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sokol.sapp #

fn android_get_native_activity #

fn android_get_native_activity() voidptr

Android: get native activity handle

fn cancel_quit #

fn cancel_quit()

cancel a pending quit (when SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED has been received)

fn color_format #

fn color_format() int

color_format gets default framebuffer color pixel format

fn consume_event #

fn consume_event()

call from inside event callback to consume the current event (don't forward to platform)

fn create_default_pass #

fn create_default_pass(action gfx.PassAction) gfx.Pass

create_default_pass creates a default gfx.Pass compatible with sapp and sokol.gfx.begin_pass/1.

fn create_desc #

fn create_desc() gfx.Desc

fn d3d11_get_depth_stencil_view #

fn d3d11_get_depth_stencil_view() voidptr

D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11DepthStencilView

fn d3d11_get_device #

fn d3d11_get_device() voidptr

D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11Device object

fn d3d11_get_device_context #

fn d3d11_get_device_context() voidptr

D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11DeviceContext object

fn d3d11_get_render_view #

fn d3d11_get_render_view() voidptr

D3D11: get pointer to ID3D11RenderView object

fn d3d11_get_resolve_view #

fn d3d11_get_resolve_view() voidptr

D3D11: get pointer ID3D11RenderTargetView object for msaa-resolve (may return null)

fn depth_format #

fn depth_format() int

depth_format gets default framebuffer depth pixel format

fn dpi_scale #

fn dpi_scale() f32

returns the dpi scaling factor (window pixels to framebuffer pixels)

fn frame_count #

fn frame_count() u64

get the current frame counter (for comparison with sapp_event.frame_count)

fn frame_duration #

fn frame_duration() f64

get an averaged/smoothed frame duration in seconds

fn get_clipboard_string #

fn get_clipboard_string() &char

read string from clipboard (usually during SAPP_EVENTTYPE_CLIPBOARD_PASTED)

fn get_dropped_file_path #

fn get_dropped_file_path(index int) string

fn get_num_dropped_files #

fn get_num_dropped_files() int

fn gl_get_framebuffer #

fn gl_get_framebuffer() u32

GL: get framebuffer object

fn glue_environment #

fn glue_environment() gfx.Environment

glue_environment returns a gfx.Environment compatible for use with sapp specific gfx.Passes. The retuned gfx.Environment can be used when rendering via sapp. See also: documentation at the top of thirdparty/sokol/sokol_gfx.h

fn glue_swapchain #

fn glue_swapchain() gfx.Swapchain

glue_swapchain returns a gfx.Swapchain compatible for use with sapp specific display/rendering gfx.Passes. The retuned gfx.Swapchain can be used when rendering via sapp. See also: documentation at the top of thirdparty/sokol/sokol_gfx.h

fn height #

fn height() int

returns the current framebuffer height in pixels

fn high_dpi #

fn high_dpi() bool

returns true when high_dpi was requested and actually running in a high-dpi scenario

fn html5_ask_leave_site #

fn html5_ask_leave_site(ask bool)

HTML5: enable or disable the hardwired "Leave Site?" dialog box

fn ios_get_window #

fn ios_get_window() voidptr

iOS: get ARC-bridged pointer to iOS UIWindow

fn is_fullscreen #

fn is_fullscreen() bool

Check if full screen rendering

fn isvalid #

fn isvalid() bool

returns true after sokol-app has been initialized

fn keyboard_shown #

fn keyboard_shown() bool

return true if the mobile device onscreen keyboard is currently shown

fn lock_mouse #

fn lock_mouse(locked bool)

fn macos_get_window #

fn macos_get_window() voidptr

macOS: get ARC-bridged pointer to macOS NSWindow

fn metal_get_current_drawable #

fn metal_get_current_drawable() voidptr

Metal: get ARC-bridged pointer to current drawable

fn metal_get_depth_stencil_texture #

fn metal_get_depth_stencil_texture() voidptr

Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's depth-stencil texture of type MTLTexture

fn metal_get_device #

fn metal_get_device() voidptr

Metal: get ARC-bridged pointer to Metal device object

fn metal_get_msaa_color_texture #

fn metal_get_msaa_color_texture() voidptr

Metal: get bridged pointer to MTKView's msaa-color-texture of type MTLTexture (may be null)

fn mouse_locked #

fn mouse_locked() bool

fn mouse_shown #

fn mouse_shown() bool

show or hide the mouse cursor

fn query_desc #

fn query_desc() Desc

return a copy of the sapp_desc structure

fn quit #

fn quit()

initiate a "hard quit" (quit application without sending SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)

fn request_quit #

fn request_quit()

initiate a "soft quit" (sends SAPP_EVENTTYPE_QUIT_REQUESTED)

fn run #

fn run(desc &Desc)

special run-function for SOKOL_NO_ENTRY (in standard mode this is an empty stub)

fn sample_count #

fn sample_count() int

sample_count gets default framebuffer sample count

fn screenshot #

fn screenshot(path string) !

screenshot takes a screenshot of the current window and saves it to path. The format is inferred from the extension of the file name in path.

Supported formats are: .png, .ppm.

fn screenshot_png #

fn screenshot_png(path string) !

screenshot_png takes a screenshot of the current window and saves it to path as a .png file.

fn screenshot_ppm #

fn screenshot_ppm(path string) !

screenshot_ppm takes a screenshot of the current window and saves it to path as a .ppm file.

fn screenshot_window #

fn screenshot_window() &Screenshot

fn set_clipboard_string #

fn set_clipboard_string(str &u8)

write string into clipboard

fn set_mouse_cursor #

fn set_mouse_cursor(cursor MouseCursor)

set mouse cursor

fn show_keyboard #

fn show_keyboard(visible bool)

show or hide the mobile device onscreen keyboard

fn show_mouse #

fn show_mouse(visible bool)

show or hide the mouse cursor

fn toggle_fullscreen #

fn toggle_fullscreen()

Toggle full screen

fn userdata #

fn userdata() voidptr

return the userdata pointer optionally provided in sapp_desc

fn wgpu_get_depth_stencil_view #

fn wgpu_get_depth_stencil_view() voidptr

WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView for the depth-stencil surface

fn wgpu_get_device #

fn wgpu_get_device() voidptr

WebGPU: get WGPUDevice handle

fn wgpu_get_render_view #

fn wgpu_get_render_view() voidptr

WebGPU: get swapchain's WGPUTextureView handle for rendering

fn wgpu_get_resolve_view #

fn wgpu_get_resolve_view() voidptr

WebGPU: get swapchain's MSAA-resolve WGPUTextureView (may return null)

fn width #

fn width() int

returns the current framebuffer width in pixels

fn win32_get_hwnd #

fn win32_get_hwnd() voidptr

Win32: get the HWND window handle

type Desc #

type Desc = C.sapp_desc

type Event #

type Event = C.sapp_event

type IconDesc #

type IconDesc = C.sapp_icon_desc

type ImageDesc #

type ImageDesc = C.sapp_image_desc

type Range #

type Range = C.sapp_range

type TouchPoint #

type TouchPoint = C.sapp_touchpoint

enum EventType #

enum EventType {
	files_droped  @[deprecated: 'use files_dropped instead'; deprecated_after: '2023-08-21']

enum KeyCode #

enum KeyCode {
	invalid       = 0
	space         = 32
	apostrophe    = 39 //'
	comma         = 44 //,
	minus         = 45 //-
	period        = 46 //.
	slash         = 47 ///
	_0            = 48
	_1            = 49
	_2            = 50
	_3            = 51
	_4            = 52
	_5            = 53
	_6            = 54
	_7            = 55
	_8            = 56
	_9            = 57
	semicolon     = 59 //;
	equal         = 61 //=
	a             = 65
	b             = 66
	c             = 67
	d             = 68
	e             = 69
	f             = 70
	g             = 71
	h             = 72
	i             = 73
	j             = 74
	k             = 75
	l             = 76
	m             = 77
	n             = 78
	o             = 79
	p             = 80
	q             = 81
	r             = 82
	s             = 83
	t             = 84
	u             = 85
	v             = 86
	w             = 87
	x             = 88
	y             = 89
	z             = 90
	left_bracket  = 91  //[
	backslash     = 92  //\
	right_bracket = 93  //]
	grave_accent  = 96  //`
	world_1       = 161 // non-us #1
	world_2       = 162 // non-us #2
	escape        = 256
	enter         = 257
	tab           = 258
	backspace     = 259
	insert        = 260
	delete        = 261
	right         = 262
	left          = 263
	down          = 264
	up            = 265
	page_up       = 266
	page_down     = 267
	home          = 268
	end           = 269
	caps_lock     = 280
	scroll_lock   = 281
	num_lock      = 282
	print_screen  = 283
	pause         = 284
	f1            = 290
	f2            = 291
	f3            = 292
	f4            = 293
	f5            = 294
	f6            = 295
	f7            = 296
	f8            = 297
	f9            = 298
	f10           = 299
	f11           = 300
	f12           = 301
	f13           = 302
	f14           = 303
	f15           = 304
	f16           = 305
	f17           = 306
	f18           = 307
	f19           = 308
	f20           = 309
	f21           = 310
	f22           = 311
	f23           = 312
	f24           = 313
	f25           = 314
	kp_0          = 320
	kp_1          = 321
	kp_2          = 322
	kp_3          = 323
	kp_4          = 324
	kp_5          = 325
	kp_6          = 326
	kp_7          = 327
	kp_8          = 328
	kp_9          = 329
	kp_decimal    = 330
	kp_divide     = 331
	kp_multiply   = 332
	kp_subtract   = 333
	kp_add        = 334
	kp_enter      = 335
	kp_equal      = 336
	left_shift    = 340
	left_control  = 341
	left_alt      = 342
	left_super    = 343
	right_shift   = 344
	right_control = 345
	right_alt     = 346
	right_super   = 347
	menu          = 348

enum Modifier #

enum Modifier {
	shift = 1 //(1<<0)
	ctrl  = 2 //(1<<1)
	alt   = 4 //(1<<2)
	super = 8 //(1<<3)
	lmb   = 0x100
	rmb   = 0x200
	mmb   = 0x400

enum MouseButton #

enum MouseButton {
	invalid = -1
	left    = 0
	right   = 1
	middle  = 2

enum MouseCursor #

enum MouseCursor {

enum TouchToolType #

enum TouchToolType {

TouchToolType is an Android specific 'tool type' enum for touch events. This lets the application check what type of input device was used for touch events.

Note: the values must remain in sync with the corresponding Android SDK type, so don't change those. See

struct C.sapp_allocator #

struct C.sapp_allocator {
pub mut:
	alloc_fn  memory.FnAllocatorAlloc = unsafe { nil }
	free_fn   memory.FnAllocatorFree  = unsafe { nil }
	user_data voidptr

struct C.sapp_desc #

struct C.sapp_desc {
	// these are the user-provided callbacks without user data
	init_cb    fn ()       = unsafe { nil }
	frame_cb   fn ()       = unsafe { nil }
	cleanup_cb fn ()       = unsafe { nil }
	event_cb   fn (&Event) = unsafe { nil } // &sapp_event
	// fail_cb    fn (&u8)    = unsafe { nil }

	user_data           voidptr // these are the user-provided callbacks with user data
	init_userdata_cb    fn (voidptr)         = unsafe { nil }
	frame_userdata_cb   fn (voidptr)         = unsafe { nil }
	cleanup_userdata_cb fn (voidptr)         = unsafe { nil }
	event_userdata_cb   fn (&Event, voidptr) = unsafe { nil }
	// fail_userdata_cb    fn (&char, voidptr)  = unsafe { nil }

	width                        int      // the preferred width of the window / canvas
	height                       int      // the preferred height of the window / canvas
	sample_count                 int      // MSAA sample count
	swap_interval                int      // the preferred swap interval (ignored on some platforms)
	high_dpi                     bool     // whether the rendering canvas is full-resolution on HighDPI displays
	fullscreen                   bool     // whether the window should be created in fullscreen mode
	alpha                        bool     // whether the framebuffer should have an alpha channel (ignored on some platforms)
	window_title                 &char    // the window title as UTF-8 encoded string
	enable_clipboard             bool     // enable clipboard access, default is false
	clipboard_size               int      // max size of clipboard content in bytes
	enable_dragndrop             bool     // enable file dropping (drag'n'drop), default is false
	max_dropped_files            int      // max number of dropped files to process (default: 1)
	max_dropped_file_path_length int      // max length in bytes of a dropped UTF-8 file path (default: 2048)
	icon                         IconDesc // the initial window icon to set
	// backend-specific options
	win32_console_utf8            bool  // if true, set the output console codepage to UTF-8
	win32_console_create          bool  // if true, attach stdout/stderr to a new console window
	win32_console_attach          bool  // if true, attach stdout/stderr to parent process
	html5_canvas_name             &char // the name (id) of the HTML5 canvas element, default is "canvas"
	html5_canvas_resize           bool  // if true, the HTML5 canvas size is set to sapp_desc.width/height, otherwise canvas size is tracked
	html5_preserve_drawing_buffer bool  // HTML5 only: whether to preserve default framebuffer content between frames
	html5_premultiplied_alpha     bool  // HTML5 only: whether the rendered pixels use premultiplied alpha convention
	html5_ask_leave_site          bool  // initial state of the internal html5_ask_leave_site flag (see sapp_html5_ask_leave_site())
	ios_keyboard_resizes_canvas   bool  // if true, showing the iOS keyboard shrinks the canvas
	// V patches
	__v_native_render bool // V patch to allow for native rendering
	min_width         int  // V patch to allow for min window width
	min_height        int  // V patch to allow for min window height
pub mut:
	allocator C.sapp_allocator // optional memory allocation overrides (default: malloc/free)
	logger    C.sapp_logger    // optional log callback overrides (default: SAPP_LOG(message))

struct C.sapp_event #

struct C.sapp_event {
	frame_count        u64                         // current frame counter, always valid, useful for checking if two events were issued in the same frame
	type               EventType                   // the event type, always valid
	key_code           KeyCode                     // the virtual key code, only valid in KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN
	char_code          u32                         // the UTF-32 character code, only valid in CHAR events
	key_repeat         bool                        // true if this is a key-repeat event, valid in KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN and CHAR
	modifiers          u32                         // current modifier keys, valid in all key-, char- and mouse-events
	mouse_button       MouseButton                 // mouse button that was pressed or released, valid in MOUSE_DOWN, MOUSE_UP
	mouse_x            f32                         // current horizontal mouse position in pixels, always valid except during mouse lock
	mouse_y            f32                         // current vertical mouse position in pixels, always valid except during mouse lock
	mouse_dx           f32                         // relative horizontal mouse movement since last frame, always valid
	mouse_dy           f32                         // relative vertical mouse movement since last frame, always valid
	scroll_x           f32                         // horizontal mouse wheel scroll distance, valid in MOUSE_SCROLL events
	scroll_y           f32                         // vertical mouse wheel scroll distance, valid in MOUSE_SCROLL events
	num_touches        int                         // number of valid items in the touches[] array
	touches            [max_touchpoints]TouchPoint // current touch points, valid in TOUCHES_BEGIN, TOUCHES_MOVED, TOUCHES_ENDED
	window_width       int                         // current window- and framebuffer width in pixels, always valid
	window_height      int                         // current window- and framebuffer height in pixels, always valid
	framebuffer_width  int                         // = window_width * dpi_scale
	framebuffer_height int                         // = window_height * dpi_scale

fn (C.sapp_event) str #

fn (e &C.sapp_event) str() string

struct C.sapp_icon_desc #

struct C.sapp_icon_desc {
	sokol_default bool
	images        [max_iconimages]ImageDesc

struct C.sapp_image_desc #

struct C.sapp_image_desc {
	width  int
	height int
	pixels Range

struct C.sapp_logger #

struct C.sapp_logger {
pub mut:
	func      memory.FnLogCb = unsafe { nil }
	user_data voidptr

struct C.sapp_range #

struct C.sapp_range {
	ptr  voidptr
	size usize

sapp_range is a general pointer/size-pair struct for passing binary blobs into sokol_app.h

struct C.sapp_touchpoint #

struct C.sapp_touchpoint {
	identifier       u64
	pos_x            f32
	pos_y            f32
	android_tooltype TouchToolType
	changed          bool

struct Screenshot #

struct Screenshot {
	width  int
	height int
	size   int
	pixels &u8 = unsafe { nil }

fn (Screenshot) free #

fn (mut ss Screenshot) free()

free - free only the Screenshot pixels.

fn (Screenshot) destroy #

fn (mut ss Screenshot) destroy()

destroy - free the Screenshot pixels, then free the screenshot data structure itself.