW-FORM-URLENCODED data to an HTTP POST request to the given url
fn post_json #
fn post_json(url string, data string) !Response
post_json sends the JSON data
as an HTTP POST request to the given url
fn post_multipart_form #
fn post_multipart_form(url string, conf PostMultipartFormConfig) !Response
post_multipart_form sends multipart form data conf
as an HTTP POST request to the given url
fn prepare #
fn prepare(config FetchConfig) !Request
prepare prepares a new request for fetching, but does not call its .do() method. It is useful, if you want to reuse request objects, for several requests in a row, modifying the request each time, then calling .do() to get the new response.
fn put #
fn put(url string, data string) !Response
put sends string data
as an HTTP PUT request to the given url
fn status_from_int #
fn status_from_int(code int) Status
status_from_int returns the corresponding enum field of Status given the code
in integer value.
fn url_encode_form_data #
fn url_encode_form_data(data map[string]string) string
url_encode_form_data converts mapped data to a URL encoded string.
fn version_from_str #
fn version_from_str(v string) Version
interface Downloader #
interface Downloader {
// Called once, at the start of the streaming download. You can do setup here,
// like opening a target file, changing request.stop_copying_limit to a different value,
// if you need it.
on_start(mut request Request, path string) !
// Called many times, once a chunk of data is received
on_chunk(request &Request, chunk []u8, already_received u64, expected u64) !
// Called once, at the end of the streaming download. Do cleanup here,
// like closing a file (opened in on_start), reporting stats etc.
on_finish(request &Request, response &Response) !
Downloader is the interface that you have to implement, if you need to customise how download_file_with_progress works, and what output it produces while a file is downloaded.
interface Handler #
interface Handler {
handle(Request) Response
fn (HeaderKeyError) msg #
fn (err HeaderKeyError) msg() string
fn (HeaderKeyError) code #
fn (err HeaderKeyError) code() int
type RequestFinishFn #
type RequestFinishFn = fn (request &Request, final_size u64) !
type RequestProgressBodyFn #
type RequestProgressBodyFn = fn (request &Request, chunk []u8, body_read_so_far u64, body_expected_size u64, status_code int) !
type RequestProgressFn #
type RequestProgressFn = fn (request &Request, chunk []u8, read_so_far u64) !
type RequestRedirectFn #
type RequestRedirectFn = fn (request &Request, nredirects int, new_url string) !
enum CommonHeader #
enum CommonHeader {
CommonHeader is an enum of the most common HTTP headers
fn (CommonHeader) str #
fn (h CommonHeader) str() string
enum Method #
enum Method { // as of 2023-06-20
get // Note: get ***should*** remain the first value here, to ensure that http.fetch() by default will use it
// uncommon ones:
The methods listed here are all of those on the list available at:
fn (Method) str #
fn (m Method) str() string
str returns the string representation of the HTTP Method m
enum SameSite #
enum SameSite {
same_site_default_mode = 1
SameSite allows a server to define a cookie attribute making it impossible for the browser to send this cookie along with cross-site requests. The main goal is to mitigate the risk of cross-origin information leakage, and provide some protection against cross-site request forgery attacks.
See for details.
enum ServerStatus #
enum ServerStatus {
enum Status #
enum Status {
unknown = -1
unassigned = 0
cont = 100
switching_protocols = 101
processing = 102
checkpoint_draft = 103
ok = 200
created = 201
accepted = 202
non_authoritative_information = 203
no_content = 204
reset_content = 205
partial_content = 206
multi_status = 207
already_reported = 208
im_used = 226
multiple_choices = 300
moved_permanently = 301
found = 302
see_other = 303
not_modified = 304
use_proxy = 305
switch_proxy = 306
temporary_redirect = 307
permanent_redirect = 308
bad_request = 400
unauthorized = 401
payment_required = 402
forbidden = 403
not_found = 404
method_not_allowed = 405
not_acceptable = 406
proxy_authentication_required = 407
request_timeout = 408
conflict = 409
gone = 410
length_required = 411
precondition_failed = 412
request_entity_too_large = 413
request_uri_too_long = 414
unsupported_media_type = 415
requested_range_not_satisfiable = 416
expectation_failed = 417
im_a_teapot = 418
misdirected_request = 421
unprocessable_entity = 422
locked = 423
failed_dependency = 424
unordered_collection = 425
upgrade_required = 426
precondition_required = 428
too_many_requests = 429
request_header_fields_too_large = 431
unavailable_for_legal_reasons = 451
client_closed_request = 499
internal_server_error = 500
not_implemented = 501
bad_gateway = 502
service_unavailable = 503
gateway_timeout = 504
http_version_not_supported = 505
variant_also_negotiates = 506
insufficient_storage = 507
loop_detected = 508
bandwidth_limit_exceeded = 509
not_extended = 510
network_authentication_required = 511
The status codes listed here are based on the comprehensive list, available at:
fn (Status) str #
fn (code Status) str() string
str returns the string representation of Status code
fn (Status) int #
fn (code Status) int() int
int converts an assigned and known Status to its integral equivalent. if a Status is unknown or unassigned, this method will return zero
fn (Status) is_valid #
fn (code Status) is_valid() bool
is_valid returns true if the status code is assigned and known
fn (Status) is_error #
fn (code Status) is_error() bool
is_error will return true if the status code represents either a client or a server error; otherwise will return false
fn (Status) is_success #
fn (code Status) is_success() bool
is_success will return true if the status code represents either an informational, success, or redirection response; otherwise will return false
enum Version #
enum Version {
The versions listed here are the most common ones.
fn (Version) str #
fn (v Version) str() string
fn (Version) protos #
fn (v Version) protos() (int, int)
protos returns the version major and minor numbers
struct Cookie #
struct Cookie {
pub mut:
name string
value string
path string // optional
domain string // optional
expires time.Time // optional
raw_expires string // for reading cookies only. optional.
// max_age=0 means no 'Max-Age' attribute specified.
// max_age<0 means delete cookie now, equivalently 'Max-Age: 0'
// max_age>0 means Max-Age attribute present and given in seconds
max_age int
secure bool
http_only bool
same_site SameSite
raw string
unparsed []string // Raw text of unparsed attribute-value pairs
fn (Cookie) str #
fn (c &Cookie) str() string
str returns the serialization of the cookie for use in a Cookie header (if only Name and Value are set) or a Set-Cookie response header (if other fields are set).
If is invalid, the empty string is returned.
struct DownloaderParams #
struct DownloaderParams {
pub mut:
downloader &Downloader = &TerminalStreamingDownloader{}
DownloaderParams is similar to FetchConfig, but it also allows you to pass a downloader: your_downloader_instance
parameter. See also http.SilentStreamingDownloader, and http.TerminalStreamingDownloader .
struct FetchConfig #
struct FetchConfig {
pub mut:
url string
method Method = .get
header Header
data string
params map[string]string
cookies map[string]string
user_agent string = 'v.http'
user_ptr voidptr = unsafe { nil }
verbose bool
proxy &HttpProxy = unsafe { nil }
validate bool // set this to true, if you want to stop requests, when their certificates are found to be invalid
verify string // the path to a rootca.pem file, containing trusted CA certificate(s)
cert string // the path to a cert.pem file, containing client certificate(s) for the request
cert_key string // the path to a key.pem file, containing private keys for the client certificate(s)
in_memory_verification bool // if true, verify, cert, and cert_key are read from memory, not from a file
allow_redirect bool = true // whether to allow redirect
max_retries int = 5 // maximum number of retries required when an underlying socket error occurs
// callbacks to allow custom reporting code to run, while the request is running, and to implement streaming
on_redirect RequestRedirectFn = unsafe { nil }
on_progress RequestProgressFn = unsafe { nil }
on_progress_body RequestProgressBodyFn = unsafe { nil }
on_finish RequestFinishFn = unsafe { nil }
stop_copying_limit i64 = -1 // after this many bytes are received, stop copying to the response. Note that on_progress and on_progress_body callbacks, will continue to fire normally, until the full response is read, which allows you to implement streaming downloads, without keeping the whole big response in memory
stop_receiving_limit i64 = -1 // after this many bytes are received, break out of the loop that reads the response, effectively stopping the request early. No more on_progress callbacks will be fired. The on_finish callback will fire.
FetchConfig holds configuration data for the fetch function.
struct FileData #
struct FileData {
filename string
content_type string
data string
struct Header #
struct Header {
pub mut:
// data map[string][]string
data [max_headers]HeaderKV
cur_pos int
// map of lowercase header keys to their original keys
// in order of appearance
// keys map[string][]string
Header represents the key-value pairs in an HTTP header
fn (Header) free #
fn (mut h Header) free()
fn (Header) add #
fn (mut h Header) add(key CommonHeader, value string)
add appends a value to the header key.
fn (Header) add_custom #
fn (mut h Header) add_custom(key string, value string) !
add_custom appends a value to a custom header key. This function will return an error if the key contains invalid header characters.
fn (Header) add_map #
fn (mut h Header) add_map(kvs map[CommonHeader]string)
add_map appends the value for each header key.
fn (Header) add_custom_map #
fn (mut h Header) add_custom_map(kvs map[string]string) !
add_custom_map appends the value for each custom header key.
fn (Header) set #
fn (mut h Header) set(key CommonHeader, value string)
set sets the key-value pair. This function will clear any other values that exist for the CommonHeader.
fn (Header) set_custom #
fn (mut h Header) set_custom(key string, value string) !
set_custom sets the key-value pair for a custom header key. This function will clear any other values that exist for the header. This function will return an error if the key contains invalid header characters.
fn (Header) delete #
fn (mut h Header) delete(key CommonHeader)
delete deletes all values for a key.
fn (Header) delete_custom #
fn (mut h Header) delete_custom(key string)
delete_custom deletes all values for a custom header key.
fn (Header) coerce #
fn (mut h Header) coerce(flags HeaderCoerceConfig)
coerce coerces data in the Header by joining keys that match case-insensitively into one entry. [deprecated: 'no need to call this method anymore, keys are automatically coerced']
fn (Header) contains #
fn (h Header) contains(key CommonHeader) bool
contains returns whether the header key exists in the map.
fn (Header) contains_custom #
fn (h Header) contains_custom(key string, flags HeaderQueryConfig) bool
contains_custom returns whether the custom header key exists in the map.
fn (Header) get #
fn (h Header) get(key CommonHeader) !string
get gets the first value for the CommonHeader, or none if the key does not exist.
fn (Header) get_custom #
fn (h Header) get_custom(key string, flags HeaderQueryConfig) !string
get_custom gets the first value for the custom header, or none if the key does not exist.
fn (Header) starting_with #
fn (h Header) starting_with(key string) !string
starting_with gets the first header starting with key, or none if the key does not exist.
fn (Header) values #
fn (h Header) values(key CommonHeader) []string
values gets all values for the CommonHeader.
fn (Header) custom_values #
fn (h Header) custom_values(key string, flags HeaderQueryConfig) []string
custom_values gets all values for the custom header.
fn (Header) keys #
fn (h Header) keys() []string
keys gets all header keys as strings
fn (Header) render #
fn (h Header) render(flags HeaderRenderConfig) string
render renders the Header into a string for use in sending HTTP requests. All header lines will end in \r\n
fn (Header) render_into_sb #
fn (h Header) render_into_sb(mut sb strings.Builder, flags HeaderRenderConfig)
render_into_sb works like render, but uses a preallocated string builder instead. This method should be used only for performance critical applications.
fn (Header) join #
fn (h Header) join(other Header) Header
join combines two Header structs into a new Header struct
fn (Header) str #
fn (h Header) str() string
str returns the headers string as seen in HTTP/1.1 requests. Key order is not guaranteed.
struct HeaderCoerceConfig #
struct HeaderCoerceConfig {
canonicalize bool
struct HeaderConfig #
struct HeaderConfig {
key CommonHeader
value string
struct HeaderQueryConfig #
struct HeaderQueryConfig {
exact bool
struct HeaderRenderConfig #
struct HeaderRenderConfig {
version Version
coerce bool
canonicalize bool
struct MultiplePathAttributesError #
struct MultiplePathAttributesError {
fn (MultiplePathAttributesError) msg #
fn (err MultiplePathAttributesError) msg() string
struct PostMultipartFormConfig #
struct PostMultipartFormConfig {
pub mut:
form map[string]string
files map[string][]FileData
header Header
struct Request #
struct Request {
pub mut:
version Version = .v1_1
method Method = .get
header Header
host string
cookies map[string]string @[deprecated: 'use req.cookie(name) and req.add_cookie(name) instead']
data string
url string
user_agent string = 'v.http'
verbose bool
user_ptr voidptr
proxy &HttpProxy = unsafe { nil }
// NOT implemented for ssl connections
// time = -1 for no timeout
read_timeout i64 = 30 * time.second
write_timeout i64 = 30 * time.second
validate bool // when true, certificate failures will stop further processing
verify string
cert string
cert_key string
in_memory_verification bool // if true, verify, cert, and cert_key are read from memory, not from a file
allow_redirect bool = true // whether to allow redirect
max_retries int = 5 // maximum number of retries required when an underlying socket error occurs
// callbacks to allow custom reporting code to run, while the request is running, and to implement streaming
on_redirect RequestRedirectFn = unsafe { nil }
on_progress RequestProgressFn = unsafe { nil }
on_progress_body RequestProgressBodyFn = unsafe { nil }
on_finish RequestFinishFn = unsafe { nil }
stop_copying_limit i64 = -1 // after this many bytes are received, stop copying to the response. Note that on_progress and on_progress_body callbacks, will continue to fire normally, until the full response is read, which allows you to implement streaming downloads, without keeping the whole big response in memory
stop_receiving_limit i64 = -1 // after this many bytes are received, break out of the loop that reads the response, effectively stopping the request early. No more on_progress callbacks will be fired. The on_finish callback will fire.
Request holds information about an HTTP request (either received by a server or to be sent by a client)
fn (Request) add_header #
fn (mut req Request) add_header(key CommonHeader, val string)
add_header adds the key and value of an HTTP request header To add a custom header, use add_custom_header
fn (Request) add_custom_header #
fn (mut req Request) add_custom_header(key string, val string) !
add_custom_header adds the key and value of an HTTP request header This method may fail if the key contains characters that are not permitted
fn (Request) do #
fn (req &Request) do() !Response
do will send the HTTP request and returns http.Response
as soon as the response is received
fn (Request) referer #
fn (req &Request) referer() string
referer returns 'Referer' header value of the given request
struct Response #
struct Response {
pub mut:
body string
header Header
status_code int
status_msg string
http_version string
Response represents the result of the request
fn (Response) bytes #
fn (resp Response) bytes() []u8
Formats resp to bytes suitable for HTTP response transmission
fn (Response) bytestr #
fn (resp Response) bytestr() string
Formats resp to a string suitable for HTTP response transmission
fn (Response) status #
fn (r Response) status() Status
status parses the status_code and returns a corresponding enum field of Status
fn (Response) set_status #
fn (mut r Response) set_status(s Status)
set_status sets the status_code and status_msg of the response
fn (Response) version #
fn (r Response) version() Version
version parses the version
fn (Response) set_version #
fn (mut r Response) set_version(v Version)
set_version sets the http_version string of the response
struct ResponseConfig #
struct ResponseConfig {
version Version = .v1_1
status Status = .ok
header Header
body string
struct Server #
struct Server {
state ServerStatus = .closed
pub mut:
addr string =':${default_server_port}'
port int = default_server_port @[deprecated: 'use addr']
handler Handler = DebugHandler{}
read_timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.second
write_timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.second
accept_timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.second
pool_channel_slots int = 1024
worker_num int = runtime.nr_jobs()
listener net.TcpListener
on_running fn (mut s Server) = unsafe { nil } // Blocking cb. If set, ran by the web server on transitions to its .running state.
on_stopped fn (mut s Server) = unsafe { nil } // Blocking cb. If set, ran by the web server on transitions to its .stopped state.
on_closed fn (mut s Server) = unsafe { nil } // Blocking cb. If set, ran by the web server on transitions to its .closed state.
show_startup_message bool = true // set to false, to remove the default `Listening on ...` message.
fn (Server) listen_and_serve #
fn (mut s Server) listen_and_serve()
listen_and_serve listens on the server port s.port
over TCP network and uses s.parse_and_respond
to handle requests on incoming connections with s.handler
fn (Server) stop #
fn (mut s Server) stop()
stop signals the server that it should not respond anymore.
fn (Server) close #
fn (mut s Server) close()
close immediately closes the port and signals the server that it has been closed.
fn (Server) status #
fn (s &Server) status() ServerStatus
status indicates whether the server is running, stopped, or closed.
fn (Server) wait_till_running #
fn (mut s Server) wait_till_running(params WaitTillRunningParams) !int
wait_till_running allows you to synchronise your calling (main) thread, with the state of the server (when the server is running in another thread). It returns an error, after params.max_retries * params.retry_period_ms milliseconds have passed, without that expected server transition.
struct SilentStreamingDownloader #
struct SilentStreamingDownloader {
pub mut:
path string
f os.File
SilentStreamingDownloader just saves the downloaded file chunks to the given path. It does no reporting at all.
Note: the folder part of the path should already exist, and has to be writable.
fn (SilentStreamingDownloader) on_start #
fn (mut d SilentStreamingDownloader) on_start(mut request Request, path string) !
on_start is called once at the start of the download.
fn (SilentStreamingDownloader) on_chunk #
fn (mut d SilentStreamingDownloader) on_chunk(request &Request, chunk []u8, already_received u64, expected u64) !
on_chunk is called multiple times, once per chunk of received content.
fn (SilentStreamingDownloader) on_finish #
fn (mut d SilentStreamingDownloader) on_finish(request &Request, response &Response) !
on_finish is called once at the end of the download.
struct TerminalStreamingDownloader #
struct TerminalStreamingDownloader {
start_time time.Time
past_time time.Time
past_received u64
TerminalStreamingDownloader is the same as http.SilentStreamingDownloader, but produces a progress line on stdout.
fn (TerminalStreamingDownloader) on_start #
fn (mut d TerminalStreamingDownloader) on_start(mut request Request, path string) !
on_start is called once at the start of the download.
fn (TerminalStreamingDownloader) on_chunk #
fn (mut d TerminalStreamingDownloader) on_chunk(request &Request, chunk []u8, already_received u64,
expected u64) !
on_chunk is called multiple times, once per chunk of received content.
fn (TerminalStreamingDownloader) on_finish #
fn (mut d TerminalStreamingDownloader) on_finish(request &Request, response &Response) !
on_finish is called once at the end of the download.
struct UnexpectedExtraAttributeError #
struct UnexpectedExtraAttributeError {
attributes []string
fn (UnexpectedExtraAttributeError) msg #
fn (err UnexpectedExtraAttributeError) msg() string
struct WaitTillRunningParams #
struct WaitTillRunningParams {
max_retries int = 100 // how many times to check for the status, for each single s.wait_till_running() call
retry_period_ms int = 10 // how much time to wait between each check for the status, in milliseconds
WaitTillRunningParams allows for parametrising the calls to s.wait_till_running()
- Constants
- fn delete
- fn download_file
- fn download_file_with_cookies
- fn download_file_with_progress
- fn fetch
- fn get
- fn get_text
- fn head
- fn is_cookie_domain_name
- fn method_from_str
- fn new_custom_header_from_map
- fn new_header
- fn new_header_from_map
- fn new_http_proxy
- fn new_request
- fn new_response
- fn parse_form
- fn parse_multipart_form
- fn parse_request
- fn parse_request_head
- fn parse_response
- fn patch
- fn post
- fn post_form
- fn post_form_with_cookies
- fn post_json
- fn post_multipart_form
- fn prepare
- fn put
- fn read_cookies
- fn sanitize_cookie_value
- fn status_from_int
- fn url_encode_form_data
- fn version_from_str
- interface Downloader
- interface Handler
- type HeaderKeyError
- type RequestFinishFn
- type RequestProgressBodyFn
- type RequestProgressFn
- type RequestRedirectFn
- enum CommonHeader
- enum Method
- enum SameSite
- enum ServerStatus
- enum Status
- enum Version
- struct Cookie
- struct DownloaderParams
- struct FetchConfig
- struct FileData
- struct Header
- struct HeaderCoerceConfig
- struct HeaderConfig
- struct HeaderQueryConfig
- struct HeaderRenderConfig
- struct MultiplePathAttributesError
- struct PostMultipartFormConfig
- struct Request
- struct Response
- struct ResponseConfig
- struct Server
- struct SilentStreamingDownloader
- struct TerminalStreamingDownloader
- struct UnexpectedExtraAttributeError
- struct WaitTillRunningParams