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math.internal #

Constants #

const f64_epsilon = 2.2204460492503131e-16

contants to do fine tuning of precision for the functions implemented in pure V

const sqrt_f64_epsilon = 1.4901161193847656e-08
const root3_f64_epsilon = 6.0554544523933429e-06
const root4_f64_epsilon = 1.2207031250000000e-04
const root5_f64_epsilon = 7.4009597974140505e-04
const root6_f64_epsilon = 2.4607833005759251e-03
const log_f64_epsilon = -3.6043653389117154e+01
const f64_min = 2.2250738585072014e-308
const sqrt_f64_min = 1.4916681462400413e-154
const root3_f64_min = 2.8126442852362996e-103
const root4_f64_min = 1.2213386697554620e-77
const root5_f64_min = 2.9476022969691763e-62
const root6_f64_min = 5.3034368905798218e-52
const log_f64_min = -7.0839641853226408e+02
const f64_max = 1.7976931348623157e+308
const sqrt_f64_max = 1.3407807929942596e+154
const root3_f64_max = 5.6438030941222897e+102
const root4_f64_max = 1.1579208923731620e+77
const root5_f64_max = 4.4765466227572707e+61
const root6_f64_max = 2.3756689782295612e+51
const log_f64_max = 7.0978271289338397e+02
const f32_epsilon = 1.1920928955078125e-07
const sqrt_f32_epsilon = 3.4526698300124393e-04
const root3_f32_epsilon = 4.9215666011518501e-03
const root4_f32_epsilon = 1.8581361171917516e-02
const root5_f32_epsilon = 4.1234622211652937e-02
const root6_f32_epsilon = 7.0153878019335827e-02
const log_f32_epsilon = -1.5942385152878742e+01
const f32_min = 1.1754943508222875e-38
const sqrt_f32_min = 1.0842021724855044e-19
const root3_f32_min = 2.2737367544323241e-13
const root4_f32_min = 3.2927225399135965e-10
const root5_f32_min = 2.5944428542140822e-08
const root6_f32_min = 4.7683715820312542e-07
const log_f32_min = -8.7336544750553102e+01
const f32_max = 3.4028234663852886e+38
const sqrt_f32_max = 1.8446743523953730e+19
const root3_f32_max = 6.9814635196223242e+12
const root4_f32_max = 4.2949672319999986e+09
const root5_f32_max = 5.0859007855960041e+07
const root6_f32_max = 2.6422459233807749e+06
const log_f32_max = 8.8722839052068352e+01
const sflt_epsilon = 4.8828125000000000e-04
const sqrt_sflt_epsilon = 2.2097086912079612e-02
const root3_sflt_epsilon = 7.8745065618429588e-02
const root4_sflt_epsilon = 1.4865088937534013e-01
const root5_sflt_epsilon = 2.1763764082403100e-01
const root6_sflt_epsilon = 2.8061551207734325e-01
const log_sflt_epsilon = -7.6246189861593985e+00
const max_int_fact_arg = 170
const max_f64_fact_arg = 171.0
const max_long_f64_fact_arg = 1755.5