json #
The json
module provides encoding/decoding of V data structures to/from JSON. For more details, see also the JSON section of the V documentation
Here is an example of encoding and decoding a V struct with several fields. Note that you can specify different names in the json encoding for the fields, and that you can skip fields too, if needed.
import json
enum JobTitle {
struct Employee {
name string
family string @[json: '-'] // this field will be skipped
age int
salary f32
title JobTitle @[json: 'ETitle'] // the key for this field will be 'ETitle', not 'title'
notes string @[omitempty] // the JSON property is not created if the string is equal to '' (an empty string).
// TODO: document @[raw]
fn main() {
x := Employee{'Peter', 'Begins', 28, 95000.5, .worker, ''}
s := json.encode(x)
println('JSON encoding of employee x: ${s}')
assert s == '{"name":"Peter","age":28,"salary":95000.5,"ETitle":"worker"}'
mut y := json.decode(Employee, s)!
assert y != x
assert y.family == ''
y.family = 'Begins'
assert y == x
ss := json.encode(y)
println('JSON encoding of employee y: ${ss}')
assert ss == s
fn decode #
fn decode(typ voidptr, s string) !voidptr
decode tries to decode the provided JSON string, into a V structure. If it can not do that, it returns an error describing the reason for the parsing failure.
fn encode #
fn encode(x voidptr) string
encode serialises the provided V value as a JSON string, optimised for shortness.
fn encode_pretty #
fn encode_pretty(x voidptr) string
encode_pretty serialises the provided V value as a JSON string, in a formatted way, optimised for viewing by humans.
struct C.cJSON #
struct C.cJSON {
valueint int
valuedouble f64
valuestring &char