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crypto.sha3 #

Constants #

const size_224 = 28

size_224 is the size, in bytes, of a sha3 sum224 checksum.

const size_256 = 32

size_256 is the size, in bytes, of a sha3 sum256 checksum.

const size_384 = 48

size_384 is the size, in bytes, of a sha3 sum384 checksum.

const size_512 = 64

size_512 is the size, in bytes, of a sha3 sum512 checksum.

const rate_224 = 144

rate_224 is the rate, in bytes, absorbed into the sponge on every permutation

const rate_256 = 136

rate_256 is the rate, in bytes, absorbed into the sponge on every permutation

const rate_384 = 104

rate_384 is the rate, in bytes, absorbed into the sponge on every permutation

const rate_512 = 72

rate_512 is the rate, in bytes, absorbed into the sponge on every permutation

const xof_rate_128 = 168

xof_rate_128 is the capacity, in bytes, of a 128 bit extended output function sponge

const xof_rate_256 = 136

xof_rate_256 is the capacity, in bytes, of a 256 bit extended output function sponge

fn keccak256 #

fn keccak256(data []u8) []u8

keccak256 returns the keccak 256 bit checksum of the data.

fn keccak512 #

fn keccak512(data []u8) []u8

keccak512 returns the keccak 512 bit checksum of the data.

fn new128xof #

fn new128xof(output_len int) !&Digest

new128_xof initializes the digest structure for a sha3 128 bit extended output function

fn new224 #

fn new224() !&Digest

new224 initializes the digest structure for a sha3 224 bit hash

fn new256 #

fn new256() !&Digest

new256 initializes the digest structure for a sha3 256 bit hash

fn new256keccak #

fn new256keccak() !&Digest

new256keccak initializes the digest structure for a keccak 256 bit hash

fn new256xof #

fn new256xof(output_len int) !&Digest

new256_xof initializes the digest structure for a sha3 256 bit extended output function

fn new384 #

fn new384() !&Digest

new384 initializes the digest structure for a sha3 384 bit hash

fn new512 #

fn new512() !&Digest

new512 initializes the digest structure for a sha3 512 bit hash

fn new512keccak #

fn new512keccak() !&Digest

new512keccak initializes the digest structure for a keccak 512 bit hash

fn new_digest #

fn new_digest(absorption_rate int, hash_size int, config PaddingConfig) !&Digest

new_digest creates an initialized digest structure based on the hash size.

absorption_rate is the number of bytes to be absorbed into the sponge per permutation.

hash_size - the number if bytes in the generated hash. Legal values are 224, 256, 384, and 512.

config - the padding setting for hash generation. .sha3 should be used for FIPS PUB 202 compliant SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 and SHA3-512. Use .keccak if you want a legacy Keccak-224, Keccak-256, Keccak-384 or Keccak-512 algorithm. .xof is for extended output functions.

fn new_xof_digest #

fn new_xof_digest(absorption_rate int, hash_size int) !&Digest

new_xof_digest creates an initialized digest structure based on the absorption rate and how many bytes of output you need

absorption_rate is the number of bytes to be absorbed into the sponge per permutation. Legal values are xof_rate_128 and xof_rate_256.

hash_size - the number if bytes in the generated hash. Legal values are positive integers.

fn shake128 #

fn shake128(data []u8, output_len int) []u8

shake128 returns the sha3 shake128 bit extended output

fn shake256 #

fn shake256(data []u8, output_len int) []u8

shake256 returns the sha3 shake256 bit extended output

fn sum224 #

fn sum224(data []u8) []u8

sum224 returns the sha3 224 bit checksum of the data.

fn sum256 #

fn sum256(data []u8) []u8

sum256 returns the sha3 256 bit checksum of the data.

fn sum384 #

fn sum384(data []u8) []u8

sum384 returns the sha3 384 bit checksum of the data.

fn sum512 #

fn sum512(data []u8) []u8

sum512 returns the sha3 512 bit checksum of the data.

fn (Digest) write #

fn (mut d Digest) write(data []u8) !

write adds bytes to the sponge.

This is the absorption phase of the computation.

fn (Digest) checksum #

fn (mut d Digest) checksum() []u8

checksum finalizes the hash and returns the generated bytes.

enum Padding #

enum Padding as u8 {
	keccak = 0x01
	sha3   = 0x06
	xof    = 0x1f

the low order pad bits for a hash function

struct PaddingConfig #

struct PaddingConfig {
	padding Padding = .sha3