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crypto.blake2s #

Constants #

const size128 = 16

size128 is the size, in bytes, of a Blake2s 128 checksum.

const size160 = 20

size160 is the size, in bytes, of a Blake2s 160 checksum.

const size224 = 28

size224 is the size, in bytes, of a Blake2s 224 checksum.

const size256 = 32

size256 is the size, in bytes, of a Blake2s 256 checksum.

const block_size = 64

block_size is the block size, in bytes, of the Blake2s hash functions.

fn new128 #

fn new128() !&Digest

new126 initializes the digest structure for a Blake2s 128 bit hash

fn new160 #

fn new160() !&Digest

new160 initializes the digest structure for a Blake2s 160 bit hash

fn new224 #

fn new224() !&Digest

new224 initializes the digest structure for a Blake2s 224 bit hash

fn new256 #

fn new256() !&Digest

new256 initializes the digest structure for a Blake2s 256 bit hash

fn new_digest #

fn new_digest(hash_size u8, key []u8) !&Digest

new_digest creates an initialized digest structure based on the hash size and whether or not you specify a MAC key.

hash_size - the number of bytes in the generated hash. Legal values are between 1 and 32.

key - key used for generating a prefix MAC. A zero length key is used for just generating a hash. A key of 1 to 32 bytes can be used for generating a prefix MAC.

fn new_pmac128 #

fn new_pmac128(key []u8) !&Digest

new_pmac128 initializes the digest structure for a Blake2s 128 bit prefix MAC

fn new_pmac160 #

fn new_pmac160(key []u8) !&Digest

new_pmac160 initializes the digest structure for a Blake2s 160 bit prefix MAC

fn new_pmac224 #

fn new_pmac224(key []u8) !&Digest

new_pmac224 initializes the digest structure for a Blake2s 224 bit prefix MAC

fn new_pmac256 #

fn new_pmac256(key []u8) !&Digest

new_pmac256 initializes the digest structure for a Blake2s 256 bit prefix MAC

fn pmac128 #

fn pmac128(data []u8, key []u8) []u8

pmac128 returns the Blake2s 128 bit prefix MAC of the data.

fn pmac160 #

fn pmac160(data []u8, key []u8) []u8

pmac160 returns the Blake2s 160 bit prefix MAC of the data.

fn pmac224 #

fn pmac224(data []u8, key []u8) []u8

pmac224 returns the Blake2s 224 bit prefix MAC of the data.

fn pmac256 #

fn pmac256(data []u8, key []u8) []u8

pmac256 returns the Blake2s 256 bit prefix MAC of the data.

fn sum128 #

fn sum128(data []u8) []u8

sum128 returns the Blake2s 128 bit checksum of the data.

fn sum160 #

fn sum160(data []u8) []u8

sum160 returns the Blake2s 160 bit checksum of the data.

fn sum224 #

fn sum224(data []u8) []u8

sum224 returns the Blake2s 224 bit checksum of the data.

fn sum256 #

fn sum256(data []u8) []u8

sum256 returns the Blake2s 256 bit checksum of the data.

fn (Digest) str #

fn (d Digest) str() string

string makes a formatted string representation of a Digest structure

fn (Digest) write #

fn (mut d Digest) write(data []u8) !

write adds bytes to the hash

fn (Digest) checksum #

fn (mut d Digest) checksum() []u8

checksum finalizes the hash and returns the generated bytes.