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math.stats #

fn absdev #

fn absdev[T](data []T) T

absdev calculates the average distance between each data point and the mean Based on

fn absdev_mean #

fn absdev_mean[T](data []T, mean T) T

absdev_mean calculates the average distance between each data point and the provided mean Based on

fn covariance #

fn covariance[T](data1 []T, data2 []T) T

covariance calculates directional association between datasets positive value denotes variables move in same direction and negative denotes variables move in opposite directions

fn covariance_mean #

fn covariance_mean[T](data1 []T, data2 []T, mean1 T, mean2 T) T

covariance_mean computes the covariance of a dataset with means provided the recurrence relation

fn freq #

fn freq[T](data []T, val T) int

freq calculates the Measure of Occurrence Frequency of a given number Based on

fn geometric_mean #

fn geometric_mean[T](data []T) T

geometric_mean calculates the central tendency of the given input array, product(data)**1/data.len Based on

fn harmonic_mean #

fn harmonic_mean[T](data []T) T

harmonic_mean calculates the reciprocal of the average of reciprocals of the given input array Based on

fn kurtosis #

fn kurtosis[T](data []T) T

kurtosis calculates the measure of the 'tailedness' of the data by finding mean and standard of deviation

fn kurtosis_mean_stddev #

fn kurtosis_mean_stddev[T](data []T, mean T, sd T) T

kurtosis_mean_stddev calculates the measure of the 'tailedness' of the data using the fourth moment the deviations, normalized by the sd

fn lag1_autocorrelation #

fn lag1_autocorrelation[T](data []T) T

lag1_autocorrelation_mean calculates the correlation between values that are one time period apart of a dataset, based on the mean

fn lag1_autocorrelation_mean #

fn lag1_autocorrelation_mean[T](data []T, mean T) T

lag1_autocorrelation_mean calculates the correlation between values that are one time period apart of a dataset, using the recurrence relation

fn max #

fn max[T](data []T) T

max finds the maximum value from the dataset

fn max_index #

fn max_index[T](data []T) int

max_index finds the first index of the maximum value

fn mean #

fn mean[T](data []T) T

mean calculates the average of the given input array, sum(data)/data.len Based on

fn median #

fn median[T](sorted_data []T) T

median returns the middlemost value of the given input array ( input array is assumed to be sorted ) Based on

fn min #

fn min[T](data []T) T

min finds the minimum value from the dataset

fn min_index #

fn min_index[T](data []T) int

min_index finds the first index of the minimum value

fn minmax #

fn minmax[T](data []T) (T, T)

minmax finds the minimum and maximum value from the dataset

fn minmax_index #

fn minmax_index[T](data []T) (int, int)

minmax_index finds the first index of the minimum and maximum value

fn mode #

fn mode[T](data []T) T

mode calculates the highest occurring value of the given input array Based on

fn population_stddev #

fn population_stddev[T](data []T) T

population_stddev calculates how spread out the dataset is Based on

fn population_stddev_mean #

fn population_stddev_mean[T](data []T, mean T) T

population_stddev_mean calculates how spread out the dataset is, with the provide mean Based on

fn population_variance #

fn population_variance[T](data []T) T

population_variance is the Measure of Dispersion / Spread of the given input array Based on

fn population_variance_mean #

fn population_variance_mean[T](data []T, mean T) T

population_variance_mean is the Measure of Dispersion / Spread of the given input array, with the provided mean Based on

fn quantile #

fn quantile[T](sorted_data []T, f T) !T

quantile calculates quantile points for more reference

fn range #

fn range[T](data []T) T

range calculates the difference between the min and max Range ( Maximum - Minimum ) of the given input array Based on

fn rms #

fn rms[T](data []T) T

rms, Root Mean Square, calculates the sqrt of the mean of the squares of the given input array Based on

fn sample_stddev #

fn sample_stddev[T](data []T) T

Measure of Dispersion / Spread Sample Standard Deviation of the given input array Based on

fn sample_stddev_mean #

fn sample_stddev_mean[T](data []T, mean T) T

Measure of Dispersion / Spread Sample Standard Deviation of the given input array Based on

fn sample_variance #

fn sample_variance[T](data []T) T

sample_variance calculates the spread of dataset around the mean Based on

fn sample_variance_mean #

fn sample_variance_mean[T](data []T, mean T) T

sample_variance calculates the spread of dataset around the provided mean Based on

fn skew #

fn skew[T](data []T) T

skew calculates the mean and standard of deviation to find the skew from the data

fn skew_mean_stddev #

fn skew_mean_stddev[T](data []T, mean T, sd T) T

skew_mean_stddev calculates the skewness of data

fn tss #

fn tss[T](data []T) T

tts, Sum of squares, calculates the sum over all squared differences between values and overall mean

fn tss_mean #

fn tss_mean[T](data []T, mean T) T

tts_mean, Sum of squares, calculates the sum over all squared differences between values and the provided mean