log #
provides your application logging services. You can log to file or to the console and use different logging levels, so that you are not overwhelmed by the logs.
Basic usage
The log module creates a default Log instance by default, and provides utility functions, that you can use to access it.
Note: the default Log instance is thread safe.
That makes it very convenient to use in subsystems, without having to thread a log instance everywhere:
import log
fn abc() {
log.info('some information')
log.warn('a warning')
// this will not be visible, the default log level is .info:
log.debug('a debug message')
// this will be now visible, the log level was changed to .debug:
log.debug('a debug message')
Advanced usage
You can also create your own log instances, with different options applied to them:
import log
fn main() {
mut l := log.Log{}
l.fatal('fatal') // panic, marked as [noreturn]
Backwards compatibility
After 2025/01/21, the log
module outputs to stderr
by default. Before that, it used stdout
by default.
If you want to restore the previous behaviour, you have to explicitly call log.use_stdout()
import os
import log
fn main() {
// log.info('this will be printed to stderr after 2025/01/21 by default')
log.info('this will be printed to stdout')
If you want to just silence the note about the stdout -> stderr, during the transition period, call l.set_output_stream(os.stderr())
fn debug #
fn debug(s string)
debug logs a debug
message, using the default Logger instance
fn error #
fn error(s string)
error logs an error
message, using the default Logger instance
fn fatal #
fn fatal(s string)
fatal logs a fatal
message, using the default Logger instance
fn get_level #
fn get_level() Level
get_level returns the log level of the default Logger instance
fn get_logger #
fn get_logger() &Logger
get_logger returns a pointer to the current default logger instance
fn info #
fn info(s string)
info logs an info
message, using the default Logger instance
fn level_from_tag #
fn level_from_tag(tag string) ?Level
level_from_tag returns the log level from the given string. It returns none
when it does not find a match.
fn new_thread_safe_log #
fn new_thread_safe_log() &ThreadSafeLog
new_thread_safe_log returns a new log structure, whose methods are safe to call by multiple threads.
fn set_always_flush #
fn set_always_flush(should_flush_on_every_message bool)
set_always_flush called with true, will make the log flush after every single .fatal(), .error(), .warn(), .info(), .debug() call.
fn set_level #
fn set_level(level Level)
set_level changes the log level of the default Logger instance
fn set_logger #
fn set_logger(logger &Logger)
set_logger changes the default logger instance to the one provided by the user. The existing logger will be freed, after the change is done.
fn target_from_label #
fn target_from_label(label string) ?LogTarget
target_from_label returns the log target from the given string. It returns none
when it does not find a match.
fn use_stdout #
fn use_stdout()
use_stdout will restore the old behaviour of logging to stdout, instead of stderr. It will also silence the deprecation note in the transition period.
fn warn #
fn warn(s string)
error logs a warning
message, using the default Logger instance
interface Logger #
interface Logger {
get_level() Level
fatal(s string)
error(s string)
warn(s string)
info(s string)
debug(s string)
// utility methods:
set_level(level Level)
set_always_flush(should_flush bool)
Logger is an interface that describes a generic Logger
enum Level #
enum Level {
disabled = 0 // lowest level, disables everything else
fatal // disables error, warn, info and debug
error // disables warn, info and debug
warn // disables info and debug
info // disables debug
Level defines the possible log levels, used by Log.set_level()
enum LogTarget #
enum LogTarget {
LogTarget defines the possible log targets, that Log supports
enum TimeFormat #
enum TimeFormat {
tf_ss_micro // YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.123456 (24h)
tf_default // YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm (24h)
tf_ss // YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (24h)
tf_ss_milli // YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.123 (24h)
tf_ss_nano // YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss.123456789 (24h)
tf_rfc3339 // YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.123Z (24 hours, see https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339.html)
tf_rfc3339_micro // default, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.123456Z (24 hours, see https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339.html)
tf_rfc3339_nano // YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.123456789Z (24 hours, see https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339.html)
tf_hhmm // HH:mm (24h)
tf_hhmmss // HH:mm:ss (24h)
tf_hhmm12 // hh:mm (12h)
tf_ymmdd // YYYY-MM-DD
tf_ddmmy // DD.MM.YYYY
tf_md // MMM D
tf_custom_format // 'MMMM Do YY N kk:mm:ss A' output like: January 1st 22 AD 13:45:33 PM
TimeFormat define the log time string format, come from time/format.v
struct C.log__Logger #
struct C.log__Logger {
_object voidptr
Todo: remove this hack, when the language has a way to access the raw pointer to an interface value directly:
struct Log #
struct Log {
level Level = .debug
output_label string
ofile os.File
output_target LogTarget // output to console (stdout/stderr) or file or both.
time_format TimeFormat = .tf_rfc3339_micro
custom_time_format string = 'MMMM Do YY N kk:mm:ss A' // timestamp with custom format
short_tag bool
always_flush bool // flush after every single .fatal(), .error(), .warn(), .info(), .debug() call
output_stream io.Writer = stderr
pub mut:
output_file_name string // log output to this file
Log represents a logging object
fn (Log) get_level #
fn (l &Log) get_level() Level
get_level gets the internal logging level.
fn (Log) set_level #
fn (mut l Log) set_level(level Level)
set_level sets the logging level to level
. Messages for levels above it will skipped. For example, after calling log.set_level(.info), log.debug('message') will produce nothing. Call log.set_level(.disabled) to turn off the logging of all messages.
fn (Log) set_full_logpath #
fn (mut l Log) set_full_logpath(full_log_path string)
set_full_logpath sets the output label and output path from full_log_path
fn (Log) set_output_label #
fn (mut l Log) set_output_label(label string)
set_output_label sets the label
for the output.
fn (Log) set_output_path #
fn (mut l Log) set_output_path(output_file_path string)
set_output_path sets the file to which output is logged to.
fn (Log) set_output_stream #
fn (mut l Log) set_output_stream(stream io.Writer)
set_output_stream sets the output stream to write log e.g. stderr, stdout, etc.
fn (Log) log_to_console_too #
fn (mut l Log) log_to_console_too()
log_to_console_too turns on logging to the console too, in addition to logging to a file. You have to call it after calling .set_output_path(output_file_path).
fn (Log) flush #
fn (mut l Log) flush()
flush writes the log file content to disk.
fn (Log) close #
fn (mut l Log) close()
close closes the log file.
fn (Log) reopen #
fn (mut l Log) reopen() !
reopen reopens the log file. Useful for log rotation. This does nothing if you are only writing to the console.
fn (Log) send_output #
fn (mut l Log) send_output(s &string, level Level)
send_output writes log line s
with level
to either the log file or the console according to the value of the .output_target
fn (Log) fatal #
fn (mut l Log) fatal(s string)
fatal logs line s
via send_output
if Log.level
is greater than or equal to the Level.fatal
category. Note that this method performs a panic at the end, even if log level is not enabled.
fn (Log) error #
fn (mut l Log) error(s string)
error logs line s
via send_output
if Log.level
is greater than or equal to the Level.error
fn (Log) warn #
fn (mut l Log) warn(s string)
warn logs line s
via send_output
if Log.level
is greater than or equal to the Level.warn
fn (Log) info #
fn (mut l Log) info(s string)
info logs line s
via send_output
if Log.level
is greater than or equal to the Level.info
fn (Log) debug #
fn (mut l Log) debug(s string)
debug logs line s
via send_output
if Log.level
is greater than or equal to the Level.debug
fn (Log) free #
fn (mut f Log) free()
free frees the given Log instance
fn (Log) set_time_format #
fn (mut l Log) set_time_format(f TimeFormat)
set_time_format will set the log time format to a pre-defined format
fn (Log) set_always_flush #
fn (mut l Log) set_always_flush(should_flush_every_time bool)
set_always_flush called with true, will make the log flush after every single .fatal(), .error(), .warn(), .info(), .debug() call. That can be much slower, if you plan to do lots of frequent calls, but if your program exits early or crashes, your logs will be more complete.
fn (Log) get_time_format #
fn (l Log) get_time_format() TimeFormat
get_time_format will get the log time format
fn (Log) set_custom_time_format #
fn (mut l Log) set_custom_time_format(f string)
set_custom_time_format will set the log custom time format refer to time/custom_format() for more information eg. 'MMMM Do YY N kk:mm:ss A' output like: January 1st 22 AD 13:45:33 PM
fn (Log) get_custom_time_format #
fn (l Log) get_custom_time_format() string
get_custom_time_format will get the log custom time format
fn (Log) set_short_tag #
fn (mut l Log) set_short_tag(enabled bool)
set_short_tag will set the log tag to it's short version eg. '[FATAL]'=>'[F]', '[ERROR]'=>'[E]','[WARN ]'=>'[W]','[INFO ]'=>'[I]','[DEBUG]'=>'[D]'
fn (Log) get_short_tag #
fn (l Log) get_short_tag() bool
get_short_tag will get the log short tag enable state
struct ThreadSafeLog #
struct ThreadSafeLog {
pub mut:
mu &sync.Mutex = sync.new_mutex()
ThreadSafeLog embeds Log, and adds a mutex field. It uses the mutex to synchronise accesses to the embedded Log.
fn (ThreadSafeLog) free #
fn (mut x ThreadSafeLog) free()
free frees the given ThreadSafeLog instance.
fn (ThreadSafeLog) set_level #
fn (mut x ThreadSafeLog) set_level(level Level)
set_level changes the log level
fn (ThreadSafeLog) set_always_flush #
fn (mut x ThreadSafeLog) set_always_flush(should_flush bool)
set_always_flush called with true, will make the log flush after every single .fatal(), .error(), .warn(), .info(), .debug() call. That can be much slower, if you plan to do lots of frequent calls, but if your program exits early or crashes, your logs will be more complete.
fn (ThreadSafeLog) debug #
fn (mut x ThreadSafeLog) debug(s string)
debug logs a debug message
fn (ThreadSafeLog) info #
fn (mut x ThreadSafeLog) info(s string)
info logs an info messagep
fn (ThreadSafeLog) warn #
fn (mut x ThreadSafeLog) warn(s string)
warn logs a warning message
fn (ThreadSafeLog) error #
fn (mut x ThreadSafeLog) error(s string)
error logs an error message
fn (ThreadSafeLog) fatal #
fn (mut x ThreadSafeLog) fatal(s string)
fatal logs a fatal message, and panics
- fn debug
- fn error
- fn fatal
- fn get_level
- fn get_logger
- fn info
- fn level_from_tag
- fn new_thread_safe_log
- fn set_always_flush
- fn set_level
- fn set_logger
- fn target_from_label
- fn use_stdout
- fn warn
- interface Logger
- enum Level
- enum LogTarget
- enum TimeFormat
- struct C.log__Logger
- struct Log
- fn get_level
- fn set_level
- fn set_full_logpath
- fn set_output_label
- fn set_output_path
- fn set_output_stream
- fn log_to_console_too
- fn flush
- fn close
- fn reopen
- fn send_output
- fn fatal
- fn error
- fn warn
- fn info
- fn debug
- fn free
- fn set_time_format
- fn set_always_flush
- fn get_time_format
- fn set_custom_time_format
- fn get_custom_time_format
- fn set_short_tag
- fn get_short_tag
- struct ThreadSafeLog