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arrays #


arrays is a module that provides utility functions to make working with arrays easier.


import arrays

fn main() {
    a := [1, 5, 7, 0, 9]
    assert arrays.min(a)! == 0
    assert arrays.max(a)! == 9
    assert arrays.idx_min(a)! == 3

fn append #

fn append[T](a []T, b []T) []T

append the second array b to the first array a, and return the result. Note, that unlike arrays.concat, arrays.append is less flexible, but more efficient, since it does not require you to use ...a for the second parameter.


arrays.append([1, 3, 5, 7], [2, 4, 6, 8]) // => [1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4, 6, 8]

fn carray_to_varray #

fn carray_to_varray[T](c_array_data voidptr, items int) []T

carray_to_varray copies a C byte array into a V array of type T. See also: cstring_to_vstring

fn chunk #

fn chunk[T](array []T, size int) [][]T

chunk array into a single array of arrays where each element is the next size elements of the original


arrays.chunk([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 2)) // => [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9]]

fn chunk_while #

fn chunk_while[T](a []T, predicate fn (before T, after T) bool) [][]T

chunk_while splits the input array a into chunks of varying length, using the predicate, passing to it pairs of adjacent elements before and after. Each chunk, will contain all ajdacent elements, for which the predicate returned true. The chunks are split between the before and after elements, for which the predicate returned false.


assert arrays.chunk_while([0,9,2,2,3,2,7,5,9,5],fn(x int,y int)bool{return x<=y})==[[0,9],[2,2,3],[2,7],[5,9],[5]]
assert arrays.chunk_while('aaaabbbcca'.runes(),fn(x rune,y rune)bool{return x==y})==[[`a`,`a`,`a`,`a`],[`b`,`b`,`b`],[`c`,`c`],[`a`]]
assert arrays.chunk_while('aaaabbbcca'.runes(),fn(x rune,y rune)bool{return x==y}).map({it[0]:it.len})==[{`a`:4},{`b`:3},{`c`:2},{`a`:1}]

fn concat #

fn concat[T](a []T, b ...T) []T

concatenate an array with an arbitrary number of additional values

Note: if you have two arrays, you should simply use the << operator directly


arrays.concat([1, 2, 3], 4, 5, 6) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] // => true
arrays.concat([1, 2, 3], ...[4, 5, 6]) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] // => true
arr << [4, 5, 6] // does what you need if arr is mutable

fn copy #

fn copy[T](mut dst []T, src []T) int

copy copies the src array elements to the dst array. The number of the elements copied is the minimum of the length of both arrays. Returns the number of elements copied.

fn distinct #

fn distinct[T](a []T) []T

distinct returns all distinct elements from the given array a. The results are guaranteed to be unique, i.e. not have duplicates. See also arrays.uniq, which can be used to achieve the same goal, but needs you to first sort the array.


assert arrays.distinct( [5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 9] ) == [1, 2, 5, 9]

fn each #

fn each[T](a []T, cb fn (elem T))

each calls the callback fn cb, for each element of the given array a

fn each_indexed #

fn each_indexed[T](a []T, cb fn (i int, e T))

each_indexed calls the callback fn cb, for each element of the given array a, passing it both the index of the current element, and the element itself

fn filter_indexed #

fn filter_indexed[T](array []T, predicate fn (idx int, elem T) bool) []T

filter_indexed filters elements based on predicate function being invoked on each element with its index in the original array.

fn find_first #

fn find_first[T](array []T, predicate fn (elem T) bool) ?T

find_first returns the first element that matches the given predicate. Returns none if no match is found.


arrays.find_first([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn (i int) bool { return i == 3 })? // => 3

fn find_last #

fn find_last[T](array []T, predicate fn (elem T) bool) ?T

find_last returns the last element that matches the given predicate. Returns none if no match is found.


arrays.find_last([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn (i int) bool { return i == 3})? // => 3

fn flat_map #

fn flat_map[T, R](array []T, transform fn (elem T) []R) []R

flat_map creates a new array populated with the flattened result of calling transform function being invoked on each element of list.

fn flat_map_indexed #

fn flat_map_indexed[T, R](array []T, transform fn (idx int, elem T) []R) []R

flat_map_indexed creates a new array populated with the flattened result of calling the transform function being invoked on each element with its index in the original array.

fn flatten #

fn flatten[T](array [][]T) []T

flatten flattens n + 1 dimensional array into n dimensional array


arrays.flatten[int]([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]) // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

fn fold #

fn fold[T, R](array []T, init R, fold_op fn (acc R, elem T) R) R

fold sets acc = init, then successively calls acc = fold_op(acc, elem) for each element in array. returns acc.


// Sum the length of each string in an array
a := ['Hi', 'all']
r := arrays.fold[string, int](a, 0,
	fn (r int, t string) int { return r + t.len })
assert r == 5

fn fold_indexed #

fn fold_indexed[T, R](array []T, init R, fold_op fn (idx int, acc R, elem T) R) R

fold_indexed sets acc = init, then successively calls acc = fold_op(idx, acc, elem) for each element in array. returns acc.

fn group #

fn group[T](arrs ...[]T) [][]T

group n arrays into a single array of arrays with n elements

This function is analogous to the "zip" function of other languages. To fully interleave two arrays, follow this function with a call to flatten.

Note: An error will be generated if the type annotation is omitted.

Example[int]([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) // => [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]

fn group_by #

fn group_by[K, V](array []V, grouping_op fn (val V) K) map[K][]V

group_by groups together elements, for which the grouping_op callback produced the same result.


arrays.group_by[int, string](['H', 'el', 'lo'], fn (v string) int { return v.len }) // => {1: ['H'], 2: ['el', 'lo']}

fn idx_max #

fn idx_max[T](array []T) !int

idx_max returns the index of the maximum value in the array


arrays.idx_max([1, 2, 3, 0, 9])! // => 4

fn idx_min #

fn idx_min[T](array []T) !int

idx_min returns the index of the minimum value in the array


arrays.idx_min([1, 2, 3, 0, 9])! // => 3

fn index_of_first #

fn index_of_first[T](array []T, predicate fn (idx int, elem T) bool) int

index_of_first returns the index of the first element of array, for which the predicate function returns true. If predicate does not return true for any of the elements, then index_of_first will return -1.


arrays.index_of_first([4,5,0,7,0,9], fn(idx int, x int) bool { return x == 0 }) == 2

fn index_of_last #

fn index_of_last[T](array []T, predicate fn (idx int, elem T) bool) int

index_of_last returns the index of the last element of array, for which the predicate function returns true. If predicate does not return true for any of the elements, then index_of_last will return -1.


arrays.index_of_last([4,5,0,7,0,9], fn(idx int, x int) bool { return x == 0 }) == 4

fn join_to_string #

fn join_to_string[T](array []T, separator string, transform fn (elem T) string) string

join_to_string takes in a custom transform function and joins all elements into a string with the specified separator

fn lower_bound #

fn lower_bound[T](array []T, val T) !T

returns the smallest element >= val, requires array to be sorted


arrays.lower_bound([2, 4, 6, 8], 3)! // => 4

fn map_indexed #

fn map_indexed[T, R](array []T, transform fn (idx int, elem T) R) []R

map_indexed creates a new array populated with the result of calling the transform function being invoked on each element with its index in the original array.

fn map_of_counts #

fn map_of_counts[T](array []T) map[T]int

map_of_counts returns a map, where each key is an unique value in array, and each value for that key is how many times that value occurs in array. It can be useful for building histograms of discrete measurements.


arrays.map_of_counts([1,2,3,4,4,2,1,4,4]) == {1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 1, 4: 4}

fn map_of_indexes #

fn map_of_indexes[T](array []T) map[T][]int

map_of_indexes returns a map, where each key is an unique value in array, and each value for that key is an array, containing the indexes in array, where that value has been found.


arrays.map_of_indexes([1,2,3,4,4,2,1,4,4,999]) == {1: [0, 6], 2: [1, 5], 3: [2], 4: [3, 4, 7, 8], 999: [9]}

fn max #

fn max[T](array []T) !T

max returns the maximum value in the array


arrays.max([1, 2, 3, 0, 9])! // => 9

fn merge #

fn merge[T](a []T, b []T) []T

merge two sorted arrays (ascending) and maintain sorted order


arrays.merge([1, 3, 5, 7], [2, 4, 6, 8]) // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

fn min #

fn min[T](array []T) !T

min returns the minimum value in the array


arrays.min([1, 2, 3, 0, 9])! // => 0

fn partition #

fn partition[T](array []T, predicate fn (elem T) bool) ([]T, []T)

partition splits the original array into pair of lists, where first list contains elements for which predicate yielded true, while second list contains elements for which predicate yielded false

fn reduce #

fn reduce[T](array []T, reduce_op fn (acc T, elem T) T) !T

reduce sets acc = array[0], then successively calls acc = reduce_op(acc, elem) for each remaining element in array. returns the accumulated value in acc. returns an error if the array is empty. See also: fold.


arrays.reduce([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn (t1 int, t2 int) int { return t1 * t2 })! // => 120

fn reduce_indexed #

fn reduce_indexed[T](array []T, reduce_op fn (idx int, acc T, elem T) T) !T

reduce_indexed sets acc = array[0], then successively calls acc = reduce_op(idx, acc, elem) for each remaining element in array. returns the accumulated value in acc. returns an error if the array is empty. See also: fold_indexed.

fn rotate_left #

fn rotate_left[T](mut array []T, mid int)

rotate_left rotates the array in-place such that the first mid elements of the array move to the end while the last array.len - mid elements move to the front. After calling rotate_left, the element previously at index mid will become the first element in the array.


mut x := [1,2,3,4,5,6]
arrays.rotate_left(mut x, 2)
println(x) // [3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2]

fn rotate_right #

fn rotate_right[T](mut array []T, k int)

rotate_right rotates the array in-place such that the first array.len - k elements of the array move to the end while the last k elements move to the front. After calling rotate_right, the element previously at index array.len - k will become the first element in the array.


mut x := [1,2,3,4,5,6]
arrays.rotate_right(mut x, 2)
println(x) // [5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4]

fn sum #

fn sum[T](array []T) !T

sum up array, return an error, when the array has no elements


arrays.sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])! // => 15

fn uniq #

fn uniq[T](a []T) []T

uniq filters the adjacent matching elements from the given array. All adjacent matching elements, are merged to their first occurrence, so the output will have no repeating elements.

Note: uniq does not detect repeats, unless they are adjacent. You may want to call a.sorted() on your array, before passing the result to arrays.uniq(). See also arrays.distinct, which is essentially arrays.uniq(a.sorted()) .


assert arrays.uniq( []int{} ) == []
assert arrays.uniq( [1, 1] ) == [1]
assert arrays.uniq( [2, 1] ) == [2, 1]
assert arrays.uniq( [5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 9] ) == [5, 1, 5, 2, 1, 9]

fn uniq_all_repeated #

fn uniq_all_repeated[T](a []T) []T

uniq_all_repeated produces all adjacent matching elements from the given array. Unique elements, with no duplicates are removed. The output will contain all the duplicated elements, repeated just like they were in the original.

Note: uniq_all_repeated does not detect repeats, unless they are adjacent. You may want to call a.sorted() on your array, before passing the result to arrays.uniq_all_repeated().


assert arrays.uniq_all_repeated( []int{} ) == []
assert arrays.uniq_all_repeated( [1, 5] ) == []
assert arrays.uniq_all_repeated( [5, 5] ) == [5,5]
assert arrays.uniq_all_repeated( [5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 9] ) == [5, 5, 1, 1]

fn uniq_only #

fn uniq_only[T](a []T) []T

uniq_only filters the adjacent matching elements from the given array. All adjacent matching elements, are removed. The output will contain only the elements that did not have any adjacent matches.

Note: uniq_only does not detect repeats, unless they are adjacent. You may want to call a.sorted() on your array, before passing the result to arrays.uniq_only().


assert arrays.uniq_only( []int{} ) == []
assert arrays.uniq_only( [1, 1] ) == []
assert arrays.uniq_only( [2, 1] ) == [2, 1]
assert arrays.uniq_only( [1, 5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 9] ) == [1, 1, 5, 2, 9]

fn uniq_only_repeated #

fn uniq_only_repeated[T](a []T) []T

uniq_only_repeated produces the adjacent matching elements from the given array. Unique elements, with no duplicates are removed. Adjacent matching elements, are reduced to just 1 element per repeat group.

Note: uniq_only_repeated does not detect repeats, unless they are adjacent. You may want to call a.sorted() on your array, before passing the result to arrays.uniq_only_repeated().


assert arrays.uniq_only_repeated( []int{} ) == []
assert arrays.uniq_only_repeated( [1, 5] ) == []
assert arrays.uniq_only_repeated( [5, 5] ) == [5]
assert arrays.uniq_only_repeated( [5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 1, 1, 9] ) == [5, 1]

fn upper_bound #

fn upper_bound[T](array []T, val T) !T

returns the largest element <= val, requires array to be sorted


arrays.upper_bound([2, 4, 6, 8], 3)! // => 2

fn window #

fn window[T](array []T, attr WindowAttribute) [][]T

get snapshots of the window of the given size sliding along array with the given step, where each snapshot is an array.- size - snapshot size

  • step - gap size between each snapshot, default is 1.


arrays.window([1, 2, 3, 4], size: 2) // => [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]
arrays.window([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], size: 3, step: 2) // => [[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 7], [7, 8, 9]]

struct WindowAttribute #

struct WindowAttribute {
	size int
	step int = 1