net #
provides networking functions. It is mostly a wrapper to BSD sockets, so you can listen on a port, connect to remote TCP/UDP services, and communicate with them.
Constants #
const tcp_default_write_timeout = 30 * time.second
const tcp_default_read_timeout = 30 * time.second
const error_eintr = int(C.EINTR)
const error_eagain = int(C.EAGAIN)
const error_einprogress = int(C.EINPROGRESS)
const error_ewouldblock = int(C.EWOULDBLOCK)
const msg_dontwait = C.MSG_DONTWAIT
const msg_nosignal = 0x4000
const no_timeout = time.Duration(0)
no_timeout should be given to functions when no timeout is wanted (i.e. all functions return instantly)
const infinite_timeout = time.infinite
infinite_timeout should be given to functions when an infinite_timeout is wanted (i.e. functions only ever return with data)
const errors_base = 0
Well defined errors that are returned from socket functions
const err_new_socket_failed = error_with_code('net: new_socket failed to create socket',
errors_base + 1)
const err_option_not_settable = error_with_code('net: set_option_xxx option not settable',
errors_base + 2)
const err_option_wrong_type = error_with_code('net: set_option_xxx option wrong type',
errors_base + 3)
const err_port_out_of_range = error_with_code('net: port out of range', errors_base + 5)
const err_no_udp_remote = error_with_code('net: no udp remote', errors_base + 6)
const err_connect_failed = error_with_code('net: connect failed', errors_base + 7)
const err_connect_timed_out = error_with_code('net: connect timed out', errors_base + 8)
const err_timed_out = error_with_code('net: op timed out', errors_base + 9)
const err_timed_out_code = errors_base + 9
const err_connection_refused = error_with_code('net: connection refused', errors_base + 10)
const opts_bool = [SocketOption.broadcast, .debug, .dont_route, .error, .keep_alive, .oob_inline]
const opts_int = [
const opts_can_set = [
fn addr_from_socket_handle #
fn addr_from_socket_handle(handle int) Addr
addr_from_socket_handle returns an address, based on the given integer socket handle
fn close #
fn close(handle int) !
close a socket, given its file descriptor handle
. In non-blocking mode, if close()
does not succeed immediately, it causes an error to be propagated to TcpSocket.close()
, which is not intended. Therefore, select
is used just like connect()
fn default_tcp_dialer #
fn default_tcp_dialer() Dialer
default_tcp_dialer will give you an instance of Dialer, that is suitable for making new tcp connections.
fn dial_tcp #
fn dial_tcp(oaddress string) !&TcpConn
dial_tcp will try to create a new TcpConn to the given address.
fn dial_tcp_with_bind #
fn dial_tcp_with_bind(saddr string, laddr string) !&TcpConn
dial_tcp_with_bind will bind the given local address laddr
and dial.
fn dial_udp #
fn dial_udp(raddr string) !&UdpConn
fn error_code #
fn error_code() int
fn listen_tcp #
fn listen_tcp(family AddrFamily, saddr string, options ListenOptions) !&TcpListener
fn listen_udp #
fn listen_udp(laddr string) !&UdpConn
fn new_ip #
fn new_ip(port u16, addr [4]u8) Addr
new_ip creates a new Addr from the IPv4 address family, based on the given port and addr
fn new_ip6 #
fn new_ip6(port u16, addr [16]u8) Addr
new_ip6 creates a new Addr from the IP6 address family, based on the given port and addr
fn new_tcp_socket #
fn new_tcp_socket(family AddrFamily) !TcpSocket
This is a workaround for issue noline
ensure that in -prod
mode(CFLAG = -O3 -flto
), gcc does not generate wrong instruction sequence
fn peer_addr_from_socket_handle #
fn peer_addr_from_socket_handle(handle int) !Addr
peer_addr_from_socket_handle retrieves the ip address and port number, given a socket handle
fn resolve_addrs #
fn resolve_addrs(addr string, family AddrFamily, typ SocketType) ![]Addr
resolve_addrs converts the given addr
, family
and typ
to a list of addresses
fn resolve_addrs_fuzzy #
fn resolve_addrs_fuzzy(addr string, typ SocketType) ![]Addr
resolve_addrs converts the given addr
and typ
to a list of addresses
fn resolve_ipaddrs #
fn resolve_ipaddrs(addr string, family AddrFamily, typ SocketType) ![]Addr
resolve_ipaddrs converts the given addr
, family
and typ
to a list of addresses
fn set_blocking #
fn set_blocking(handle int, state bool) !
set_blocking will change the state of the socket to either blocking, when state is true, or non blocking (false).
fn shutdown #
fn shutdown(handle int, config ShutdownConfig) int
shutdown shutsdown a socket, given its file descriptor handle
. By default it shuts it down in both directions, both for reading and for writing. You can change that using net.shutdown(handle, how: .read)
or net.shutdown(handle, how: .write)
In non-blocking mode, shutdown()
may not succeed immediately, so select
is also used to make sure that the function doesn't return an incorrect result.
fn socket_error #
fn socket_error(potential_code int) !int
fn socket_error_message #
fn socket_error_message(potential_code int, s string) !int
fn split_address #
fn split_address(addr string) !(string, u16)
split_address splits an address into its host name and its port
fn tcp_socket_from_handle_raw #
fn tcp_socket_from_handle_raw(sockfd int) TcpSocket
tcp_socket_from_handle_raw is similar to tcp_socket_from_handle, but it does not modify any socket options
fn validate_port #
fn validate_port(port int) !u16
validate_port checks whether a port is valid and returns the port or an error. The valid ports numbers are between 0 and 0xFFFF. For TCP, port number 0 is reserved and cannot be used, while for UDP, the source port is optional and a value of zero means no port. See also .
fn wrap_error #
fn wrap_error(error_code int) !
interface Connection #
interface Connection {
addr() !Addr
peer_addr() !Addr
read(mut []u8) !int
write([]u8) !int
close() !
Connection provides a generic SOCK_STREAM style interface that protocols can use as a base connection object to support TCP, UNIX Domain Sockets and various proxying solutions.
interface Dialer #
interface Dialer {
dial(address string) !Connection
Dialer is an abstract dialer interface for producing connections to addresses.
fn (TcpSocket) set_option_bool #
fn (mut s TcpSocket) set_option_bool(opt SocketOption, value bool) !
fn (TcpSocket) set_option_int #
fn (mut s TcpSocket) set_option_int(opt SocketOption, value int) !
fn (TcpSocket) set_dualstack #
fn (mut s TcpSocket) set_dualstack(on bool) !
fn (TcpSocket) bind #
fn (mut s TcpSocket) bind(addr string) !
bind a local rddress for TcpSocket
fn (UdpSocket) set_option_bool #
fn (mut s UdpSocket) set_option_bool(opt SocketOption, value bool) !
fn (UdpSocket) set_dualstack #
fn (mut s UdpSocket) set_dualstack(on bool) !
fn (UdpSocket) close #
fn (mut s UdpSocket) close() !
close shuts down and closes the socket for communication.
fn (UdpSocket) select #
fn (mut s UdpSocket) select(test Select, timeout time.Duration) !bool
select waits for no more than timeout
for the IO operation, defined by test
, to be available.
fn (UdpSocket) remote #
fn (s &UdpSocket) remote() ?Addr
remote returns the remote Addr
address of the socket or none
if no remote is has been resolved.
enum AddrFamily #
enum AddrFamily {
unix = C.AF_UNIX
ip = C.AF_INET
ip6 = C.AF_INET6
unspec = C.AF_UNSPEC
AddrFamily are the available address families
enum ShutdownDirection #
enum ShutdownDirection {
ShutdownDirection is used by net.shutdown
, for specifying the direction for which the communication will be cut.
enum SocketOption #
enum SocketOption {
// TODO: SO_ACCEPT_CONN is not here because windows doesn't support it
// and there is no easy way to define it
broadcast = C.SO_BROADCAST
debug = C.SO_DEBUG
dont_route = C.SO_DONTROUTE
error = C.SO_ERROR
keep_alive = C.SO_KEEPALIVE
linger = C.SO_LINGER
oob_inline = C.SO_OOBINLINE
reuse_addr = C.SO_REUSEADDR
receive_buf_size = C.SO_RCVBUF
receive_low_size = C.SO_RCVLOWAT
receive_timeout = C.SO_RCVTIMEO
send_buf_size = C.SO_SNDBUF
send_low_size = C.SO_SNDLOWAT
send_timeout = C.SO_SNDTIMEO
socket_type = C.SO_TYPE
ipv6_only = C.IPV6_V6ONLY
ip_proto_ipv6 = C.IPPROTO_IPV6
// reuse_port = C.SO_REUSEPORT // TODO make it work in windows
// tcp_fastopen = C.TCP_FASTOPEN // TODO make it work in windows
// tcp_quickack = C.TCP_QUICKACK // TODO make it work in os != linux
// tcp_defer_accept = C.TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT // TODO make it work in windows
enum SocketType #
enum SocketType {
seqpacket = C.SOCK_SEQPACKET
SocketType are the available sockets
struct Addr #
struct Addr {
f u16
addr AddrData
fn (Addr) family #
fn (a Addr) family() AddrFamily
family returns the family/kind of the given address a
fn (Addr) len #
fn (a Addr) len() u32
len returns the length in bytes of the address a
, depending on its family
fn (Addr) port #
fn (a Addr) port() !u16
port returns the ip or ip6 port of the given address a
fn (Addr) str #
fn (a Addr) str() string
str returns a string representation of the address a
struct C.addrinfo #
struct C.addrinfo {
ai_family int
ai_socktype int
ai_flags int
ai_protocol int
ai_addrlen int
ai_addr voidptr
ai_canonname voidptr
ai_next voidptr
struct C.fd_set #
struct C.fd_set {}
struct C.sockaddr_in #
struct C.sockaddr_in {
sin_family u16
sin_port u16
sin_addr u32
struct C.sockaddr_in6 #
struct C.sockaddr_in6 {
sin6_family u16
sin6_port u16
sin6_addr [4]u32
struct C.sockaddr_un #
struct C.sockaddr_un {
sun_family u16
sun_path [max_unix_path]char
struct Ip #
struct Ip {
port u16
addr [4]u8
// Pad to size so that socket functions
// dont complain to us (see in.h and bind())
// TODO(emily): I would really like to use
// some constant calculations here
// so that this doesnt have to be hardcoded
sin_pad [8]u8
fn (Ip) str #
fn (a Ip) str() string
str returns a string representation of a
struct Ip6 #
struct Ip6 {
port u16
flow_info u32
addr [16]u8
scope_id u32
fn (Ip6) str #
fn (a Ip6) str() string
str returns a string representation of a
struct ListenOptions #
struct ListenOptions {
dualstack bool = true
backlog int = 128
struct ShutdownConfig #
struct ShutdownConfig {
how ShutdownDirection = .read_and_write
struct Socket #
struct Socket {
handle int
fn (Socket) address #
fn (s &Socket) address() !Addr
address gets the address of a socket
struct TCPDialer #
struct TCPDialer {}
TCPDialer is a concrete instance of the Dialer interface, for creating tcp connections.
fn (TCPDialer) dial #
fn (t TCPDialer) dial(address string) !Connection
dial will try to create a new abstract connection to the given address. It will return an error, if that is not possible.
struct TcpConn #
struct TcpConn {
pub mut:
sock TcpSocket
handle int
write_deadline time.Time
read_deadline time.Time
read_timeout time.Duration
write_timeout time.Duration
is_blocking bool = true
fn (TcpConn) addr #
fn (c &TcpConn) addr() !Addr
fn (TcpConn) close #
fn (mut c TcpConn) close() !
close closes the tcp connection
fn (TcpConn) get_blocking #
fn (mut con TcpConn) get_blocking() bool
get_blocking returns whether the connection is in a blocking state, that is calls to .read_line, C.recv etc will block till there is new data arrived, instead of returning immediately.
fn (TcpConn) peer_addr #
fn (c &TcpConn) peer_addr() !Addr
peer_addr retrieves the ip address and port number used by the peer
fn (TcpConn) peer_ip #
fn (c &TcpConn) peer_ip() !string
peer_ip retrieves the ip address used by the peer, and returns it as a string
fn (TcpConn) read #
fn (c TcpConn) read(mut buf []u8) !int
read reads data from the tcp connection into the mutable buffer buf
. The number of bytes read is limited to the length of the buffer buf.len
. The returned value is the number of read bytes (between 0 and buf.len
fn (TcpConn) read_deadline #
fn (mut c TcpConn) read_deadline() !time.Time
fn (TcpConn) read_line #
fn (mut con TcpConn) read_line() string
read_line is a simple, non customizable, blocking line reader. It will return a line, ending with LF, or just '', on EOF.
Note: if you want more control over the buffer, please use a buffered IO reader instead: io.new_buffered_reader({reader: io.make_reader(con)})
fn (TcpConn) read_line_max #
fn (mut con TcpConn) read_line_max(max_line_len int) string
read_line_max is a simple, non customizable, blocking line reader. It will return a line, ending with LF, '' on EOF. It stops reading, when the result line length exceeds max_line_len.
fn (TcpConn) read_ptr #
fn (c TcpConn) read_ptr(buf_ptr &u8, len int) !int
read_ptr reads data from the tcp connection to the given buffer. It reads at most len
bytes. It returns the number of actually read bytes, which can vary between 0 to len
fn (TcpConn) read_timeout #
fn (c &TcpConn) read_timeout() time.Duration
fn (TcpConn) set_blocking #
fn (mut con TcpConn) set_blocking(state bool) !
set_blocking will change the state of the connection to either blocking, when state is true, or non blocking (false). The default for net
tcp connections is the blocking mode. Calling .read_line will set the connection to blocking mode. In general, changing the blocking mode after a successful connection may cause unexpected surprises, so this function is not recommended to be called anywhere but for this file.
fn (TcpConn) set_read_deadline #
fn (mut c TcpConn) set_read_deadline(deadline time.Time)
fn (TcpConn) set_read_timeout #
fn (mut c TcpConn) set_read_timeout(t time.Duration)
fn (TcpConn) set_sock #
fn (mut c TcpConn) set_sock() !
set_sock initialises the c.sock field. It should be called after .accept_only()!
Note: just use .accept()!
. In most cases it is simpler, and calls .set_sock()!
for you.
fn (TcpConn) set_write_deadline #
fn (mut c TcpConn) set_write_deadline(deadline time.Time)
fn (TcpConn) set_write_timeout #
fn (mut c TcpConn) set_write_timeout(t time.Duration)
fn (TcpConn) str #
fn (c TcpConn) str() string
fn (TcpConn) wait_for_read #
fn (c TcpConn) wait_for_read() !
fn (TcpConn) wait_for_write #
fn (mut c TcpConn) wait_for_write() !
fn (TcpConn) write #
fn (mut c TcpConn) write(bytes []u8) !int
write blocks and attempts to write all data
fn (TcpConn) write_deadline #
fn (mut c TcpConn) write_deadline() !time.Time
fn (TcpConn) write_ptr #
fn (mut c TcpConn) write_ptr(b &u8, len int) !int
write_ptr blocks and attempts to write all data
fn (TcpConn) write_string #
fn (mut c TcpConn) write_string(s string) !int
write_string blocks and attempts to write all data
fn (TcpConn) write_timeout #
fn (c &TcpConn) write_timeout() time.Duration
struct TcpListener #
struct TcpListener {
pub mut:
sock TcpSocket
accept_timeout time.Duration
accept_deadline time.Time
is_blocking bool = true
fn (TcpListener) accept #
fn (mut l TcpListener) accept() !&TcpConn
accept a tcp connection from an external source to the listener l
fn (TcpListener) accept_only #
fn (mut l TcpListener) accept_only() !&TcpConn
accept_only accepts a tcp connection from an external source to the listener l
. Unlike accept
, accept_only
will not call .set_sock()!
on the result, and is thus faster.
Note: you need to call .set_sock()!
manually, before using theconnection after calling .accept_only()!
, but that does not have to happen in the same thread that called .accept_only()!
. The intention of this API, is to have a more efficient way to accept connections, that are later processed by a thread pool, while the main thread remains active, so that it can accept other connections. See also vlib/vweb/vweb.v .
If you do not need that, just call .accept()!
instead, which will call .set_sock()!
for you.
fn (TcpListener) accept_deadline #
fn (c &TcpListener) accept_deadline() !time.Time
fn (TcpListener) set_accept_deadline #
fn (mut c TcpListener) set_accept_deadline(deadline time.Time)
fn (TcpListener) accept_timeout #
fn (c &TcpListener) accept_timeout() time.Duration
fn (TcpListener) set_accept_timeout #
fn (mut c TcpListener) set_accept_timeout(t time.Duration)
fn (TcpListener) wait_for_accept #
fn (mut c TcpListener) wait_for_accept() !
fn (TcpListener) close #
fn (mut c TcpListener) close() !
fn (TcpListener) addr #
fn (c &TcpListener) addr() !Addr
struct UdpConn #
struct UdpConn {
pub mut:
sock UdpSocket
write_deadline time.Time
read_deadline time.Time
read_timeout time.Duration
write_timeout time.Duration
fn (UdpConn) write_ptr #
fn (mut c UdpConn) write_ptr(b &u8, len int) !int
sock := UdpSocket{ handle: sbase.handle l: local r: resolve_wrapper(raddr) } }
fn (UdpConn) write #
fn (mut c UdpConn) write(buf []u8) !int
fn (UdpConn) write_string #
fn (mut c UdpConn) write_string(s string) !int
fn (UdpConn) write_to_ptr #
fn (mut c UdpConn) write_to_ptr(addr Addr, b &u8, len int) !int
fn (UdpConn) write_to #
fn (mut c UdpConn) write_to(addr Addr, buf []u8) !int
write_to blocks and writes the buf to the remote addr specified
fn (UdpConn) write_to_string #
fn (mut c UdpConn) write_to_string(addr Addr, s string) !int
write_to_string blocks and writes the buf to the remote addr specified
fn (UdpConn) read_ptr #
fn (c &UdpConn) read_ptr(buf_ptr &u8, len int) !(int, Addr)
read_ptr reads from the socket into buf_ptr
up to len
bytes, returning the number of bytes read and the Addr
read from.
fn (UdpConn) read #
fn (mut c UdpConn) read(mut buf []u8) !(int, Addr)
read reads from the socket into buf up to buf.len returning the number of bytes read
fn (UdpConn) read_deadline #
fn (c &UdpConn) read_deadline() !time.Time
fn (UdpConn) set_read_deadline #
fn (mut c UdpConn) set_read_deadline(deadline time.Time)
fn (UdpConn) write_deadline #
fn (c &UdpConn) write_deadline() !time.Time
fn (UdpConn) set_write_deadline #
fn (mut c UdpConn) set_write_deadline(deadline time.Time)
fn (UdpConn) read_timeout #
fn (c &UdpConn) read_timeout() time.Duration
fn (UdpConn) set_read_timeout #
fn (mut c UdpConn) set_read_timeout(t time.Duration)
fn (UdpConn) write_timeout #
fn (c &UdpConn) write_timeout() time.Duration
fn (UdpConn) set_write_timeout #
fn (mut c UdpConn) set_write_timeout(t time.Duration)
fn (UdpConn) wait_for_read #
fn (c &UdpConn) wait_for_read() !
fn (UdpConn) wait_for_write #
fn (mut c UdpConn) wait_for_write() !
fn (UdpConn) str #
fn (c &UdpConn) str() string
fn (UdpConn) close #
fn (mut c UdpConn) close() !
struct Unix #
struct Unix {
path [max_unix_path]u8
- Constants
- fn addr_from_socket_handle
- fn close
- fn default_tcp_dialer
- fn dial_tcp
- fn dial_tcp_with_bind
- fn dial_udp
- fn error_code
- fn listen_tcp
- fn listen_udp
- fn new_ip
- fn new_ip6
- fn new_tcp_socket
- fn peer_addr_from_socket_handle
- fn resolve_addrs
- fn resolve_addrs_fuzzy
- fn resolve_ipaddrs
- fn set_blocking
- fn shutdown
- fn socket_error
- fn socket_error_message
- fn split_address
- fn tcp_socket_from_handle_raw
- fn validate_port
- fn wrap_error
- interface Connection
- interface Dialer
- type TcpSocket
- type UdpSocket
- enum AddrFamily
- enum ShutdownDirection
- enum SocketOption
- enum SocketType
- struct Addr
- struct C.addrinfo
- struct C.fd_set
- struct C.sockaddr_in
- struct C.sockaddr_in6
- struct C.sockaddr_un
- struct Ip
- struct Ip6
- struct ListenOptions
- struct ShutdownConfig
- struct Socket
- struct TCPDialer
- struct TcpConn
- fn addr
- fn close
- fn get_blocking
- fn peer_addr
- fn peer_ip
- fn read
- fn read_deadline
- fn read_line
- fn read_line_max
- fn read_ptr
- fn read_timeout
- fn set_blocking
- fn set_read_deadline
- fn set_read_timeout
- fn set_sock
- fn set_write_deadline
- fn set_write_timeout
- fn str
- fn wait_for_read
- fn wait_for_write
- fn write
- fn write_deadline
- fn write_ptr
- fn write_string
- fn write_timeout
- struct TcpListener
- struct UdpConn
- fn write_ptr
- fn write
- fn write_string
- fn write_to_ptr
- fn write_to
- fn write_to_string
- fn read_ptr
- fn read
- fn read_deadline
- fn set_read_deadline
- fn write_deadline
- fn set_write_deadline
- fn read_timeout
- fn set_read_timeout
- fn write_timeout
- fn set_write_timeout
- fn wait_for_read
- fn wait_for_write
- fn str
- fn close
- struct Unix