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crypto.ecdsa #


ecdsa module for V language. Its a wrapper on top of openssl ecdsa functionality. Its currently (expanded) to support the following curves:

  • NIST P-256 curve, commonly referred as prime256v1 or secp256r1
  • NIST P-384 curve, commonly referred as secp384r1
  • NIST P-521 curve, commonly referred as secp521r1
  • A famous Bitcoin curve, commonly referred as secp256k1


import crypto.ecdsa

fn main() {
    // create default NIST P-256 secp256r1 curve key pair. If you wish to generate another curve,
    // use: `pbkey, pvkey := ecdsa.generate_key(nid: .secp521r1)!` instead.
    pbkey, pvkey := ecdsa.generate_key()!

    message_tobe_signed := 'Hello ecdsa'.bytes()
    // create a signature with the recommended hash
    signature := pvkey.sign(message_tobe_signed)!

    // verify the message with the signature
    verified := pbkey.verify(message_tobe_signed, signature)!
    dump(verified) // should be true

    // free allocated keys when you have done with your work.

fn generate_key #

fn generate_key(opt CurveOptions) !(PublicKey, PrivateKey)

generate_key generates a new key pair. If opt was not provided, its default to prime256v1 curve. If you want another curve, use pubkey, pivkey := ecdsa.generate_key(nid: .secp384r1)! instead.

fn new_key_from_seed #

fn new_key_from_seed(seed []u8, opt CurveOptions) !PrivateKey

new_key_from_seed creates a new private key from the seed bytes. If opt was not provided, its default to prime256v1 curve.

Notes on the seed:

You should make sure, the seed bytes come from a cryptographically secure random generator, likes the crypto.rand or other trusted sources. Internally, the seed size's would be checked to not exceed the key size of underlying curve, ie, 32 bytes length for p-256 and secp256k1, 48 bytes length for p-384 and 66 bytes length for p-521. Its recommended to use seed with bytes length matching with underlying curve key size.

fn privkey_from_string #

fn privkey_from_string(s string) !PrivateKey

privkey_from_string loads a PrivateKey from valid PEM-formatted string in s. Underlying wrapper support for old SECG and PKCS8 private key format, but this was not heavily tested. This routine does not support for the PKCS8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo format. See ecdsa_seed_test.v file for example of usage.

fn pubkey_from_bytes #

fn pubkey_from_bytes(bytes []u8) !PublicKey

pubkey_from_bytes loads ECDSA Public Key from bytes array. The bytes of data should be a valid of ASN.1 DER serialized SubjectPublicKeyInfo structrue of RFC 5480. Otherwise, its should an error. Typically, you can load the bytes from pem formatted of ecdsa public key.


import crypto.pem
import crypto.ecdsa

const pubkey_sample = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'

block, _ := pem.decode(pubkey_sample) or { panic(err) }
pubkey := ecdsa.pubkey_from_bytes(!

fn pubkey_from_string #

fn pubkey_from_string(s string) !PublicKey

pubkey_from_string loads a PublicKey from valid PEM-formatted string in s.

fn #

fn CurveOptions) !PrivateKey creates a new key pair. By default, it would create a prime256v1 based key. Dont forget to call .free() after finish with your key.

enum HashConfig #

enum HashConfig {

HashConfig is an enumeration of the possible options for key signing (verifying).

enum Nid #

enum Nid {
	prime256v1 = C.NID_X9_62_prime256v1
	secp384r1  = C.NID_secp384r1
	secp521r1  = C.NID_secp521r1
	secp256k1  = C.NID_secp256k1

Nid is an enumeration of the supported curves

struct C.BIO #

struct C.BIO {}

struct CurveOptions #

struct CurveOptions {
pub mut:
	// default to NIST P-256 curve
	nid Nid = .prime256v1
	// by default, allow arbitrary size of seed bytes as key.
	// Set it to `true` when you need fixed size, using the curve key size.
	// Its main purposes is to support the `.new_key_from_seed` call.
	fixed_size bool

CurveOptions represents configuration options to drive keypair generation.

struct PrivateKey #

struct PrivateKey {
	// The new high level of keypair opaque
	evpkey &C.EVP_PKEY
	// ks_flag with .flexible value allowing
	// flexible-size seed bytes as key.
	// When it is `.fixed`, it will use the underlying key size.
	ks_flag KeyFlag = .flexible
	// ks_size stores size of the seed bytes when ks_flag was .flexible.
	// You should set it to a non zero value
	ks_size int

PrivateKey represents ECDSA private key. Actually its a key pair, contains private key and public key parts.

fn (PrivateKey) sign #

fn (pv PrivateKey) sign(message []u8, opt SignerOpts) ![]u8

sign performs signing the message with the options. By default options, it will perform hashing before signing the message.

fn (PrivateKey) sign_with_options #

deprecated: use PrivateKey.sign() instead
fn (pv PrivateKey) sign_with_options(message []u8, opt SignerOpts) ![]u8

sign_with_options signs message with the options. It will be deprecated, Use PrivateKey.sign() instead.

fn (PrivateKey) bytes #

fn (pv PrivateKey) bytes() ![]u8

bytes represent private key as bytes.

fn (PrivateKey) seed #

deprecated: use PrivateKey.bytes() instead
fn (pv PrivateKey) seed() ![]u8

seed gets the seed (private key bytes). It will be deprecated. Use PrivateKey.bytes() instead.

fn (PrivateKey) public_key #

fn (pv PrivateKey) public_key() !PublicKey

public_key gets the PublicKey from private key.

fn (PrivateKey) equal #

fn (priv_key PrivateKey) equal(other PrivateKey) bool

equal compares two private keys was equal.

fn (PrivateKey) free #

fn (pv &PrivateKey) free()

free clears out allocated memory for PrivateKey. Dont use PrivateKey after calling .free()

struct PublicKey #

struct PublicKey {
	// The new high level of keypair opaque
	evpkey &C.EVP_PKEY

PublicKey represents ECDSA public key for verifying message.

fn (PublicKey) bytes #

fn (pbk PublicKey) bytes() ![]u8

bytes gets the bytes of public key.

fn (PublicKey) equal #

fn (pub_key PublicKey) equal(other PublicKey) bool

equal compares two public keys was equal.

fn (PublicKey) free #

fn (pb &PublicKey) free()

free clears out allocated memory for PublicKey. Dont use PublicKey after calling .free()

fn (PublicKey) verify #

fn (pb PublicKey) verify(message []u8, sig []u8, opt SignerOpts) !bool

verify verifies a message with the signature are valid with public key provided . You should provide it with the same SignerOpts used with the .sign() call. or verify would fail (false).

struct SignerOpts #

struct SignerOpts {
pub mut:
	// default to .with_recommended_hash
	hash_config HashConfig = .with_recommended_hash
	// make sense when HashConfig != with_recommended_hash
	allow_smaller_size bool
	allow_custom_hash  bool
	// set to non-nil if allow_custom_hash was true
	custom_hash &hash.Hash = unsafe { nil }

SignerOpts represents configuration options to drive signing and verifying process.