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net.mbedtls #

fn new_ssl_conn #

fn new_ssl_conn(config SSLConnectConfig) !&SSLConn

new_ssl_conn returns a new SSLConn with the given config.

fn new_ssl_listener #

fn new_ssl_listener(saddr string, config SSLConnectConfig) !&SSLListener

create a new SSLListener binding to saddr

struct C.mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context #

struct C.mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context {}

struct C.mbedtls_entropy_context #

struct C.mbedtls_entropy_context {}

struct C.mbedtls_net_context #

struct C.mbedtls_net_context {
	fd int

struct C.mbedtls_pk_context #

struct C.mbedtls_pk_context {}

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_config #

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_config {}

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_context #

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_context {}

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_recv_t #

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_recv_t {}

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_recv_timeout_t #

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_recv_timeout_t {}

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_send_t #

struct C.mbedtls_ssl_send_t {}

struct C.mbedtls_x509_crl #

struct C.mbedtls_x509_crl {}

struct C.mbedtls_x509_crt #

struct C.mbedtls_x509_crt {}

struct SSLConn #

struct SSLConn {
	config SSLConnectConfig
pub mut:
	server_fd C.mbedtls_net_context
	ssl       C.mbedtls_ssl_context
	conf      C.mbedtls_ssl_config
	certs     &SSLCerts = unsafe { nil }
	handle    int
	duration  time.Duration
	opened    bool

	owns_socket bool

SSLConn is the current connection

fn (SSLConn) shutdown #

fn (mut s SSLConn) shutdown() !

shutdown terminates the ssl connection and does cleanup

fn (SSLConn) connect #

fn (mut s SSLConn) connect(mut tcp_conn net.TcpConn, hostname string) !

connect sets up an ssl connection on an existing TCP connection

fn (SSLConn) dial #

fn (mut s SSLConn) dial(hostname string, port int) !

dial opens an ssl connection on hostname:port

fn (SSLConn) peer_addr #

fn (s &SSLConn) peer_addr() !net.Addr

peer_addr retrieves the ip address and port number used by the peer

fn (SSLConn) socket_read_into_ptr #

fn (mut s SSLConn) socket_read_into_ptr(buf_ptr &u8, len int) !int

socket_read_into_ptr reads len bytes into buf

fn (SSLConn) read #

fn (mut s SSLConn) read(mut buffer []u8) !int

read reads data from the ssl connection into buffer

fn (SSLConn) write_ptr #

fn (mut s SSLConn) write_ptr(bytes &u8, len int) !int

write_ptr writes len bytes from bytes to the ssl connection

fn (SSLConn) write #

fn (mut s SSLConn) write(bytes []u8) !int

write writes data from bytes to the ssl connection

fn (SSLConn) write_string #

fn (mut s SSLConn) write_string(str string) !int

write_string writes a string to the ssl connection

struct SSLConnectConfig #

struct SSLConnectConfig {
	verify   string // the path to a rootca.pem file, containing trusted CA certificate(s)
	cert     string // the path to a cert.pem file, containing client certificate(s) for the request
	cert_key string // the path to a key.pem file, containing private keys for the client certificate(s)
	validate bool   // set this to true, if you want to stop requests, when their certificates are found to be invalid

	in_memory_verification bool // if true, verify, cert, and cert_key are read from memory, not from a file

struct SSLListener #

struct SSLListener {
	saddr  string
	config SSLConnectConfig
	server_fd C.mbedtls_net_context
	ssl       C.mbedtls_ssl_context
	conf      C.mbedtls_ssl_config
	certs     &SSLCerts = unsafe { nil }
	opened    bool
	// handle		int
	// duration	time.Duration

SSLListener listens on a TCP port and accepts connection secured with TLS

fn (SSLListener) shutdown #

fn (mut l SSLListener) shutdown() !

finish the listener and clean up resources

fn (SSLListener) accept #

fn (mut l SSLListener) accept() !&SSLConn

accepts a new connection and returns a SSLConn of the connected client