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dlmalloc #

Constants #

const n_small_bins = 32
const n_tree_bins = 32
const small_bin_shift = 3
const tree_bin_shift = 8
const max_release_check_rate = 4095

fn calloc #

fn calloc(size usize) voidptr

Same as malloc, except if the allocation succeeds it's guaranteed to point to size bytes of zeros.

fn free #

fn free(ptr voidptr)

free deallocates a ptr.

fn get_system_allocator #

fn get_system_allocator() Allocator

get_system_allocator returns an allocator that uses the system allocator.

fn malloc #

fn malloc(size usize) voidptr

malloc allocates size bytes. It returns a null pointer if allocation fails. It returns a valid pointer otherwise.

fn memalign #

fn memalign(size usize, align usize) voidptr

memalign allocates size bytes with align align.

Returns a null pointer if allocation fails. Returns a valid pointer otherwise.

fn new #

fn new(system_allocator Allocator) Dlmalloc

new creates a new instance of Dlmalloc with the given system allocator.

fn realloc #

fn realloc(ptr voidptr, oldsize usize, newsize usize) voidptr

realloc reallocates ptr, a previous allocation with old_size and to have new_size.

Returns a null pointer if the memory couldn't be reallocated, but ptr is still valid. Returns a valid pointer and frees ptr if the request is satisfied.

enum Map_flags #

enum Map_flags {
	map_shared          = 0x01
	map_private         = 0x02
	map_shared_validate = 0x03
	map_type            = 0x0f
	map_fixed           = 0x10
	map_file            = 0x00
	map_anonymous       = 0x20
	map_huge_shift      = 26
	map_huge_mask       = 0x3f

enum Mm_prot #

enum Mm_prot {
	prot_read      = 0x1
	prot_write     = 0x2
	prot_exec      = 0x4
	prot_none      = 0x0
	prot_growsdown = 0x01000000
	prot_growsup   = 0x02000000

struct Allocator #

struct Allocator {
	alloc            fn (voidptr, usize) (voidptr, usize, u32)         = unsafe { nil }
	remap            fn (voidptr, voidptr, usize, usize, bool) voidptr = unsafe { nil }
	free_part        fn (voidptr, voidptr, usize, usize) bool          = unsafe { nil }
	free_            fn (voidptr, voidptr, usize) bool                 = unsafe { nil }
	can_release_part fn (voidptr, u32) bool = unsafe { nil }
	allocates_zeros  fn (voidptr) bool      = unsafe { nil }
	page_size        fn (voidptr) usize     = unsafe { nil } // not a constant field because some platforms might have different page sizes depending on configs
	data             voidptr

In order for dlmalloc to efficiently manage memory, it needs a way to communicate with the underlying platform. This Allocator type provides an interface for this communication.

Why not interface? Interfaces require memory allocation so it is simpler to pass a struct.

struct Dlmalloc #

struct Dlmalloc {
	system_allocator Allocator
	max_request      usize = 4294901657
	// bin maps
	smallmap u32 // bin map for small bins
	treemap  u32 // bin map  for tree bins

	smallbins      [66]&Chunk // small bins, it is actually (n_small_bins + 1) * 2
	treebins       [n_tree_bins]&TreeChunk
	dvsize         usize
	topsize        usize
	dv             &Chunk = unsafe { nil }
	top            &Chunk = unsafe { nil }
	footprint      usize
	max_footprint  usize
	seg            Segment
	trim_check     u32
	least_addr     voidptr
	release_checks usize

fn (Dlmalloc) calloc_must_clear #

fn (dl &Dlmalloc) calloc_must_clear(ptr voidptr) bool

fn (Dlmalloc) calloc #

fn (mut dl Dlmalloc) calloc(size usize) voidptr

calloc is the same as malloc, except if the allocation succeeds it's guaranteed to point to size bytes of zeros.

fn (Dlmalloc) free_ #

fn (mut dl Dlmalloc) free_(mem voidptr)

free_ behaves as libc free, but operates within the given space

fn (Dlmalloc) malloc #

fn (mut dl Dlmalloc) malloc(size usize) voidptr

malloc allocates a block of memory of the given size.

fn (Dlmalloc) realloc #

fn (mut dl Dlmalloc) realloc(oldmem voidptr, bytes usize) voidptr

realloc behaves as libc realloc, but operates within the given space

fn (Dlmalloc) memalign #

fn (mut dl Dlmalloc) memalign(alignment_ usize, bytes usize) voidptr

memaligns allocates memory aligned to alignment_. Only call this with power-of-two alignment and alignment > dlmalloc.malloc_alignment