v.live #
fn info #
fn info() &LiveReloadInfo
LiveReloadInfo.live_linkfn should be called by the reloader to dlsym all live functions. TODO: research a way to implement live_linkfn in pure V, without complicating live code generation too much.
The callbacks: cb_compile_fail, cb_before, cb_after will be executed outside the mutex protected section, so be careful, if you modify your data inside them. They can race with your @[live] functions.
cb_locked_before and cb_locked_after will be executed inside the mutex protected section. They can NOT race with your [live] functions. They should be very quick in what they do though, otherwise your live functions can be delayed.
live.info - give user access to program's LiveReloadInfo struct, so that the user can set callbacks, read meta information, etc.
type FNLinkLiveSymbols #
type FNLinkLiveSymbols = fn (linkcb voidptr)
type FNLiveReloadCB #
type FNLiveReloadCB = fn (info &LiveReloadInfo)
struct LiveReloadInfo #
struct LiveReloadInfo {
vexe string // full path to the v compiler
vopts string // v compiler options for a live shared library
original string // full path to the original source file, compiled with -live
live_fn_mutex voidptr // the address of the C mutex, that locks the @[live] fns during reloads.
live_linkfn FNLinkLiveSymbols = unsafe { nil } // generated C callback; receives a dlopen handle
so_extension string // .so or .dll
so_name_template string // a template for the shared libraries location
pub mut:
monitored_files []string // an array, containing all paths that should be monitored for changes
live_lib voidptr // the result of dl.open
reloads int // how many times a reloading was tried
reloads_ok int // how many times the reloads succeeded
reload_time_ms int // how much time the last reload took (compilation + loading)
last_mod_ts i64 // a timestamp for when the original was last changed
recheck_period_ms int = 100 // how often do you want to check for changes
cb_recheck FNLiveReloadCB = unsafe { nil } // executed periodically
cb_compile_failed FNLiveReloadCB = unsafe { nil } // executed when a reload compilation failed
cb_before FNLiveReloadCB = unsafe { nil } // executed before a reload try happens
cb_after FNLiveReloadCB = unsafe { nil } // executed after a reload try happened, even if failed
cb_locked_before FNLiveReloadCB = unsafe { nil } // executed before lib reload, in the mutex section
cb_locked_after FNLiveReloadCB = unsafe { nil } // executed after lib reload, in the mutex section
user_ptr voidptr = unsafe { nil } // you can set it to anything, then retrieve it in the cb_ fns