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net.http.file #

fn serve #

fn serve(params StaticServeParams)

serve will start a static files web server.

The most common usage is the following: v -e 'import net.http.file; file.serve()' will listen for http requests on port 4001 by default, and serve all the files in the current folder.

Another example: v -e 'import net.http.file; file.serve(folder: "/tmp")' will serve all files inside the /tmp folder.

Another example: v -e 'import net.http.file; file.serve(folder: "~/Projects", on: ":5002")' will expose all the files inside the ~/Projects folder, on http://localhost:5002/ .

struct Entity #

struct Entity {
	path     string
	mod_time time.Time
	url      string
	fname    string

struct StaticServeParams #

struct StaticServeParams {
pub mut:
	folder         string        = '.' // the folder, that will be used as a base for serving all static resources; If it was /tmp, then: http://localhost:4001/x.txt => /tmp/x.txt
	index_file     string        = 'index.html' // A request for http://localhost:4001/ will map to index.html, if that file is present.
	auto_index     bool          = true // when an index_file is *not* present, a request for http://localhost:4001/ will list automatically all files in the folder.
	filter_myexe   bool          = true // whether to filter the name of the static file executable from the automatic folder listings for / . Useful with `v -e 'import net.http.file; file.serve()'`
	on             string        = 'localhost:4001' // on which address:port to listen for http requests
	workers        int           = runtime.nr_jobs() // how many worker threads to use for serving the responses, by default it is limited to the number of available cores; can be controlled with setting VJOBS
	shutdown_after time.Duration = time.infinite // after this time has passed, the webserver will gracefully shutdown on its own